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1、小学三年级英语上册期末试卷班级:_姓名:_分数:_笔试部分(60分)、找出每组单词中不同类的一项,将其代号写在括号里。(8分)( )1、A. car B. plane C. crayon( )2、A. rabbit B. red C. bear( )3、A. seven B. milkC. eight( )4、A. hamburger B. hot dog C. balloon、把下面的句子翻译成中文意思。(12分)1、Here you are. Thank you._。2、I like hot dogs. _。3、Can I have some milk?_4、Happy Birthday

2、to you!_!5、How are you? Fine, Thank you._。6、How old are you?_?、读左栏的句子,从右栏中选择合适的答语连线。(10分)1、Whats your name? A、4.2、May I have a look? B、My names John.3、Nice to meet you. C、You re welcome.4、Thank you. D、Im from China.5、How many balloons? E、Nice to meet you, too.6、Where are you from? F、Sure,Here you ar

3、e.、把下面数字从小到大排列,只填序号。(10分)three one four nine seventwo eight ten six five( )( ) ( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )、选择最佳的答案,只填其代号。(10分)( )1、早上向某人问好,应该说_A、How are you ? B、Good morning ! C、Hello !( )2、怎么样用英文询问对方的姓名_A、Hello ! B、Whats your name ? C、My names Chen Jie .( )3、你想向别人介绍你的朋友John,应该说_A、Hello! Im John . B、Hi

4、! John . C、This is John .( )4、与别人道别时,我们应该说_A、Hello! B、Good morning ! C、See you .( )5、有人对你说Whats your name ?如果你是Li Ming , 应该回答_A、Im Li Ming . B、Hello ! Li Ming . C、This is Li Ming .、阅读短文,判断正误。与短文内容相符的写“T”,否则写“F”。(10分)John: I like hot dogs.Amy: I like French fries .Mom: OK! Here you are . Hot dogs and

5、 French fries .John,Amy: Thank you .Amy: I like bread .John: Me too.Mom: OK! Have some bread.John,Amy: Thank you .Mom.Mom: Youre welcome.( )1、Amy likes hot dogs.( )2、John likes bread.( )3、They dont like French fries.( )4、They have some bread.( )5、Mom likes chicken.笔试部分答案、1、C 2、B 3、B4、C、 1、给你。谢谢你。2、我

6、喜欢热狗。3、我可以喝些牛奶吗?4、祝你生日快乐!5、你好吗?很好,谢谢你。6、你几岁?、1、B 2、F 3、E4、C 5、A 6、D、1、B 2、B 3、C 4、C 5、A、1、F2、T 3、F 4、T 5、F小学英语四年级上册期中测试题(二)第一部分 听力(30点)听音,选择你听到的单词:(10)( )1 A tell B still C April( )2 A soon B American C clean( )3 A finish B wash C watch( )4 A invent B print C printing( )5 A saw B ate C had( )6 A fel

7、l over B fall over C ice-skating( )7 A skate B climb C learnt( )8 A paper B important C bicycle( )9 A go B went C wore( )10 A dancing B printing C skating第二部分 笔试 选择适当的字母:(10点)( )1 imp_tant A oo B ar C or( )2 fini_ A sh B th C gh( )3 d_ty A ia B ea C ir( )4 s_ A aw B ew C ow( )5 _pril A a B A C E( )6

8、 Ameri_ A can B ean C oin( )7 yest_day A ir B er C or( )8 danc_ng A i B u C a( )9 m_tain A aun B oun C eun( )10 w_t A in B en C oo 按要求写出下列单词的对应形式:(20点)1 go过去式-_ 2 see过去式-_3 get单数第三人称形式-_ 4 eat过去式-_5 dance现在分词_ 6 buy过去式-_7 glass复数-_ 8 invent过去式-_9 play过去式-_ 10 clean反义词-_ 英汉互译:(10点)1 National Day_ 2 打

9、扫房间_3 the Great Wall_ 4 六点半_5 ice-skating_ 6 洗裤子_7 fall over_ 8 看电视_9 climb the mountains_ 10 呆在家里_ 选择,填空:(10点)( ) 1 I _to the Great Wall yesterday。A go B went C goes( ) 2 Chinese people _ paper。A invent B invented C inventing( ) 3 Lingling didnt _ to school yesterday。A walked B walk C walks( ) 4 Ch

10、ildren from China are _ 。A Chinese B American C English( ) 5 Amy is playing _ her toys。A with B of C for( ) 6 He invented this bicycle _ 1839.A in B on C at( ) 7 Where does Amy live? She _ in London。A live B lives C is living( ) 8 Please tell me _ China 。A about B in C of 小学五年级英语上册期末试卷二、从每小题A.B.C中选出

