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1、Music dialogue We are met in the street. 杨 is listening to her I-pod. 峥: HI, you two, how is everything? 谢: Oh, its a long time for us to meet again. How are you? 峥: We are fine. 那: Where are you going? 峥:We are going to the bookstore to see if we could pick up some good books there. You were listen

2、ing to your I-Pod just now. Do you like listening to music? 杨: Yeah, I love music. Music is my life. And I love this I-pod to death. It is like I am carrying a music library where I go. How about you? 峥: Oh yeah? Tell me your favorite singers. 杨: quite a lot. I like Backstreet boys, Britney Spear, J

3、ustin Timberlake, and Beyonce and so on. How about you? 谢: I like old songs. I like love songs. Those songs cloud last forever. 杨: Name some good songs, please. 谢: You know these two songs” The Sound of Silence”, “ El Condor Pasa”? 那: yeah, very good. 峥: I like Bee gees, too. Too bad one of the brot

4、hers died two years ago. I dont think we could find another band like this one. 那: How about U2? It is very popular. 杨: Right. Some of their songs are easy listening. But some are heavy metal which I dont like. I prefer soft rocks. 谢: Its great that we both love music. . I dont know if anyone could

5、live without music.峥: Me too. What do you listen to music for?谢:Er, sometimes I think music can help me cope with stress from surroundings. Also, it is a good way for our English learning,when you listen some foreign songs, such as those from Back Street. 杨: I agree with you. Whats more, when I am d

6、own, music cheers me up. When I am lost, music guides me through. When I am tired, music soothes me gently. When I am weak, music lifts me up. 峥:I also can get something from music. Music teaches me that if you face some difficulties, you must be brave and find some solutions to deal with it. Everyt

7、hing, we shouldnt give it up, but hold it by yourself! 那: Music is our world. 谢:I cant live without music. :How do you listen to music?杨:You mean?谢:I mean by what way can you listen to it? Walkman, CD player or Mp4? 杨: Oh,usually from TV program.那:TV program?杨::Yes.You know many TV programs have suc

8、h an part about music. And I like every kind of music, including classical one, blues, jazz and so on.谢::I see. How can I find those music in 1960s杨::You can read these books. They have nearly writing down the history of music. You can find any kinds of music in them and some classic examples. 谢:Oh.

9、 Then could you please land it to me? 杨:Certainly! Come with me, Ill serve you more.峥: It seems we could keep this topic on and on. 杨:Maybe we should meet on a nice weekend and we will just talk about music all day. Does that sound good? 那: Absolutely. I will call you. Bye! 谢 杨: Bye! Have a good day

10、! 峥 那: You, too.Fashion dialogueWe met at a street峥: HI, you two, how is everything? 谢: Oh, its a long time for us to meet again. How are you? 峥: We are fine. 杨: Oh did you see the fashion show last night?谢:Yes, but it was dumb. I think its stupid for women to wear clothes like that!杨:But do you thi

11、nk that its a kind of fashion? They looked pretty good on me.谢: Maybe, at least it isnt to me. Do you really think that people can wear that stuff and walk around the street?那:I agree with you.杨:But at least some certainly can do this! They wear high-fashion clothes to show off their style and wealt

12、h.峥:So I think now we apart two forms. I and yang agree that we should keep up with fashion, and you 2 is on the other side of the coin.那:Right, how do you think about this?杨:En,in my point of view, fashion is a kind of life-style. Everyone like pursuing fashion must be a life lover. They know how t

13、o find some charming things and connect them together to create a wonderful thing.谢:But if you want to seek the fashionable things, you must spend a lot of spare time and even money on it? I think it is a kind of wasting杨:I say that it is a kind of life-style. You can find that fashion is surroundin

14、g us everywhere. Maybe a clothes, a light, a popular word, a song, a building, they are all kinds of fashion. And to respond you question, if you love a thing, it doesnt matter what you spend and how much you do! Even to pursue the fashion. 峥:I agree with him. You know fashion can identify us, it ca

15、n make us stand out!谢: But I really think it is unnecessary, because it is not always practical and useful. Many times the only you it can support to us is its looking. In our position we must spend our time on our study but not other things!那:Yes, we should study hard.杨:I cant deny the importance o

