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1、四年级英语期末模拟试题听力部分50%一、听对话,圈出你所听到的单词或时间。16%1. canteen cant 2. washroom music room 3. shirt skirt 4. rainy windy 5. shoes shorts 6. cheap sneakers 7. carrots horses 8. 10:15 10:50四、听问句,选择答句。10%() 1. A. Yes, it is. B. Its on the first floor.() 2. A. Its yellow. B. Its 5:00.() 3. A. Its sunny and warm. B.

2、 Its cheap. () 4. A. Not much. B. Its 5 yuan.() 5. A. There are 50. B. Theyre 50 yuan.五、听对话,排序。4%() What about this pair?() Yes. I want a pair of boots for my daughter.() Can I help you? () OK. Well take them.( ) Theyre thirty-seven yuan.() OK! How much are they?() Yes, Mom. Theyre pretty.() Do you

3、like them, Amy?笔试部分50%六、读一读下列单词,选出每组中不同类的单词。14%1.( )A.sheep B.cheap C.lamb D.hen2.( )A.eleven B.thirteen C.fifteen D.fresh3.( )A.cloudyB.socks C.sunny D.warm4.( )A.lunch B.dinner C.breakfast D.carrot5.( )A.gymB.TV roomC.washroomD.boot6.( )A.shoes B.pants C.socks D.wear7.( )A.red B.colourful C.green

4、D.white七、看图读句,如果相符,打勾,否则打叉。12%八、连词成句,并用正确规范的形式抄写。注意大小写。(4%)1. colour what it is ? 2. math it time for .3. today it warm . 4. ducks are they ? 九、根据句意,选择合适的单词,将句子补充完整。(10%)十、阅读对话,判断句子正误。对的打勾,错的打叉。(10%)Amy: Hello! This is Amy.Mike: Hi, Amy. This is Mike. Its warm today. We are at a farm.Amy: Really? Wh

5、ats on the farm?Mike: There are many carrots and potatoes. I like cucumbers. They are fresh. I dont like onions. They are smelly. Amy: Are there any animals on the farm?Mike: Yes, there are. There are sheep, goats, lambs and cows.Amy: How many cows are there?Mike: There are one hundred cows. Guess w

6、hat? I can milk thecows here. 新 课 标 第 一 网Amy: Thats great! I have to stay(待在) at home and watchTV. Its rainy in New York.1. Its warm today. Amy is at a farm.()2.Mike likes onions. ()3.There are 100 cows on the farm.()4.Mike can milk the cows on the farm.( )5.Its windy in New York. Amy can watch TV.

7、( )听力材料 一、听对话,选出你所听到的单词或时间。1. Can I wear my new shirt today? No, you cant. Its cold.2. Where is the washroom?Its on the first floor.3. Can I help you?Yes. I want a skirt for my daughter.4. Whats the weather like in Beijing? Its windy.5. Where are my shoes? Look! Theyre under your bed.6. How much is

8、this colourful dress? Its only 20 yuan.Oh, its very cheap.7. Are they carrots? Yes, they are.8. What time is it? Its 10:50. Its time for lunch.二、听录音,按照对话的顺序给图标号。1. Can I help you? Yes. I want a pair of sneakers.What about this pair? Oh, yeah. I like them. How much are they?Ninety-nine yuan. Oh, that

9、s expensive.2. How much is your jacket? Oh, its cheap. Its only 25 yuan.3. Can I help you? Yes. I want three carrots. How much are they?They are two yuan. OK. Ill take them.4. Oh, your farm is so big. How many cows do you have? I have one hundred. Wow!5. Are they horses? Yes, they are.How many horse

10、s are there? There are fifteen horses. 三、听对话,连线。将时间和情境图连线。10%1.Its 6:20. Its time to get up.2.What time is it? Its 11:05.Oh, its time to eat lunch. Lets go to the canteen.3.Its time for music.Oh, really?What time is it now? Its 2:15.Oh, yes. Lets go to the music room.4.Zhang Peng! Its 3:00 now. Lets

11、 go to the playground.OK. Its time for P.E. Lets play football.5.What time is it? Its 4:15.Oh, school is over now. Lets go home.四、听问句,选择答句。10%1.Where is the art room?2.What colour is the T-shirt?3.Whats the weather like today?4.What are you doing?5.How much are these jeans?五、听对话,排序。10% xk b 1.c omCan I help you? Yes. I want a pair of boots for my daughter.What about this pair? Do you like them, Amy?Yes, Mom. Theyre pretty.OK! How much are they? Theyre thirty-seven Yuan.OK. Well take them.


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