吴中区2008~2009学年第一学期初中期末考试试卷 初三英语.doc

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1、吴中区20082009学年第一学期初中期末考试试卷初 三 英 语 本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分共6大题,满分118分(不含口试12分)考试用时100分钟第卷 (选择题,共70分)一、听力选择(满分25分) (请先用两分钟时间熟悉听力试题,然后再动笔答题做题时,请先将答案划在试卷上录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上)A) 对话理解 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面15段对话每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项每段对话渎两遍1How will they go there? AOn foot BBy bus C

2、By bike2Where is the woman from? AChina BGermany CAmerica3How much is the blue MP3? A100 dollars B300 dollars C400 dollars4Why cant Tom go out to play? ABecause hes ill BBecause he has to look after his father CBecause he has to work in the garden5What day is it tomorrow? AWednesday BFriday CThursda

3、y6Whats Toms favorite activity in his free time? ADancing BSkating CSinging7How often does the No9 bus come? AEvery ten minutes BEvery fifteen minutes CEvery nineteen minutes8Will Tom go to Amys birthday party? AYeshe will BNohe wont CHe is not sure9How does the woman feel now? AShe feels very sad B

4、She feels quite excited CShe feels very tired10What are they talking about? ABuying a birthday present BLearning English CHaving a birthday party11Where does this dialogue probably happen? AIn a clothes shop BIn a restaurant CIn a tea house12What colour did Millie suggest? AGreen BBlue CRed13What do

5、es the woman mean? AThe man should stop smoking BThe man should stop drinking coffee CDrinking coffee is better than smoking14What time do they go to school? AA quarter past seven BA quarter to seven CSeven15Why was MrsWhite shouting on the phone? ANo one was there BThe line was bad CThe phone was w

6、rongB) 短文理解 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 听下面的短文短文后有5个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项短文读两遍16Who is the principal of the language school? AMrs King BTim King CSam King17When do lessons start every morning? A8:00 B11:00 C8:3018What do they do in the afternoon? AThey must learn English BThey are free to do anything CTh

7、ey take exams19Why does Mr King ask the students not to worry about the exam? ABecause it is not hard and a dictionary can be used BBecause the exam will be taken in three weeks CBecause the results of the exam will be sent to the studentshome addresses20Where will they have lunch? ATheyll have lunc

8、h at their school BTheyll have lunch at home CTheyll have lunch outside the school二、选择填空(共25小题;每小题1分,满分25分)A) 单项填空 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑21Its reported that the victim was murdered_1am_130 am Afrom;to Bbetween;and Cfrom;and Dbetween;to22Kitty is _to dance for 2 hours every day Aeno

9、ugh active Benough actively Cactive enough Dactively enough23They are wondering_to improve their English Aif should they do Bwhat they should doChow should they do Dhow they should do24He said over 1000 students_ this kind of exam in the_few years Ahave pasted;passed Bhave passed;past Chad passed;pa

10、st Dhad pasted;passed25We can not understand them because_of us know their languageAnobody Ball Cno one Dnone26Mum,Im hungryIs there_in the fridge? Im afraid,there is_Ill go to buy_ Aanything,anything,something Bsomething,something,anything Csomething,nothing,something Danything,nothing,something27W

11、e should spend as much time as we can_EnglishAread Bto read Creading Dreads28Its generous_Millie to donate all her pocket money to UNICEF YesIt is really meaningful_us to do something for charities Aof;of Bfor;for Cfor;of Dof;for29Would you like some more? _Im full AYes,please BId love to CNo,I woul

12、dnt DNo,thanks30_of Chinese students are going abroad for further study YesAnd the number_still increasing AA number;are BThe number;is CA number;is DThe number:are31The_man told us his past days before he_His_made us very sad Adying;died;death Bdead;dying;die Cdead;died;dying Ddead;dying;death32My

13、brother_for half a month Awent away Bhas been away Chas left D1eft33She feels unhappy,_? Adoes she Bdoesnt she Cisnt she Dis she34I ask if he _there if it_next Thursday Awill go;rains Bwent:rained Cwould go;rained Dgoes;will rain35Wed better _the door_while _PE class Akeep;open;having Bkeeping;open;

