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1、Test ( Book I ) Unit 2Name: _ Class: _ Mark: _I. 根据句意及首字母的提示,完成所缺单词的正确形式。(20)1. His _accent_ (口音) showed that he was an American.2. When we are on holiday in Greece, we live like _native_ (当地人).3. The heating system in this _block_ (街区) doesnt work well.4. The child has a very large _vocabulary_(词汇量

2、) for his age.5. In British _usage_ (用法), “petrol” means “gas”.6. He looks dishonest, but _actually_(实际上) he is a thief.7. He has lost his _identity_ card and is being questioned by the police.8. Although we hadnt seen each other for ten years, I _ recognized_ (认出) Bob at the airport as soon as I sa

3、w him.9. A _subway_ in the US is an underground railway in a city.10. An _elevator_ is a kind of machine for raising and lowering something.11. In America a flat is called an _apartment_.12. We are going to make a _voyage_ (航行) from Qingdao to Dalian during the summer holidays.13. Li Yang speaks Eng

4、lish so _fluently_ (流利的)that he can talk with foreigners freely. 14. Their arguments were becoming more and more _frequent_ (频繁).15. English and French are Canadas _official_ (官方的) languages, and many Canadians can speak both of them.16. It is necessary for you to remember some useful words and _exp

5、ressions_ (表达).17. Dont _command_ (命令) others to do what they dont want to do.18. She _gradual_ (逐渐地) built up a reputation (名声) as a successful lawyer.19. Total profit was $ 550 million in the _latter_ (后者的) half of 1998.20. Walk _stright_ (一直), turn right at the second crossroads and you will see

6、the underground on your right.II. 单项选择。(25)21. We discussed where to go for a whole morning, but we decided to stay at home_C _.A. at the end B. by the end C. in the end* D. on the end 22. One of the boys has got his leg broken, so _D_ one will go.A. others B. the other C. the others D. another*23.

7、Can you tell me if you have found the key _B_ your car.A. for B. to* C. about D. by 24. Can you believe that _C_ little a girl can finish the task in _ a short time.A. such, so B. such, such C. so, such* D. so, so25. All the people _B_ at the party were his supporters. A. thankful B. present* C. int

8、erested D. important26. The birds are native _A_ Australia but now we can see them in zoos in China. A. to* B. at C. in D. on27. Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see _D_.A. who is he B. who he is C. who is it D. who it is*28. The general commanded that all the soldiers _B_ at attention.A. sto

9、od B. stand* C. had stood D. would stand29. -Was the teacher strict? - Yes. He requested that we _C_ television on week nights.A. must not watch B. didnt watch C. not watch* D. couldnt watch30. I havent seen him _C_. A. latest B. later C. lately* D. late31. He was about to tell me the secret _D_ som

10、eone patted him on the shoulder.A. as B. while C. until D. when*32. In my opinion, its the best use that could be _C_ the space.A. made up B. made in C. made of* D. made from 33. We all have a part to _A_ in the fight against crime. A. play* B. take C. playing D. taking34. Almost everybody present f

11、elt unhappy _B_ what he had said. A. as B. because of* C. because D. since35. He was standing _C_ to the door and watched the enemy _. A. closely, closely B. close, close C. close, closely* D. closely, close 36. A number of young people _A_ present at the party and the number of them _. A. were, was

12、 large* B. was, were many C. was, were large D. were, was many 37. The book cost me 12 yuan in all, postage _A_. A. included* B. including C. includes D. is included 38. The books, _B_ the dictionaries, must be put back where they _.A. included; were B. including; were* C. including; are D. to inclu

13、de; are39. John suggested _C_ swimming tomorrow. A. to go B. we will go C. going* D. we going40. More than one person _C_ made the same mistake. A. have B. are C. is D. has*41. - Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls? - Yes. They have better players, so I _C_ them to win. A. hope B. want C. exp

14、ect* D. prefer42. Spring is coming and the grass is just beginning to _D_.A. come along B. come through C. come with D. come up*43. My son stayed in an _C_ country for about half a year, so his _ English is much better than before. A. English-spoken, spoken B. English-spoken, speaking C. English-spe

