A Cinderella Story《灰姑娘的玻璃手机》台词剧本.doc

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1、Cinderella Story Script once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom,lived a beautiful little girl. .and her widowed father. its beautiful. okay. it wasnt that long ago.And it wasnt really a faraway kingdom. it was the San Fernando Valley.it looked faraway. .because you barely see itthrough the smog. But

2、to me, growing up,the Valley was my kingdom. i was my dads best friend.And he was mine. Being raised by a man put me behind inthe makeup and fashion departments. But i never felt like i missed outon anything. i was the luckiest girl in the world. My dad owned the coolest diner.i loved hanging out th

3、ere. Diet was a four-letter word here. .and grease cameat no additional charge. At Hals, everyone felt like family. Oh, yeah, i have drinks. Happy birthday! Make a wish, princess. What did i need a wish for?i had amazing friends and the coolest dad. But i guess my dad thought i neededone more thing:

4、 Fiona. i am so sorry. You iook beautifui, Fiona. Hey, Hai! Along with my new stepmother cameher twin daughters, Brianna and Gabriella. My out-of-step-sisters. But as long as my dad was happy, so was i.We were going to be one big, happy family. Cheese. Ones enough. Unfortunately, this was no fairy t

5、ale. He took her hand, and he kissed it. Then he swooped her up ontohis horse. And the beautifui princess and thehandsome prince rode off to his castie. .where they iived happiiy ever after. Do fairy taies come true, Dad? Weii, no. But dreams come true. -Do you have a dream?-Yeah. My dream is that y

6、ouii grow upand go to coiiege. .and then maybe someday youii buiidyour own castie. Where do princesses go to coiiege? They go. .where the princes go. They go to Princeton. But, Sam, you know, fairy taies arentJust about finding handsome princes. Theyre about fuifiiiing your dreams. .and about standi

7、ng up for whatyou beiieve in. As i aiways say, never iet thefear of striking out- -Keep you from piaying the game.-Right. Just remember, if you iook carefuiiy,this book contains important things. .that you may need to knowiater in iife. -EarthQuake.-My kingdom crumbled. .during the Northridge earthq

8、uake. Heip! Heip! -Dont go.-iii be right back. i lost my best friend that day. From then on, the only fairy talesin my life. .were the ones i read about in books. Since my father didnt leave a will,my stepmother got everything. The house, the diner,and to her dismay, me. Sam. Sammy. Sam! its breakfa

9、st time. So bring me my breakfast. Sam! Carefui, iadies. Look for the eyes.One, two, three, bicycie. And feint. Magpie, magpie, magpie.Fiap and fiap and fiap. Mary Lou Retton! Paim tree and paim tree.Lady Liberty. Lady Liberty. Around the harbor. Around the harbor.Circie Line tour. And hurricane. Ca

10、n you beiieve how extraordinariiygifted my giris are? Absoiuteiy unbeiievabie. Reaiiy. -Sam!-Find each other. Look in the eyes. -im coming.-One, two, three and four. .and right, ieft, up and down. is this the Norwegian saimon i asked for?i need my omega- s. Oniy the best. i can teii. You know, it co

11、sts a fortune to fiythat stuff in from Norwegia. And push it, iadies. Push it, iadies.Push it, iadies. Ready? Okay. -Gross. Mom!-i have a spastic coion. Weii, you have a spastic brain. -Stop. Stop hitting her. Stop.-You bit me. What are you doing Just standing there?Get to work. i cant go to work no

12、w.ive got a big test i have to study for. Listen, Sam. Peopie go to schooito get smarter. .so that they can get a Job. You aiready have a Job.So its iike skipping a step. Come on, get going. And Fiying Karamazov. No, honey. Leave those on. The iawn iooks a iittie brown. Fiona, were supposed to be co

13、nservingwater. Were in the middie of a drought. Droughts are for poor peopie. Do you think J.Lo has a brown iawn? Peopie who use extra waterhave extra ciass. You caii that grade-A beef? Weii, that cowmust have cheated on his test. Pickup. Bobby, enough with the saimon. You aiready made a saimon omei

14、et, saimonsoup and saimon pudding. Come on. -Heip me. Fiona wants to eat me.-Thats nasty. -Bite me, Rhonda. Bite me.-Thats nasty. -Eieanor, your orders up.-Coming. i got it. Safe. im okay. -Chuck, how you doing?-Super. Thats good. So cheese omeiet,extra bacon, crisp. -.biueberry muffin and a Coke.-M

15、ake it a Diet Coke. im trying to watch my weight. it aint going nowhere. Pick up these saimon waffies. -Sam, why are you stiii here?-im aimost done. -Youii be iate for schooi.-iii get there. -Fiona goes baiiistic if i dont finish.-i dont care. What i care about is your education. Shes got you gettin

16、g upat the crack of dawn. -Your dad wouid want you at schooi.-But- No more buts. You Just ieave Fionaand her big butt to me. -Thanks, Rhonda.-Get. Hey, iooking good, Mr. Farreii. A mans best friend is his Mercedes,Sam. iii remember that. Any- Anything is possibieif you Just beiieve. -Anything is pos

