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1、白雪公主搞笑版剧本人物:皇后 士兵 魔镜 白雪 7个小矮人 王子 旁白 第一幕 旁白:在很久很久以前,有一个美丽的城堡,里面住着一个不美丽的皇后。 long long ago, there was a not beautiful queen lived in a beautiful castle.皇后(对魔镜):谁是世界上最漂亮的人? Who is the most beautiful in the world?魔镜(打哈欠):老问这个问题,烦不烦呀! always asked me this question, You feel fidget!皇后(讨好地):魔镜。世界上有没有比我漂亮的人?

2、 mirror, are there another one more beautiful than me?魔镜:没有! none!皇后狂笑 旁白:后来,白雪公主出生了。她的皮肤是那么白皙,如同刚出生的小猪。 later, the snow was born. Her skin was so white, like the pig new borned.皇后(对魔镜):魔镜,谁是世界上最漂亮的人? Mirror, who is the most beautiful in the world?魔镜(警惕地):不说! No, I dont say!皇后(愤怒地):说! Say!魔镜(讨好地):说了

3、你会砸死我的。我的祖先就是因为这个与世长辞的。 Youll hit me after I said. My grandpas dead was because of it.皇后(坚决地):放心,我不砸你! Be care, I dont hit you!魔镜(兴奋地):白雪,白雪公主。 snow white, snow white!皇后(面目狰狞地):什么? What?魔镜:您息怒。 please be cool.皇后:皇后很生气,后果很严重!(挥动手臂):我要变出一个士兵。变、变、变 The queen was very angry, and its very serious! I want

4、 to conjure a soldier. Conjure.(士兵从门后跑了出来) (a soldier ran after the door)士兵:报告。 Yes , !皇后(吃惊地):呀!没想到我居然能大变活人! oh! I cant believe that I can conjure a real man!皇后(更吃惊地):不会吧。(翻书):说明书上没有这个功能吧。 oh no. is there the function in the manual?魔镜:告诉你好了。先在门后面藏一个人,再叫他出来就OK了。 tell you about the truth. First in th

5、e possession of a person behind the door, then told him to come out .皇后(点头):明白了。(对士兵):士兵,交给你一个任务。今天。暗杀白雪。 I see. Soldier, give u a task. Kill the snow white, today!士兵(着急地):今天不行呀。今天是盖中盖的促销活动,买六送一,我得赶快去! Not today! There is a sales promotion about the cup noodles, buy six, you get one free, I should h

6、urry up!皇后(恍然大悟):对呀,我也得去!那你明天刺杀白雪。 yes, I just forget it! So, you kill the snow white tomorrow.士兵:OK! 第二幕 旁白:士兵见到了美丽的白雪公主,顿时被迷住了。 the soldier saw the beautiful snow white, he was under a spell.士兵(傻笑地):嘿嘿,公主,我带你去森林里看小金鱼。 hei hei, princess, I want to take u to see the little goldfish in the forest.白雪(

7、微笑地):好呀。 all right.旁白:士兵领着公主进了森林。 the soldier took the princess into the forest.白雪(坦然地):你是来杀我的,对吗? do you want to kill me, right?士兵(抱头痛哭):好美丽好善良的公主,呜还是找头小猪杀了吧。 so beautiful and kind princess, wu, I have better kill a pig instead u.白雪:这样不好吧。 I dont think it is right.士兵:也是哦,那太侮辱小猪了。 oh yes, the pig is

8、 so wretchedness.旁白:就这样,士兵放走了美丽的白雪公主。 at last, the soldier let out the beautiful princess.第三幕 旁白:白雪公主走呀走,最终累倒在一棵大树下。 the snow white had a long way and so tried that fell down under the tree.白雪(醒来):我怎么在动呀。好象有东西在拖着我走。 How do I moving. Things seem to have dragged me go.小矮人1:真是地,我们拖着你走,你还说风凉话。 白雪(奇怪地):你

9、们是谁? who are you?小矮人(轮流说):我们是双胞胎。we are Twins. 旁白:小矮人把白雪带回了家,从此,小矮人与白雪一起生活。与此同时,皇后又在问魔镜。 皇后(得意地):谁是世界上最漂亮的人? Who is the most beautiful in the world?魔镜:白雪,白雪公主。 the snow white, the snow white.皇后(愤怒地):怎么回事? whats happen?魔镜:步步高,永远做最好的! BBK, always do the best!皇后:这是什么? what is this?魔镜:广告!现在是精彩回放。 advert

