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1、福建省石狮市凤里中学2013 届九年级英语下学期第一次月考试题(无答案)人教新目标版第一卷第一部分 听力考查 (30分)第一节听句子:根据你所听到的句子,选择恰当的答语。( 句子读两遍 ) (5分 )()1.A. TomorrowB. New York.C. A ruler.()2.A. Half past eightB. Three days.C. Thank you.()3.A. Its a nice place.B. Bad luck!C. Well done!()4.A. Id love to.B. By subway.C. About five kilometers.()5.A. I

2、ts a pity.B. Youre right.C. In the lab.第二节听对话: (25 分 )(A)从 A、B、 C 三幅图画中选出符合对话内容的图画。( 对话读两遍 ) (6分)1(B) 根据你所听到的对话,选择正确的答案。( 对话读两遍 ) (14 分 )听第一段对话,回答第l2、13 小题:() 12.Hows the weather?A.Cold.B. Warm.C. Hot.() 13.What would the man like to eat?A. Grapes.B. Watermelon. C. Strawberries.听第二段对话,回答第l4、15 小题:()

3、 14.The man is looking for a book about _.A. famous peopleB. places of interestC. Chinese culture() 15.Whats his son fond of?A. Sport.B. Music.C. Science.听第三段对话,回答第l6、17 小题:2() 16.Why is Jane sad?A. She failed the exam.B. She misses her parents.C. She has no friends.() 17.They decide to _ together.A

4、. take a walkB. fly a kiteC. have a picnic听第四段对话,回答第l8 、19 小题:() 18.The man wants to book a room with _.A. a double bedB. a single bedC. two single beds() 19.How much does he have to pay in total?A.¥ 180.B.¥ 360.C.¥ 540.听第五段对话,回答第20、 21 小题:() 20.What housework does Mike do?A. Looking after the dog.B

5、. Cleaning the house.C. Washing clothes.() 21.Mikes father is good at _.A. paintingB. fishingC. cooking听第六段对话,回答第22、23 小题:() 22.When did Amy start her new job?A. In May.B. In April.C. In March.() 23.What does Amy do?A. a nurse.B. an engineer. C. a secretary.听第七段对话,回答第24、25 小题:() 24.Bill won the _ pl

6、ace in the skiing competition.A. firstB. secondC. third() 25.Howdoes Bill feel about skiing?A. Difficult but interesting.B. Dangerous but exciting.C. Easy but boring.(C) 听一段对话,回答第26-30小题。 ( 对话读三遍 ) (5分 )() 26.The woman is Jennys _.A. auntB. motherC. sister() 27.Where did Jenny get lost?A. In the sup

7、ermarket.B. In the hotel.C. At the railway station.() 28.What can we know about Jenny?A. She is fat.B. She has long hair.C. She has black eyes.() 29.Jenny takes a toy _ with her.A. elephantB. rabbitC. bear() 30.Where does Mrs. White live?A. At 58 Market Street.B. At 48 Banker Street.C. At 38 Center

8、Street.第二部分选择填空(35分 )(A) 单项选择: (18 分 )() 31. What color is this ? It is _ orange. It is _ orange coat.A. an,B. , anC. an, an3() 32. Miss Wang teaches _ English. We all like _ verymuch.A. our , herB. us,her, C. us, she() 33. Is this skirt _ ? No, it is _.A. your, herB. yours, MikeC. yours,Mikes() 34.

9、 What class are you in ? I am _.A. in Grade Seven ,Class SixB. in Class Six, Grade SevenC. Class six, Grade seven() 35. _ does Tom look like ? He has _eyes .A. What, black bigB. What, bigblackC. How,big black() 36. I often help my mother _ my sister.A. looking forB. looking afterC. look after() 37.