16、f the time to study. However, we can spear some time to do other things we are interested in. And just because of this looking. It seems that we are wealthy! Sometimes it can showing my status. You know our country is traditional, so some of us are same. We are not the unique! So we must be fashion-

17、conscious. And we must break with the tradition.那:But the fashion is up-dated everyday!谢:So you are becoming out of it quickly. And I think that to be traditional is a good choice. Fashion can lead to decline in normal standard!峥:Without fallowing the fashion trend, one might be looked down upon by

18、some people and therefore lose some opportunities.那:Everyone has their own opinion.谢:Yes. And now I think this topic is interesting.峥: It seems we could keep this topic on and on. 杨:Maybe we should meet on a nice weekend and we will just talk about music all day. Does that sound good? 那: Absolutely.

19、 I will call you. Bye! 谢 杨: Bye! Have a good day! 峥 那: You, too.Advertisement dialogueWe met at a street杨:Advertisements appear everywhere in modern society. When you walk along the streets, you can see large boards with pretty girls smiling at you. You read newspapers, and see half of the pages cov

20、ered with ads.谢:Thats ture, when you turn on TV, you can see commercial advertisements again. Whether you like it or not, advertisements fill your life.那:And have you thought why there are so many ads?峥:In order to attract more customers, advertisements will sometimes go to extremes. 杨:Yes, you know

21、, advertisements use every possible means in producing their announcements. For example, to advertise a certain food, advertisers will employ an actor to sit at a table and eat up their seemingly delicious food product while they film him.谢:Although advertisements enable you to make decisions quickl

22、y, sometimes they can cause lots of trouble. There are always many of them and they make you forget what you are sitting there for. 杨:Er, in my opinion, both views are lop-sided. On the one hand, TV ads, in the form of artistic pictures, are presented in such a fantastic way and with such witty lang

23、uage that they not only seduce customers to buy their products, but also give people enjoyment. On the other hand, not all ads are trustworthy. A certain number of them are deceitful.那:Yes, not all ads are trustworthy.杨:Ads seek to influence our decisions and tell us what to do sually with the aim b

24、ehind them being to enrich some business. To resist this influence so as to make wise deeisions, we must rely on our own judgement and ability to reason.峥:And I think the money is spent on ads, so a part of the price products have is from ads. Many people buy a product because it is made by a certai

25、n company. In fact, some people only buy a product of a famous company. They think it proves that they are fashionable and have good taste.那:So it is a must to have some ads for a company?谢:Yes, but it is not good for consumers. You know what im afraid is if the axtra costs of ads will be passed on

26、to the consumers. All advertisements are designed to make people buy a product. So they must have it.杨:And you might think that advertisements do not affect you, but the next time you buy one thing, ask yourself: Why am I buying this particular product? This is the affaction the ads affact on you.那:

27、Thats the disadvantages of keeping a pet.杨:Nowadays, with the improvement of the peoples living standard, some people form a habit of raising small or domestic animals as pets.峥:Some raise small dogs or cats as their pets while others raise various birds or fishes as their pets.谢:Yes,there are still

28、 even some people raising snakes and other unusual animals as their pets.那:Everyone has their own opinion.谢:Yes. And now I think this topic is interesting.峥: It seems we could keep this topic on and on. 杨:Maybe we should meet on a nice weekend and we will just talk about music all day. Does that sou

29、nd good? 那: Absolutely. I will call you. Bye! 谢 杨: Bye! Have a good day! 峥 那: You, too.1.Pop music and classical music/musicianB:hey, what are you doing here?A:oh hello.im listening to music.B:I see.what kind of music do you like?A: I like pop music. Because it is modern, and is related to peoples e

30、veryday life. Pop music is popular among young people.B: but Pop music, does not last very long. While it is popular in certain times, only after a few months, or even weeks, it will be replaced by newer music. A:so you like classical music better?B:yes. Because these music has been passed down from

31、 composers hundreds of years ago, and have stood to the test of time. There are different styles. Sometimes the music makes you happy, and sometimes it makes you more thoughtful. It is the previous heritage of all mankind. A: Classical music, on the other hand, sometimes is a bit too dull and too lo

32、ng. And when I am happy, I can sing pop songs, but I can never sing classical music!B: You know, we are always very busy studying, so, i think if i feel tired sometimes, classical music,to a large degree, is the best way for me to relax.A:wait! But I still remember that you would fall asleep the mom