10、isement! And now its the wonderful playback.皇后(怒不可竭地):可恶!我要亲自出马! so Abominable! I want to do that by myself!第四幕 旁白:皇后带着士兵出发了,他们到了厨房7兄弟的住所。 皇后敲门:咚、咚、咚 小矮人2(开门):谁呀。 皇后:我是查户口的。 小矮人2:查户口?听说过。 check account皇后:你们有几口人呀? 小矮人2:2个,还有白雪,3个。 two and add the snow white, three.皇后:你们怎么挣钱呢? How do you earn the mone

11、y?小矮人2:我们7个早上打猎,留白雪在家做饭。 we are all go hurting in the morning, and the snow white have cook in home.皇后: OK,调查完毕。 ok, the research is over.旁白:第二天早晨,小矮人已经出去了,皇后带着士兵又来了。 Nest morning, the little men were gone, and the queen came again with the soldier.皇后(拿着一个苹果):你好! hello!白雪:你好,你是干什么的? Hello, what do y

12、ou do?皇后:我是推销苹果的。 白雪(奇怪地):这个苹果没有什么特殊的呀。 there is no special by this apple.皇后(殷勤地):这个苹果可以排毒养颜,清热制咳,预防不得胃酸、胃痛、胃涨。 白雪:那它叫什么名字? what is it called?皇后(愣了):它它叫大苹果。 I tit called the big apple.白雪:好粗俗的名字哦。 what a rude name.皇后:你要不要尝一口? do you have a taste?白雪(犹豫地):妈妈告诉我,不可以吃陌生人的东西。 my mother told me that, cant

13、eat something the stranger gave.皇后(恶笑着):士兵,上! soldier,go!士兵打昏了白雪,皇后趁机把苹果塞了进去。 Soldiers unconscious in the snow, the Queen took the opportunity to plug the apple inside.皇后:搞定! Queen: done!旁白:晚上,小矮人回来了,他们看到了打昏的白雪。 Voice-over: evening, dwarves back, they saw the snow unconscious. Dwarfs小矮人3:看!她好像被苹果噎死了

14、。3: See! She seems to have been Apple噎死of.小矮人1:不会吧,像是被打晕后,再被噎死的。 Dwarfs 1: No bar, seem to have been stunned after they have been噎死s.小矮人3;不管怎么说,先把她放进垃圾桶,大家都喝些脑白金,睡个好觉,明天埋在山下吧。Dwarves 3; Anyway, first she was put into the bin, we all drink Melatonin, sleep, tomorrow buried in a mountain bar.小矮人(齐声地):

15、好! Dwarves (in unison): Yes!第四幕 The fourth screen旁白:小矮人把白雪拖下了山,路上,他们遇见了王子。 Voice: small dwarf the snow dragging down the mountain, the road, they met the prince. 王子:你们在干什么? Prince: What are you doing?小矮人4:把她拖下山。 你们为什么要她拖下山? 小矮人4:因为她死了。 王子:她为什么死了? 小矮人4:她被苹果噎死了。 choked王子:她为什么被苹果噎死了? 小矮人4:因为她被打晕了。 王子“她

16、为什么被打晕了? 小矮人(不耐烦地):不知道。 impaiently王子(痴迷地):好漂亮哦! 小矮人4(指白雪):你是说她? 王子(摇头):我是说衣服。多好的衣服,被糟蹋了。 damage白雪(起来):你们说什么? 王子小矮人(惊呼):你没死? are you alive?白雪:我听见有人说我的坏话就醒了。 旁白:从此,白雪与王子结下了百年好合。与此同时,皇后又在问魔镜了。 皇后(得意地):谁是世界上最漂亮的人? 魔镜:白雪,白雪公主。 皇后(咬牙切齿地):怎么会? 魔镜:世间自有公道,做人必须厚道。要么我就不做,要做就做最好。步步高。 皇后:又是广告! 魔镜:请看精彩回放! (看过后)皇后(火冒三丈地):可恶。(砸向魔镜):我砸。我砸 angliy魔镜惨叫声渐远Fade out


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