11、划线部分发音与其他三个发音不同的选项(5分)( ) 1. A. day B. play C. Monday ( ) 2. A. closet B. close C. holiday( ) 3. A. lake B. grass C. path( ) 4. A. river B. her C. father( ) 5. A. cook B. room C. bedroom三、从下列每小题A、B、C中选出最佳答案。()1. -Whats your mother like? - _thin and short. A. Hes B. Shes C. his()2. What do you have o

12、n Tuesdays? We have _ and_.A. math, science B. eggplant, fish C. Chinese, pork ( )3.-What do you do on Sundays?-_. A. I have green beans B. She does her homework C. I often read books()4. The books are _ the shelf. A. at B. in C. on ( ) 5. Id like _ TV. A. watch B. to watch C .watches ( ) 6.What_ th

13、e monkey do? A .is B. are C .can( ) 7.There_two bed tables and a big bed in my bedroom.A. is B. am C. are( ) 8.Mike has _ air-conditioner. A. a B. an C. the ( ) 9.Helens mother looks young _the picture. A. in B. on C .for ( ) 10.There is a picture _the wall. A. on B. is C. over四阅读选词(10)一)根据短文内容,选出恰当

14、的单词,并把其字母代号填到文中的横线上。Today is _. We clean the _.Mike can sweep the_. Amy can _the flowers. Chen Jie can _the windows. What can John do? He can use a computer. We are helpful!二)选择适当的疑问代词,并把其字母代号写在题前括号中。1. - _ is it tomorrow? - Tomorrow is Friday.2. - _ are your clothes? - They are in the closet.3. - _

15、 is that young lady? - She is my English teacher.4. - _ is it now? - It is 7:00. It is time for breakfast.5. - _ is your room like? - Its nice and clean.五、阅读理解(15分)(一) 仔细阅读下面的短文,判断对错,与短文内容相符在括号内写“T”,不相符的在括号内写“F”。There are seven days in a week. Most children go to school from Monday to Friday. Most p

16、eople dont work on Saturday or Sunday, and most shops are closed in England on Saturday afternoon and Sunday. But In China, many shops are open every day of the week. The time between Friday evening and Monday morning is the weekend. It is the time for rest. We cant work all the time. We should have

17、 a rest sometimes(有时)( )1. Most people dont work on Saturday or Sunday.( )2. In England, most shops are open on Saturday afternoon and Sunday.( )3. The weekend is between Friday evening and Sunday morning.( )4. Most children go to school from Monday to Friday.( )5. Weekend is the time for rest.(二)根据

18、对话内容,在A、B中选择最佳选项填到题前的括号内。 ( TonyT, MotherM Ann-A)T: Hi, Mom. What do we have for dinner this evening?M: How about fish?T: Thats great! Fish is my favorite.M: What else do you want to have?T: What about some chicken and tofu?M: Thats fine. Well, what do we have in the fridge now?T: Let me see. Oh, th

19、eres only a little bread.M: Dont we have any eggs?T: No, there arent any.M: Ok. Let me make a shopping list. Can you go and buy the things?T: Sure, Mom.M: Thank you.T: Ann, can you go with me? You can help me carry the things.A: Certainly. Lets go.( )1. How many people are talking in the dialogue? A

20、. Two. B. Three. C. Four( )2. Where do you think they talk? A. At home. B. In the canteen C. At school. ( )3. What are they talking about? A. Food for dinner. B. A shopping list. C. School.( )4. What do they want to have for dinner today?A. Fish and eggs. B. Fish and chicken C. Fish, chicken and tof

21、u.( ) 5. Do you think they would buy eggs?A. Yes, I do. B. No, I dont. C. Sorry, I dont know.(三)阅读短文,然后回答后面的问题 。I am a bird, fly in the sky. I like the clouds. They are pretty. I live in a tree. The tree is near the river. There isnt any fish in the river. There is only one tree. I feel lonely(孤独).

22、One day, I see some students. They plant trees. They grow flowers, too. I like the trees and flowers. Then there are many trees and flowers. There are many fishes in the river. Many birds come back(回来). I am happy and thanks for the students for this.1.Where does the bird live?2. Is there any fish i

23、n the river at the beginning of the story(故事开始的时候)?3. What do the students plant there?4. What happen(发生) after the students plant trees and grow flowers?5. Do you like the story?六、按要求完成句子。(5分)1. There is some grass in the forest. (变为一般疑问句)Is there _ grass in the forest?2. I can make the bed at home

24、. (变为否定句)I _ make the bed at home.3. Are there many tall buildings in your village? (做否定回答)No, there _.4. The trash bin is behind the door. ( 就画线部分提问)_ is the trash bin?5. Is the nature park beautiful? (做肯定回答)Yes, _ is.七、连词成句,注意标点。(5分)1. teacher, new, a, I, have, math (.)_2. vegetables, to, I, eat,

25、have (.) _3. housework, do, you, can, home, at (?)_4. to, a , have, I, like, would, try (.)_5. bed, see, you, can, over, the, what, (?)_八、请根据图画填上所缺单词。(5分)1.Our principal is very_.2. Amy is helpful at home. She can _3. I have my own room now. There is a _over the bed.4. There is a _ over the river.5.