14、have Cto keep;opened;have Dkeep;opened;havingB) 完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑 The silent films were made in the early 1900sThey were very 36 from modern filmsIn fact,it would be very difficult for us to watch silent films nowThey were 37 black and white and were often n

15、ot very clear,However,these were not the biggest problems for usThe biggest problem was that they were silentIt would be difficult for us to 38 the story because we are so used to hearing sound and speech in films Silent films didnt use the same acting skills as 39 in films with soundThe actors in s

16、ilent films used many body languagesFor example,a person who was 40 in a silent film would open his or her mouth and eyes very widelyIt was really very funnyThe 41 was not very powerful so the actors had to wear a lot of make-upOtherwise,it would be difficult to see their faces Silent films were usu

17、ally very 42 because it was hard to develop a long story without speechesThe films were also very 43 to makeOne of the most famous actors of silent films,Charlie Chaplin,said,“ 44 I need to make a film is a park,a policeman and a pretty girl”He knew how to 45 money36Aclose Bdifficult Csimilar Ddiffe

18、rent37Ain Bon Cof Dfor38Asee Bread Cknow Dunderstand39Athis Bthat Cthese Dthose40Aangry Bhappy Csurprised Dsad41Apicture Blighting Ccolour Dlights42Ashort Blong Chappy Dsad43Aeasy Bdifficult Ccheap Dexpensive44Awho Bwhere CWhen DWhat45Ahave Buse Csave Dspend三、阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列内容,从每小题所给的四个选

19、项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑 (A)(A)For SaleBicycle made in ChinaGood condition(状况)Zhang Ying,306,dormitory(寝室)(B)Roommate WantedMale(男)English native speakerwanted to share a 2-bedroom apartmentnear campus(校园),washer,dryer,kitchen(C)LostBlack briefcase(公文包)with 3 bookson physicsCall:John Smith 848

20、-3160645(D)FoundBrown briefcase with some moneySee:Joseph Hofman in Chemistry Dept(系)46You can call Zhang Ying if you want to_ Abuy a bike Bsell a bike Chave your bike repaired Dborrow a bike 47One of the reasons why Li wants someone to share his room is that_ Ahe wants to live near the campus Bhe w

21、ants to improve his English Che wants his washer,dryer and kitchen to be used Dhe wants someone to use his kitchen48Joseph Hofman_ Afound John Smiths briefcase Bwas a teacher Cfound the briefcase with many booksDfound the brown briefcase with some money(B) You may have known several kinds of police,

22、traffic police,and street policeBut have you ever heard of energy-saving policemen? A group of 22 of these new policemen went to work last week in BeijingThey go around the city to see the use of energy in hotels,office buildings,shopping centers and other public placesOne of their aims is to make s

23、ure that these sites have set their air conditioning(空调)no cooler than 26 They also set up a special phone line so that people can tell them which buildings fail to follow the rule “If everyone sets their air conditioning at 26,Beijing will save 400 million kilowatt-hours of electricity in one summe

24、rThats one-third of all the usage of the city in the season,”said a TV advertisement Other Chinese cities,like Wuhan in Hubei Province and Yangzhou in Jiangsu Province,are going to follow Beijings steps in setting up a similar police teamAs one of the fastest developing countries,China is using a lo

25、t of energyThis has a great effect on the countys environment and limited energy From 1986 to 2005,the country experienced 20 warm winters continuouslyNumbers show that Chinese cities have to spend billions of yuan solving environmental problems every year At the beginning of this month,China made i

26、ts first action plan to fight pollutionIt aims to reduce energy usage by 20and increase renewable energy up to 10from 7 by 2010 To introduce the public to a green life,last week Beijing held a show on energy-saving technology and productionsEnvironment-friendly machines,such as a vending machine(自动售

27、货机)that helps colllect used bottles,have attracted tots of attention “We want to tell people that there are certain ways to protect the environmentEach of us can find effective ways to do it in our daily lives,”said Liu Qianguang,an environmental engineer in Beijing49The job of the energy-saving pol