17、sibie if you Just-Audition today, son? -Yeah, : aii right? Teii Mom.-Knock them dead. Dad. Now, do you see what i have to goto schooi in? No offense, Sam. Honestiy, dont you feei sorryfor me? No, i feei sorry about the three carswe got you that you totaied. Okay. Aii right. -Carter, what are you wea

18、ring?-What-? This is my Snoop Dizzie iook. i cannot drive you to schooi iike that. Sam, i am a Method actor, okay?This is part of my training. i know, i know, i know. But iook at this. Aii right. Take two. Buenos dias, Fighting Frogs. Heres your daiiy drought reminderto conserve agua. Cut your showe

19、rs short. Brownie points go out to Mr. Rothman,who hasnt had one in weeks. Remember, todays your last chanceto get tickets. .to the big Halloween homecomingdance. You too can dress up iike someoneyoure not, for a change. -i mean, i-i piedge aiiegiance to the fiag. .of the United States of America,an

20、d to the repubiic. .for which it stands, one nation- Primo parking spot dead ahead. -Okay, theres a spot. Theres a spot.-Sam, watch out. Watch out. Okay. You snooze, you iose! Weii, if it isnt Sheiby Cummingsand her iadies in waiting. -Sheiby wants me so bad.-Youve never even taiked to her before. O

21、h, ive taiked to her. Okay? in my mind. And iet me teii you,in my mind, she wants me so bad. Carter, you couid do so much better thanSheiby Cummings. Even in your mind. -Theres another spot.-Got it. Come on. Austin. Peopie iike Sheiby and Austin. .are geneticaiiy programmedto find each other. How ca

22、n so much ego bein one reiationship? -imagine what they say about you.-They dont even know i exist. Staikerazzi at ociock. The white zone is for cooi peopie oniy.No geeks. Hey, diner giri, can i get abreakfast burrito to go? Thank you. And you thought they didntknow you exist. -That cars as oid as t

23、hat hat.-Right. Move. Move. Move. -Move. Move.-Hi. Sheiby. Hey, sister-friend. Remind me why we toierate them. They gave you a Prada bagfor your birthday. Try Frada bag. Totaiiy fake. Greetings. Samantha, you iook absoiuteiystunning today, as per usuai. Thank you, Terry. if youii excuse me, i must g

24、et backto my gaiaxy now. Zion, Lieutenant Terry here. Heiio? Can you hear me? Captain?Youre going in and out. -Poor guy.-At ieast hes happy. -Happy? Guy iives in another worid.-i copy. Sometimes fantasy is betterthan reaiity, Carter. -Speaking of fantasy.-iii see you iater. Yes, the secret admirer b

25、eckons. Where have you been?We havent talked in ages. We taiked this morning. i cant stop thinking about you. Whats on your mind right now? You first. Well, im thinking that Professor Rothmansdissected one too many frogs. Ribet, ribet. Laugh out ioud. i wanna hear your laugh.When can we finally meet

26、? Soon. Hows your day so far? Raging stepmom, work and cool kidswho cant get over themselves. -Ever feel like you dont belong?-Absolutely. i can be surrounded by a seaof people and still feel all alone. Then i think of you. Hey, Nomad, do you thinkweve ever met? i dont know. our schoolhas over kids.

27、 Well, that narrows it down. Well, at least i can eliminate the guys. Youre not a guy, right? Because if you are,ill kick your butt. i am not a guy. Have you told your dadabout Princeton yet? if only i could. i havent even told himi wanna be a writer. My father always encouraged meto pursue my dream

28、s. Not mine. He has another planfor my life. its a.m. Weve been at thisfor five hours. Well, i think we broke our record. -We should turn in. Sweet dreams.-Wait. i cant sleep without knowingtheres hope. Half the night i waste in sighs. in a wakeful doze i sorrow. For the hand, the lips. .the eyes. F

29、or the meeting of tomorrow. Quoting Tennyson. impressive. Please meet me at thehomecoming dance. ill be waiting for you at : in the middle of the dance floor. Sweet dreams. That was ciose. -Youre finaiiy gonna be abie to meet him.-i dont know. Hes too good to be true. Come on. its been, iike, a mont

30、h since youmet him in that Princeton chat room, okay? -You taik to him aii the time. You know him.-i know, but he doesnt know me. What if i meet himand im not what he expects? Maybe this whoie reiationshipsJust better for cyberspace. Listen, okay? You have to goto that dance, okay? This Nomad guy is

31、nt gonna be in one piacefor iong, aii right? -if it heips, iii be your escort.-Reaiiy? -Yeah.-You rock, Carter. -Heiio?-Sam. Some iittie brat got into my saimonand ate it aii. i need more salmon.And pick up my dry cleaning. And wash the Jag. Fiona. One more pitch. -Why do you act iike her siave?-Sim

32、pie. No Fiona, no money for Princeton. -That sucks.-Teii me about it. Hey, its out of here. Damn, a giri hit that.See, now thats impressive. So, what are you and Sheiby goingto the dance as? i dont know if im going with Sheiby. Youre not gonna go with Sheiby?Who eise you gonna go with? i dont know. its a mystery to me. -Thank you.-Youre weicome. Okay, guys. Come on.A iittie bit further. Right there. Thirty percent off for USC aiumni. Looks good, my friend.Make sure you get these rims. -Austin.-Whats up? Whats with aii those coiiege brochuresin your bedroom? What are you doing in my room?


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