英语-仁爱版七年级英语下《UNIT5 TOPIC2 SECTIONA》教案.doc

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1、时间参加人员刘宁霞 邢小变 侯彩霞 金燕地点洛宁实验二中主备人课题Unit5 Topic2Section A教学目标知识与技能1.(1) Learn the names of school buildings:playground, gym, dormitory, lab, computer room, dining hall, classroom building, swimming pool (2) Learn other new words:make, card, soon, dance, sleep, clean, run2. Learn the present continuous

2、tense.What is Maria doing now? She is reading in the library.What are you doing? Im making cards.Are you watching TV now? Yes, I am./No, Im not.Is Kangkang reading in the library? Yes, he is. /No, he isnt.过程与方法Review, Presentation, Consolidation, Practice, Project情感态度与价值观 Tell the students to take c

3、are of everything in our school. 重、难点及考点分析Words and expressions, the present continuous tense.课时安排One period教具使用录音机/教学挂图教学环节安排 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习复习上节课校园生活的内容, 呈现活动3。1. (让学生描述自己的校园生活, 用上in ones free time, often, twice a week, go swimming, read books, play soccer ,为学习校园内活动场所名称作铺垫, 也为学习现在进行时提供必要的动词词组

4、。)T:Today I want to make a survey. S1, do you like our school life?S1:Yes, I like our school life very much.T:What do you usually do in your free time?S1:I usually play soccer.T:Thank you. S2, what do you usually do in your free time?S2:I often read books.T:What about you, S3?S3:I often go swimming.

5、2. (利用3中的挂图, 询问学生通常在哪里做上述活动, 呈现校园活动场所名称。)T:I know you all have an interesting school life. S1 usually plays soccer. S2 often reads books. S3 often goes swimming Please answer my questions now. Where do we play soccer? If you cant answer it in English, you can speak Chinese.Ss:操场。T: Where do we read

6、books?Ss:图书馆。T: Where do we swim?Ss:游泳池。(让学生根据所预习的内容, 说出校园内活动场所的名称。)T:Can you name the school buildings?S4:Library, dining hall S5:Gym, lab 3. (让学生跟读3的录音, 并把词与图片正确搭配。)T: Please listen to 3 and read after it. Then match the places with the right pictures.4. (核对答案, 并讲授其中的生词和短语。)(板书)playground, library

7、, swimming pool, lab, computer room, gym, classroom building, dormitory, dining hallStep 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现呈现2a, 完成2b。1. (猜猜看。老师做出读书的动作, 并且问What am I doing?帮助学生回答You are reading a book。以此为例, 让学生轮流做动作, 其他学生猜猜她/他在干什么。)Example:T: What am I doing? (老师做出读书动作。)Ss:You are reading a book.S1:What am I doi

8、ng? (学生做出踢球动作。)S2:You are playing soccer. T: What is S1 doing? (老师指着S1, S1做出踢球动作。)Ss: He/She is playing soccer.T:What is S2/S3 doing?Ss: He/She is 2.(老师呈现2a中的挂图, 听录音回答下面问题。) T:Now look at 2a. Listen to the tape and find out the answers to these questions. Is that clear? Ss:Yes. T:Ok, Lets begin. (板书

9、)(1) Where is Maria? What is she doing?(2) Where is Kangkang? What is he doing?(3) Where is Wang Wei? What is he doing?3. (核对答案。)T:Lets check the answers. Who can answer the first question?S4:Maria is in the library. She is reading.T:Good. Next one?S5:Kangkang is on the playground. He is playing soc

10、cer. T:OK. What about the last one?S6:Wang Wei is in the dormitory. He is cleaning the dormitory.4. (让学生再听2a, 完成2b。)T: Lets listen to 2a again. And finish 2b. Begin!5. (核对答案。)T:Who wants to share your answers with us?S7:MariaS8:KangkangS9:Wang WeiStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固巩固2a。1. (放2a的录音, 让学生跟读, 注意

11、语音和语调。要求学生掌握playground, dance, gym, sleep, clean;理解dormitory。)T: Please listen to the tape and follow it. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.(播放录音。)2. (让学生分角色朗读对话。)T: Read the dialog in roles. I will ask several groups to act it out. Begin!3. (找几组学生表演对话。)T:Who wants to act your dialog

12、 out?G1:T:Very good! Anyone else?G2:4. (老师总结现在进行时的用法及构成。)(板书) 主+be(am/is/are)+v.-ing+其他(老师归纳v.-ing的构成)(板书)v.-ing的构成有三种:1.直接在词尾加ing。如playing, doing。2.以不发音的字母e结尾的动词, 去掉字母e再加ing。如making, dancing。3.以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母, 双写这个辅音字母, 再加ing。如running, swimming。Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习呈现1a,完成1b和4。1. (让学生听1a的录音并跟读

13、。)T: Next. Please listen to 1a and follow it.(根据对话内容提问,让学生回答,总结现在进行时的特殊疑问句及回答的形式,一般疑问句及肯定回答、否定回答的形式。要求学生掌握生词:make, card, soon。)T:Is Jane doing her homework?Ss:No, she isnt.T:Is Jane watching TV?Ss:Yes, she is.T:Is Michael playing basketball?Ss:No, he isnt.T:Whats he doing?Ss:Hes making cards.2. (两人一

14、组,根据1a,利用What are you doing? Im 和Are you ? Yes, /No, 编类似对话。完成1b。)3. (让学生根据4的图画进行两人对话。)T:Please look at the picture in 4. Ask and answer questions in pairs.S1:Where is she?S2:She is in the gym.S1:Is she singing?S2:No, she isnt. S1:Whats she doing?S2:Shes dancing.(用同样的方法操练另外三幅图。让学生掌握生词run。)Step 5 Proj

15、ect 第五步 综合探究活动通过表演和猜测, 培养学生实际运用能力。(请一名学生到台上做动作, 其他学生用现在进行时态进行问答。)T:, please come here.(出示一个dance的动作卡片给他/她看。)Please perform the action.(学生表演跳舞动作。)T:What is he/she doing?Ss:Hes/Shes dancing.备注作业布置要求同学们回家后在同一时间内观察家中其他成员,看看他们各自在做什么并做记录。T: Id like you to watch your family after you come back home. Please

16、 write down what he/she is doing.重难点及考点巩固性练习 根据汉语提示完成句子。1. Look! They are swimming in the_ _(泳池).2. The students are having lunch _ _ _ _(在食堂).3. Where is Wang Wei? I think he is sleeping in the dormitory_ _ _(此刻).4. What are the boys doing?They_ _ _(正在制作卡片).5. All the students are having classes in _ _ _(教学楼).6. Were not in the classroom. Were having a class in the _ _(微机室).


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