10、Can I help you ? Thanks ! I want _.A. a kilo of eggB. a kilo of eggsC. two kilos eggs() 38. Would you like to go shopping with us ? _A. Yes, please.B. Yes, Id like.C. Yes, I d like to.() 39. Could you please tell me _ ? Yes, he arrived here last night.A. when did he arrive hereB. when he arrived her

11、eC. how he arrived here() 40. Jack likes playing basketball very much. _A. So do I.B. So am I.C. So I do.() 41. Why are you standing here, Mrs. White? Im waiting for my son. He _ back from school.A. hasnt comeB. wont cameC. doesnt coming() 42. What _ your parents _ ? They are both _.A. do,do,an offi

12、ce workerB. does, do,office workersC. do,do,office workers() 43. Boys and girls, _ some orange juice.A. help yourself to B. help yourselves to C. help yourselves ( ) 4 4. Excuse me ? What time is it ? It is _. It is time _ breakfast.A. half past six, haveB. half past six, to haveC. half to six, for(

13、) 45. _ do you ususlly watch TV ? Every Sunday evening.A. HowB. How oftenC. How long() 46. Jack goes to school _.A. by a busB. by busC. take a bus() 47. Who help you carry the heavy box to your classroom ? It is the kind man _ is sitting over there.A. who B. whom C. which( ) 48. Thank you for helpin

14、g me so much. _.A. That s all. B. Thats right. C. Thats all right.(B)完形填空: (10 分 )Mr. Evans works in Sydney. Last month he _49_ a long holiday. But he didn t know where_50_. He said to his friendRobert,“ I hate the hot weatherhere,but I can t finda _51_place in Australia. How will I spend my holiday

15、s ?”4“ That s easy, ” said Robert,“ You d bette r go to Moscow( 莫斯科 ). Snow and ice arecovering the ground there now.”Mr. Evans _52_ hisfriend.He arrived _53_ Moscow. He was having a good time there.One day Mr. Evans went to a park outside the city. He noticed _54_ following him when hewas walking p

16、ast a house. The dog was _55_. It wanted some food to eat. Bad luck ! Mr. Evanshad no food in his pockets. He tried to sent it away, but the dog began to bark at him. _56_he saw a stone in the ground. He hurried to _57_, but he failed.“ How strange Russians are!” Mr. Evans said to himself,“ They do

17、not tie their dogs,_58_ firmly (稳固地 ) tie the stones. ()49.A. haveB. hadC. has()50.A. goB. to goC. going()51.A. coolB. hotC. beautiful()52.A. agreed withB. agree withC. agreed at()53.A. inB. atC. to()54.A. a catB. a dogC. the dog()55.A. thirstyB. tiredC. hungry()56.A. LuckyB. SuddenC. Suddenly()57.A

18、. pick it ipB. pick up itC. pick them up()58.A. butB. whileC. and(C) 口语运用:从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,补全对话。(8 分 )A: Hello ! _59_A. May I speak to Hellen, please ?B: Speaking . _60_A: Oh. Hello. Hellen. _61_.B. Who is that ?Are you free this Sunday ?C. This is Jane.B: Yes , what up ?D.When and where shall we m

19、eet ?A: We will go to the West Hill for a picnic. Would you like to go with us ?B: Yes, I d like to ? _62_A: We will meet at 9 oclock at our school gate. Please be on time.B: OK. See you then.A: See you.第三部分阅读理解 (45分 )A 篇A womam saw three old men sitting in he front yard. She said,“ I dont think I k

20、now you,but you must be hungry . Please come in and have something to eat.”“ We don t go into a house together,” they replied.“ Why is that? ” The woman wanted to know.One of the old men explained,“ His name is Wealth. This is Success, and I am Love.” Thenhe added,“ Now go in and discuss with your h

21、usband which one of us you want in your home.”The woman went in and told her husband what was said. Her husband said,“ Let us inviteWealth. Let him in and fill our home with wealth !” His wife disagreed,“ My dear, why don twe invite Success ?” Their daughter was listening from the other corner of th

22、e house. She jumped5in with her own suggestion,“ Would it be better to invite Love? Our home will then be filledwith love !” “ Let s take our daughter s advice, ” said the husband to his wife.So the woman went out and asked,“ Which one of you is Love ? Please come in and be ourguest. ” Love got up a

23、nd started walking toward the house. The other two also got up and followedhim. Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Success,“ I only invited Love. Why are you comingin ?”The old men replied together,“ If you had invited Wealth or Success, the other two of uswouldhave stayedout . But since you invit

24、edLove, whereverhe goes, we willgo with him.Whereverthere is Love, there is also Wealth and Success !”根据短文内容,判断下列句子是否正确,对的涂(A) ,错的涂 (B) 。 (10 分 )() 63. The woman asked the three old men to come in because she knew them.() 64. The woman couldn t decide whom to invite untill she discussed with herfami