28、icemen is_ Ato set the air conditioning cooler Bto check the use of energy in public placesCto set up a special phone line Dto make sure that more energy will be produced50Beijing will use_million kilowatt-hours electricity in one summer A1200 B800 C400 D13351In the year 2010 Chinas energy usage is

29、going to be cut by_ A20 B10 C7 D1752According to Liu Qianguang,_ Athere is few ways to protect the environment Bits difficult to find good ways to save energy Cits easy for one to do something good for the environmentDits not easy for one to do something good for the environment(C) For eleven-year-o

30、ld Crystal of Los Angeles,California,a toothbrush is a dream come trueThe fifth grader at Birdielee VBright Elementary has got first prize in a toothbrush design contest sponsored(赞助)by DrFresh,maker of fun kids oral productsCrystal says her winning idea for a“talking”toothbrush came to her in a dre

31、amIn the contest kids were asked to design a toothbrushDrFresh is a California-based company known for its bright and best-selling toothbrushes that encourage longer brushing “Crystals talking toothbrush encourages kids to keep on brushing with saying likeMom is going to be proudandYour teeth shine

32、like stars,”says DrFresh“The contest proves once again that kids have the brightest ideasWe plan to produce Crystals design so kids everywhere can have fun brushing with it” Crystal will receive a$500 USSaving Bond,and trip to the Disneyland ResortWhile there,she will also meet with the design team

33、of DrFresh Two runners-up will each receive$250 USSaving BondsFirst runner-up Craig Miller,9,a fourth grader at Carroll Elementary in Texas,said his toothbrush“would have an animal head at the top and would make sound”Second runner-up Ricardo Kuchimpos,8,third grader at North Holly-wood School,desig

34、ned an alarm brush with rainbow lights and glowing blue stars53We can learn from the passage that DrFresh is_ Aa dentist Ba toothbrush Ca toothbrush company Da designer 54What can Crystals talking toothbrush do when kids are brushing teeth? AIt call make their mother proud BIt can make their teeth s

35、hine like stars CIt can help kids brush their teeth correctly DIt can say things to encourage them to keep on brushing55As the winner of the contest,Crystal will_ Areceive a$500 USSaving Bond Bget a trip to the Disneyland Resort Cmeet with the design team of DrFreshDall of the above 第卷(非选择题,共48分)四、单

36、词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式每空只写一词56This tall man is one of the greatest (导演)57The worker showed us how to build the bridge (安全地)58They were (宣布)the result of the competition at this time yesterday59After he retires,he will (奉献)himself to gardening60It is possible that there we

37、re more than two (攻击者)61If you want to be much (健康),please take more exercise62All the people (哀悼)the death of the great writer Ba Jin63I have (决定)to go on a trip to Qingdao this summer holiday64He gets on well with others (除了)the man who lives next door65He is very (耐心的)and friendly to his students

38、He often explains things to them many times五、句子翻译(共6小题;每小题3分满分18分) 将下列句子译成英语66他如此聪明,以至于能想出新办法 67此刻我不知道怎么处理这个问题 68我奶奶习惯于早起 69在这样晴朗的日子,为什么不和家人一起外出旅游呢? 70我们不应该放弃任何取得成功的机会 71她盼望着在这部影片中扮演主角 六、书面表达(满分20分) 今天下午4点30分,警方在阳光镇发现一具女尸现已确认为他杀,但现场没有搏斗痕迹,受害者是一名节目主持人请你担任记者报道这起案件,并介绍受害者的相关信息内容要点如下: 1死者28岁,身高167cm;今天上午因工作关系与同事发生争吵 2生前随和幽默,乐于助人 3五年前是一名优秀演员,并在一部电视连续剧中担任主角,曾获最佳女演员奖 4警方电话:5866392l 注意: 1报道须包括所有要点,不要逐词翻译,可适当发挥,使文章连贯、通顺 2字数不少于90,开头不计入总词数 3报道不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息 Hi,everyone:_


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