15、aking, spoken* D. English-speaking, speaking44. It isnt _C_ so easy as you think.A. almost B. most C. nearly* D. mostly45. _D_ it is to go for a picnic on such a fine day!A. What a fun B. How a fun C. How fun D. What fun*Name: _ Class: _ Mark: _III. 根据提示补全句子。(40)46. It is well known that knowledge _

16、plays_ _an_ _important_ _part_ (扮演着重要的角色)in our life.47. _Believe_ _it_ _or_ _not_, (信不信由你) the sports meeting next week is cancelled.48. We should _make_ _good_ _use_ _of_ (充分利用)our spare time to learn English.49. Legends _are_ generally _based_ _on_ (以为基础)real events and people.50. Sally looks muc

17、h prettier _than_ _ever_ _before_. (比以前)51.Please_make_ _a_ _list_(列一份清单) things before shopping.52.We are used to _communicate_ _with_(交流/沟通) each other by e-mail nowadays.53. When the thief saw a policeman _came_ _up_ _to_ (走向) him, he ran away quickly.54.Some practical suggestions _are_ _request_

18、 (被提出) at the meeting.55. What he said _was_ quite _different_ _from_ (与不同)what he did.56. _Because_ _of_ (因为) being ill he had to come back before finishing his work.57. They will stand by you _even_ _if_ (即使) you dont succeed.58. _In_ _the_ _1860s_ (在19世纪60年代) the American Civil War broke out.59.

19、Can you tell me how the accident _took_ _place_ (发生)?60. We learn eight subjects, _such_ _as_ (例如) Chinese, English, physics and so on61. He, _for_ _example_(例如) is a good teacher.62. _At_ _present_ (目前), he is on holiday.63. Children _ flowers _ (赠送给) the teachers on Teachers Day. 64. _ at_ _the_ _

20、end_ _of_ (在末尾) the road youll find a shop.65. We will have finished the work _by _ _the_ _end_ _of_ (到为止) next month.IV. 单句改错。(10)66. It seemed as if that was going to rain this afternoon.去掉as67. He suggested that we climbed that hill that day.68. Professor Tings theory based on physical experiment

21、s. 去掉s69. This pen is not very good; Id like the same one as you are using now.70. He keeps closing to me all the time and has helped me with my English a lot.71. He felt that he had better to do some research on it.去掉to72. The sports-lover sticks to swimming every day,even if in cold winter.73. Why

22、 not have a try once again?74. Would you mind whether I opening the window?75. He has been to both France or England. I dont remember which.V. 将下列直接引语转换为间接引语。(10)76. My mother said to me, “It wont be long before you leave school.” _ My mother told me that It wouldnt be long before I left school_77.

23、Mr. Smith asked, “Where did you go yesterday?” _78. Sally asked, “Ben, can you come here tomorrow?” _79. My father said to me, “Do be careful when you walk across the road.” _80. The teacher said, “John, dont talk in class.” _ VI. 将下列句子翻译成英语。(15)81. 由于下雨,他开会迟到了. _Because of rains , he is late for me

24、eting ._82. 覆水难收。_Spilt water cant be gathered up. _83. Tom的法语很好。(command)_Tom_has_a_good_command_of_French._84. 期末考试临近了,我们要充分利用每一分钟。(make use of) As the final exam is coming, we must make use of every minute.85. 警察要求我们不要把车停在这栋大楼的前面。(request) The policiman requested us not to pack up this building .答案:I. 根据句意及首字母的提示,完成所缺单词的正确形式。(20)1. _ 2. _ 3. _4. _ 5. _ 6. _7. _ 8. _ 9. _10. _ 11. _ 12. _13. _ 14. _ 15. _16. _ 17. _ 18. _19. _ 20. _ II. 单项选择。(25)2125:_ 2630: _3135: _ 3640: _3640: _ 3640: _ Book 1Unit 2 第 4 页 共 4 页


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