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1、Teaching Contents: Lesson 15Whats this in English? Its a tomato.Do you like tomatoes? Yes,I do.一、Teaching Aims:1、能够理解有关水果,蔬菜的单词,并要求正确听说读写以下单词: apple , pear,orange,banana,pineapple,lemon,watermelon, kiwifruit,potato ,tomato.能够在情景中理解,会说,会用Whats this/that in English? 及答语Its a/an 2、能够听懂,会用Do you like?及答

2、语Yes ,I do./No, I dont.来表达对某一事物的喜爱及不喜爱。3、培养学生综合运用语言的能力和创新能力。通过谈论水果,把语言训练融入各种情景之中,学生通过体验,参与活动,培养对语言学习的兴趣。4学习策略:(1)通过四人小组合作学习来完成任务,并培养孩子的团结合作精神。(2)通过创设情景,引导学生感悟语言的意义,并能用英语思维、回答问题,自然使用语言。二、Main points:会用Whats this/that in English? 及答语Its a/an . Do you like? Yes ,I do./No, I dont.三、Difficult points:在上节课

3、 Whats that in English?的基础上,通过情景的创设让学生在理解、感知、体验的基础上逐步掌握新知(即新的水果名称),并能逐步进行简单的语言交流。 四、Teaching aids: Picture,cassette, ,some cards tape recorder stickers ect.一、Warm upToday we are going to learn Lesson15 This lesson we have a new friend come to our classroom.Look,he is coming.(故事导入)In a mountain in En

4、gland.1、There is an old monkey and a little monkey.One day,the old monkey tells the little monkey down the mountain to get something to eat.2、The little monkey walk and walk.3、Finally,the little monkey come to a garden.“Wow!So many things can eat.”The little monkey said happily.But the little monkey

5、 doesnt know what they are.Clever boys and girls,can you tell him?4、I instead the little monkey thank you for your help.5、Now,lets help the little monkey together.OK ? What is this?6、Next.The little monkey will go to the supermarket with me.Do you want to go with us? OK,lets go.7、The little monkey d

6、oesnt know this two kinds of vegetables.Do you know them?The little monkey comes from England.You must tell him in English. 8、In English.(解释汉意)9、Whats this? 生答。 Whats this in English? 生答。10、Whats that? 生答。Whats that in English? 生答。11、Lets look at the dialogue.Im sure you can learn it by yourself.Now

7、,who can read the dialogue for us.Who can translat the dialogue into Chinese.Now lets act out the dialogue in groups.三、Practice请同学上台,用东西蒙住眼睛,把事先准备好的水果或者蔬菜放到学生手里,让他摸一摸,闻一闻。T:Whats this in English?学生根据猜测回答,Its a/an.猜对的小组向前走一步。2、看谁跑得快:把事先准备好的水果蔬菜图片贴在黑板上,每个小组选一个代表。师发布命令,Run to the pineapple.或Jump to the

8、 watermelon.fly,swim学生根据指令跑向指定的图片,谁第一个摸到即为哪组获胜。获胜组向前走一步。Do you like?If you dont like potato,please pass the potato to me.You must eat more fruits and vegetables,it is good for your health.四、SummaryNow, lets look at this class what we have learned.五、Todays homework.Make a interview(采访一下你的家庭成员和朋友都喜欢吃什

9、么,并 用英语记下它们的名称。)The little monkey is very happy.He found so much food and learned so much knowledge.He is very grateful to everyone.Byebye! 感悟与反思新课程下的课堂教学应体现“四个关注”的理念,即关注学生主体、关注学习过程、关注教学设计、关注学习成效。以新课程理念反思本堂课的教学,我认为有以下几个亮点:1、关注教学设计,运用新课程倡导的“任务型”教学模式,将本课设计为 Preparation(任务启动),Presentation(任务呈现),Practic



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