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1、四川省江油市九年级英语 Unit 4 What would you do 素材 人教新目标版Part 2: Teaching Resources (第二部分:教学资源 )A Personality surveyIn School1. I like teachers who set routines and ha,ve organized ways of co nducting classes.2. I like classes to be hands on, I like to play games, compete, and solve problems.3. I like my teach

2、ers, especially those who are friendly.4. I learn best by working by myself.5. I prefer teachers who stay on one topic at a time.6. I like classes that have contests, changes of pace, and variety.7. My favorite subjects . are about people, such as language, drama, and literature.8. I am easily bored

3、 if the subject holds no interest to me.9. I like subjects that are useful and traditional, such as history and governmen t.10. My favorite subjects are music, art, and crafts.11. I am social and work best in a group setting.12. Sometimes, it is har d for me to decide whats important, because so man

4、y things are interesting to me.With Friends13. I prefer friends who are careful with their money and who make plans ahead of time.14. Planning ahead bores me because - I never know what I want to do until the moment arrives.15. I am sensitive to rejection and need to know that a person cares about m

5、e.16. I may seem dis tant and without emotions.17. I like my friends to be loyal, dependable, and on time.18. I like to excite my friends with new and diffe, rent things.19. I appreciate real, human feedback and like to receive notes and gifts.20. I am uneasy about showing my emotions.With Family21.

6、 I like stability and security and enjoy traditions and celebrations.22. I need a lot of space and freedom.23. I like to be happy and loving.24. I am probably seen as a loner because I like a lot of private time to think.25. I like to spend holidays with family membersand plan on such gatherings for

7、 months and months.26. It is hard for me to follow rules and I feel we all should just enjoy one another.27. I am very sensitive to rejection from my family and to family conflicts.28. Sometimes, I find activities boring and have difficulty following family rules that dont make sense to m e.29. 30.用心爱心专心2


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