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1、英文小话剧金斧子 银斧子剧本Gold ax and silver ax旁白: Once upon a time, there lived a good woodcutter. He was a man who care for his parents with all his heart, but he was poor. He used to go to the forest to cut down trees. (从前,有个善良的伐木者,他靠去森林里伐木为生。虽然他很穷,但他全心全意地照顾着他的父母。)Parent: Take care of yourself, son. Goodbye!

2、(照顾好自己,儿子。再见!)Good woodcutter: I will. Dear dad and mum! (知道了,亲爱的爸爸妈妈!)旁白: One day, while he was cutting down a tree by the pond, his old ax fell into the pond by mistake.(一天,当他在池塘边伐树的时候,一不小心,他把他的旧斧子掉进了池塘里。)Good woodcutter: O! Oh my god! My ax! If I dont have my ax, I cant cut down trees。(哦!我的天呐!我的斧

3、子!如果我没有了斧子,我就不能砍树了!)旁白: The woodcutter cried sadly. The mountains dressed in white appeared from the pond magically! (伐木者哭得很伤心。这时候,穿着一身白色的山神奇迹般地从池塘里出现了!)The god of mountains: Why are you crying and so sad?(你为什么哭得如此伤心?)Good woodcutter: I am a woodcutter. When I was cutting down tree, my ax fell into

4、the pond. Without my ax, I will not be able to earn any money. How can I take care of my parents? Woo(我是一个伐木者,我在砍树的时候把我的斧子掉进池塘里去了。没了我的斧子,我就不能挣钱了。不能挣钱我怎么养活我的父母?呜呜呜)The god of mountains: Dont worry. I am willing to bring you your ax.(别着急。我愿意帮你把斧子找回来。)旁白: The god of mountains disappeared and soon appea

5、red with a silver ax.(山神消失了,然后很快又拿着一把银斧子出现了。)The god of mountains :Is this silver ax yours?(这把银斧子是你的吗?)Good woodcutter : No, it isnt.(不,不是的。)The god of mountains :Oh, just a moment.(哦,等一等。)旁白:The God disappeared again. And came back with a dazzling gold ax.(山神又消失了,然后拿着一把金光灿灿的金斧子出现了)The god of mounta

6、ins : Is this gold ax yours?(这把金斧子是你的吗?)Good woodcutter: No, it isnt. (不,不是的。)旁白: The god of mountains nodded and disappeared again. Then he came back with a plain metal ax in his hand. (山神高兴地点了点头,然后又消失了。然后手里拿着一把普通的斧子回来了。)The god of mountains : Is this old metal ax yours?(这把旧斧子是你的吗?)Good woodcutter:

7、 Oh, yes! Its mine. Hahaah! Thank you! Thank you God! (哦,是的。是我的。哈哈哈 谢谢你,谢谢你,山神!)The god of mountains: Hahaah! You are very honest. I will give you all three axes as a reward. (哈哈哈哈!你真是个诚实孩子。作为奖励,我要把这三把斧子都给你。)Good woodcutter: I beg your pardon.(什么?)/善良的伐木者不敢相信山神说的话是真的。旁白: The God gave him all three a

8、xes, and the woodcutter was so glad.When he went back home his parents were so happy too.(山神把三把斧子都给了善良的伐木者。善良的伐木者太高兴了。当他回到家里时,他的父母也是非常的高兴。)But then, a greedy young man in his neighborhood heard the news. He went to the mountains in a hurry with an ax.He cast his ax into the pond intentionally and pr

9、etended to cry.Just then, the God of mountains really appeared.(但是,他邻居的一个贪婪的年轻人听到了这个消息。他带着一把斧子,急匆匆地来到了山里。他故意把斧子扔进池塘里,然后装模作样地哭了起来。)The god of mountains: Why are you crying and so sad?(为什么哭得如此伤心?)旁白: The god of mountains dressed in white appeared from the pond.(穿着一身白的山神从池塘里出现了。)Bad woodcutter: Oh, mer

10、ciful God! Nice to meet you! Ive lost my ax into the pond by mistake. (哦,仁慈的山神,见到你太好了!我不小心把我的斧子丢到池塘里了.)The god of mountains: Oh, just a moment.(哦,你等等!)旁白: The god of mountains disappeared and soon appeared with a silver ax.(山神消失了,然后很快又拿着一把银斧子出现了。)The god of mountains: Is this your ax? (这是你的斧子吗?)Bad

11、woodcutter: Thats right! Thats right exactly! Its my ax.(对,就是我的,是我的斧子!)The god of mountains: You greedy liar! This is not your ax and you know that! What a disgusting liar! (你这个贪婪的骗子!你明明知道这不是你的斧子!真是个令人讨厌的骗子!Bad woodcutter: Oh! My god! Ah! You cant do this to me!(哦!山神呐!啊,你不能这样对我!)旁白: The greedy dishonest young man went back to his home with empty hands. The heaven never help man who is dishonest. Ha-ha! (贪婪又不诚实的年轻人两手空空地回到了家里。 老天是不会帮助那些不诚实的人的。哈哈哈哈!)


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