33、ent you listened to classical music.B:oh you cant believe that.last time when I listened to a piece of music made by Mozart,I felt it was so beautiful! I fell in love with it immediately .and which singer do you like best?A: There is an famous band named coldplay in England, I like them very much. T

34、heir works are far more than pop music, its more like poems. Every word, every sentence,even their sign are so beautiful.B:Emmsounds good! I will listen to their music some day.and you can try some classical music as well.A:OK!2.chinese moives and foreign movies/favourite movieA:hey Aim! im wonderin

35、g if youre free tomorrow night?B:well I guess I am.why?A:Ive got two harry potter tickets. Do you want to come with me?B:wonderfull! You have known me so well! I love the films very much.A:so you like foreign movies better?B:yes. Because they are famous.We all know Hollywood .It has a lot of famous

36、star.when I watch them, I feel excited and happy.Maybe your favorite star is in it. And I also like the film Gone with wind。It was wonderful.If you have free time,you can go to see it.A:OK,B;you know,foreign movies are more romantic . the foreigners express their feelings more directly.and some movi

37、es ,like star wars ,have many incredible stuns,A:but I prefer Chinese movies.As we know ,every excellent movie has its special background , if we have known it very well ,then it is helpful for us to grasp the real sentiment the movie intend to express. i mean the comprehension of the culture that t

38、he movie involved in is very important . i am chinese , i know Chinese culture very well ,So when i watch a Chinese Movie, i feel good . B:yes. i believe every culture has its attraction and glorious. And which film do you like?A:crazy stone.i ve seen it last week,its very funny,maybe next time we c

39、an see it together.B:OK3.university life and high school lifeA:hi,Aim ,it seems that we havent seen each other for a long time.what have you been doing recently?.B:dont mention it ,in fact I also wonder what I have been doing,it appears busy everyday.,but it comes out nothing.A:me too, college life

40、is totally different from high school life,isnt it?B,exactly,when we were in hign school,our destination is clear,to enter a good university.so the main task is study.ing and studying.we may feel tired and sleepy sometimes but life was full.A: well I just find out that people at university dont stud

41、y hard as they used to be when they were at high school;perharps just because no teachers there to push them any more. B yes ,I used to say when I began a college life,I will make full use of my college time. but after entering university there is more spare time ,I dont know how to deal with it. I

42、am in a daze.A:thats true. students should be self-conscious about their studyB:how I wish I could return high school !A: oh cheer up! we have to face the music and adapt ourselves to the new environment.B:youre right4.x-sport and taichiA:look at the TV show! Are they mad or something? How dangerous

43、 the sports are!B:oh ,they are just doing x-sports.A:x-sports?B: Actually, x-game means extreme sports or action sports. bungee jumping ,Windsurfing, Kiteboarding, Sky Diving, Mountain Bike are also classified as x-games.A:but they will kill themselves!B:yes.so X-games emphasis more on an individual

44、 capability, style and limitations, Working on extreme sports needs one passion, courage, and has to practice frequently, so as to perform their personal best tricks, to accomplish their goals.A:oh,I cant agree with such things.B:but today x sports are popular in the world, they also act as trendset

45、ters of the action sports.A:I prefer taichi instead. Actually,taichi is very good for the ones who want to forget their pressure and to be relax. It is not only safer but also can keep you fit,you can enjoy it wherever you like.and I think taichi is more suitable for most of people.B:youre right.i d

46、ont think I can play the x sports.A:neither do i.5.western and eastern wedding ceremonyA:look at the TV show, what a big wedding ceremony they have!B:yes. As it is a very significant moment in their lives,they always want to make it an impressive one.A:Emm,and in western countries, the whole wedding

47、 from start to finish is full of romantic. The brides dress is generally white, the groom is black dress so that the whole wedding was the solemn seriousness.B:yes. And the marriage in the church of the wedding ceremony is the most important link.the minister will pray for the couple and then declar

48、es them husband and wife.A:thats really romantic! China is different from the wedding in the West, the entire weddings main colours are red, this is also the representative of the traditional Chinese festivity colours.A:right. Parents arev sitting on the two sides.the Entire wedding was presided over by the master of the ceremony. Noisy wedding is the climax.its really a happy wedding.B:in fact, nowadays different cultures tend to be mixed together.moderrn Chinese wedding ceremony are just westernized these days.A:


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