25、lies.() 65. The three old men all went into the house to get something to eat.() 66. The woman didn t like Wealth and Success.() 67. The writer thinks that love is more important than wealth and success.B、 C 两篇:根据短文内容,选择一个最佳答案。(20 分 )B 篇There are many things that you should be careful with when you

26、are alone at home. Read thefollowing solutions(方法) to protect yourself. Keep the door locked when you are alone at home. Many people think it s the best way toprotect themselves. Keep a list of phone numbers to call for help such as 110, the police station oraneighbor s number. Be careful with elect

27、rical appliances(电器 ). If you don t know how to use them, ask yourparents. Make a safety check before going to sleep. Look through the keyhole(锁眼 ) when you hear the doorbell. If there are strangers, ask“ Who s that?” with the door locked and say“ Come back later.” Don t tell them thatyour parents a

28、re away. Say“ Mum s having a shower.” or “ Dad s having a sleep.”Toignore(忽视 )the doorbell is nota good idea because sometimes bad people ring doorbellsto see if anyone is at home.() 68. When you are alone at home, you must _A. let the door openB. keep the door lockedC. clean the door() 69. To call

29、for help, you should keep a list of _A. phone numbersB. doorbellsC. keyhole() 70. Before going to sleep, you have to make sure _.A. all the electrical appliances are openB. everyone is fineC. all the electrical appliances are safe() 71. If there are strangers ringing the doorbell, you can _A. open t

30、he door at onceB. ignore the doorbellC. ask“ Who is that ?” with the door locked() 72. Saying“ Mum s having a shower.” Means you want to let the strangers know _A. your parents are at homeB. they are welcomeC. your parents are away6C 篇If you get a box of chocolate, which piece do you pick first ? A

31、man has studied people schoices.He says they tellsomethingabout the person.Ifyou choose a round piece,you likeparties.If you choose an oval shape, you like to make things. Picking a square shape shows the personis honest and truthful. You can depend on him or her.What kind of chocolate do you pick ?

32、 Maybe you like milk chocolate. This shows you have warmfeelingsabout the past.Dark chocolatemeans somethingelse.A person who chooses itlooksforwardto the future. If you choose white chocolate, you may find it hard to make up your mind. Somepeople like chocolate with nuts(果仁 ), and it shows they lik

33、e to help others.Do you believethese ideas?Can chocolatetellus allthese things? Itdoesn t reallymatter.There is one sure thing about eaters of chocolate. They eat it because they like it.() 73. Picking a round chocolate shows that a person _.A. can be depended onB. enjoys parties and funC. is good a

34、t making things() 74. If you enjoy eating milk chocolate, you may _A. like to think of the pastB. look forward to the futureC. have trouble making decisions() 75. From this passage, we can say that a helpful man may choose chocolate _.A. in the shape of an ovalB. with nutsC. in the shape of a square

35、() 76. The last paragraph suggests that the writer _.A. believe all the information about chocolateB. is trying to get you to believe false informationC. doesn t think it important whether you believe the ideas() 77. This passage mainly tells us _A. why people like chocolateB. different kinds of cho

36、colate have different tastesC. different choices may show different charactersD篇根据短文内容,将下面A E 五个句子分别填入文中空缺处,使短文意思通顺。(4 分 )People around the world celebrate the New Year, but they celebrate the holiday on differentdays. In Europe and America, January 1st starts the New Year. _78_ In Israel (以色列 ), it

37、is in September._79_ In the United States, people usually go to parties on New Year s Eve. On NewYear s Day, many people stay home. They usually watch sports andparades ( 游行 ) on TV. _80_People stay at home on New Year s Eve. On New Year s Day, they visist friends and relativesand exchange presents.

38、 There are parades with dragons as part of the New Year celebrations.People in most places eat special foods for the new year In many places, people eat sweetfoods. They want to have a“ sweet ” or good new year. For example, people in Israel dip(浸) sweetapples into honey. In Spain, people eat twelve

39、 grapes at midnight. _81_7A. But in China, it s the opposite.B. In China, the New Year is in January or February.C. New Year s celebrations around the world are the same in some ways, but they are different, too.D. Each grape means a good month in the new year !温馨提示:同学们:请将以上题目的答案涂在答题卡上。共 81 题。要认准序号哦!第二卷E 篇8It was Mother s Day. A man stopped his car at a flower shop to order some flowers. Hewanted the shopkeeper


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