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1、“桑拿按摩馆” 日常英语用语1 请问您要做足浴还是按摩? Would you like to take a foot massage or a body massage?2 这里是价目表。This is the tariff. 3 这里是按摩项目的介绍。This is the introduction of the massages.4 请坐下换鞋。Please sit down and change your shoes.5 这是您的手牌号,请随身携带。This is your locker key. Please carry it with you.6 请更衣。Please change

2、your clothes.7 请把更衣柜锁好。Please lock your locker well.8 让我帮你挂衣服吧。Allow me to hang up the clothes for you.9 这边请。This way please.10 这是按摩用浴衣。This is the bathrobe for massage.11 对不起,现在暂时没有技师,大约要等。分钟。请先到休息室看看电视等一下。I am sorry. Our masseuse is not available at this time. Please wait for bout minutes. Please

3、watch TV at our Relaxation Room first.12 技师有空了,让我带你到按摩房吧。Our masseuse is available now. Allow me to show you the massage room.13 请问您要喝点什么呢? What would you like to drink please? 请休息一下。 Please take a rest.14 请跟我来。Please follow me.15 这是我们的最新推广。 This is our latest promotion.16 请稍等。 Please wait a minute.17 这是您的账单,请检查。 This is your bill. Please check it.18 请签名和写上房号。 Please sign your name and write your room number.20. 请问您的房间号码是多少? What is your room number? 21. 这是赠送的。This is complimentary (free).22. 您在找洗手间吗? Are you looking for the toilet?


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