26、 There is a _in the nature park.九、小练笔:(5分)春节就要到了,Zhang Peng想邀请他远在美国的笔友John来他的家乡过春节,下图是Zhang Peng的家乡的一张照片,请你根据图画所示,帮助Zhang Peng给John写一封信,介绍一下自己的家乡。提示词: house, mountain, tree, river, fish, clean, fresh.要求5060词左右。Dear John,This is a picture of my 小学六年级上册期中英语试题 一、按要求改写单词: 1. she_(宾格) 2. country_(复数) 3.

27、close_(现在分词) 4. three_(序数词) 5. China_(形容词) 6. I _ (名词性物主代词) 7. paper _(复数) 8. swim _(现在分词) 9.photo_(复数) 10.mouse_(复数) 11.mango_(复数) 12.make_(现在分词) 二、选择题: ( ) (1). I get up _ about seven fifty -five . A. in B. on C. at D. for ( ) (2). Why are you looking at _like that? A. I B. mine C. my D. me ( ) (3

28、). I want _ a map of China . A. buy B. is buying C. to buy D. am buying ( ) (4). Is it a picture _ your school ? A. of B. to C. and D. with ( ) (5). Do you like _ ? A. swim B. swimming C. are swimming D. swim, too ( ) (6). The man _ a book in his hand is my uncle . A. and B. of C. with D. for ( ) (7

29、). Whos the lady _ blue ? A. in B. on C. at D. with ( ) (8). We usually stay _ home _ Saturday afternoon . A. atin B. aton C. inat D. onon ( ) (9). A: Its a white shirt , is it yours ? B: No, _ is yellow . A. I B. My C. Mine D. Me ( ) (10). _ any men in the room ? A. Is there B. Are there C. There a

30、rent D. There isnt ( ) (11). The bed _ the right is yours . A. on B. in C. at D. of ( ) (12). Look at _ picture . A. one B. the one C. first D. the first ( ) (13). These books are my _ . A. students B. studentss C. students D. students of ( ) (14). My parents often tell me _ your family . A. about B

31、. from C. for D. by ( ) (15). _ any food in the fridge ? A. Are there B. Is there C. Have D. Has 三、按要求改写句子,注意每条横线只填一个单词: 1. The children like the ball . (改为一般疑问句) _ the children _ the ball ? 2. Are these your pens ? (不改变原句意思,改写句子) Are these _ _ ? 3. Please put the clothes here .(改为否定句) _ put the clo

32、thes here, _ . 4. They get up at six thirty .(就划线部分提问) What _ _ they get up ? 四、联词成句: 1. the, read, in, dont, sun, please _ 2. sisters, brothers, you, any, or, got, have? _ 3. black, all, like, I, at, dont _ 4. can, do, I, for, what, you? _ 5. drink, like, something, you, to, would? _ 五、用所给的动词的适当形式填

33、空: 1 . Look ! My sister _ ( play ) with the toy cars . 2 . I _ ( get ) up at 6:30 every morning . 3 . Do they like _ (swim) ? 4 . Toms mother _ (have) a nice jacket .6、 阅读对话,根据对话内容选择正确的答案.(10分) Mr White moved to another town. He had a cold one day, so he went to see a doctor. He sat down in the wait

34、ing room and look around. The doctors diploma(证书)was hung(挂)on the wall. Suddenly Mr White remembered that there was a classmate with the same name in his class at the college( 大学). When he went to see the doctor, he remembered a young, nice student, but now he was sad to see an old man with gray(灰白

35、的) hair. He said to him, “Good morning, Doctor. Did you go to Kings Medical College?” The doctor answered, “ Yes, I did.” “Were you there from 1975 to 1979?” Mr White asked. “ Yes, I was.” The doctor answered. “ How did you know?” Mr White laughed and said, “You were in my class!” “Oh” the doctor sa

36、id and looked at him for a few minutes. “What were you teaching?” ( )1. Mr White went to see a doctor because _. A. he have a fever B. have a cold C. he moved to another town ( )2. Where was the doctors diploma? A. On the desk . B. On the wall C. On the floor. ( )3. The doctor thought(认为)Mr White was_. A. his friend B. his classmate C. his teacher ( )4. Mr White thought the doctor was old, but the doctor thought Mr White was much _. A. older B. younger C. taller ( )5.Was Mr White the doctors teacher? A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, he was. C. No, he wasnt


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