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1、2012 届高考英语专题复习精选资料集(十五)( 一)I can still remember when I met my best friend.She had just moved into the neighborhood and her grandmother brought her down to _1_ me.I hid behind my mother and she hidbehind her grandmother , _2_to look at each other.Soon welost the shyness and started playing with each

2、other.In the 7th grade, I first lost touch with her.She was _3_ family problems and I deserted her to be with the cooler people.None of my new friends liked her as much as I did because they knew she had _4_.It was last year when I noticed the problem.I guess I was too devoted in high schoolto _5_ s

3、he needed someone there.And then I didn t know why, but she started cutting herself!She then was diagnosed ( 诊断 ) with clinical depression.At first, I was very _6_ but we still stayed in _7_.I wanted to be there with her since her new best friend basically _8_ her and people were calling her _9_.Yes

4、terday she came to me and said, “ I never knew what a best friend was _10_ you, the only person, would stop me cutting.I_11_ your help so much, and you didn teven know you were _12_ me. ”We both cried.And I guess a kind of _13_ from my life so far is never to give upon your friends.Even if they aren

5、 t as cool as others, or people think they are crazy, they need _14_ there.If you desert them, you will only be _15_ yourself.()1.A.followB meetC join D support()2.A.scared B annoyedC worried D delighted( )3.A.taking up B getting throughC going through D making up()4.A.problems B shortcomingsC partn

6、ers D disabilities()5.A.admit B acceptC consider D realize()6.A.calm B considerateC upset D helpful()7.A.place B touchC control D mood()8.A.confused B botheredC reminded D deserted()9.A.crazy B stubbornC clumsy D stupid()10.A.unless B asC until D that()11.A.expect B influenceC appreciate D demand()1

7、2.A.urging BblamingC helping D hurting()13.A.honour BfavourC pleasure D lesson()14.A.someoneB somethingC anyone D everything( )15.A.innocent B successfulC guilty D reliable(二)I used to be ashamed of my grandma.I know that s a terrible thing to say, but it was true until today, so I have to _1_ it.Th

8、e _2_ started when my friend Katy found Grandma s false teeth floating in a glass on the bathroom sink.I was so used to seeing them that I _3_ took notice of them.But Katy shouted, laughing and _4_ to talk to them.I had to get down on my knees and _5_ her to shut up so my grandma wouldn t hear and g

9、et hurt.After that happened, I _6_ there were a million things about Grandma that were embarrassing.Once she took my brother Jill and me out to Burger King._7_ ordering our hamburgers welldone, she told the person behind the counter,“ They ll have two Whoppers ( 巨无霸 ) welltodo. ” Jill burst out laug

10、hing, but I almost _8_.After a while, I started wishing I could _9_ Grandma in a closet.I even complainedto my parents.Both my parents said I had to be careful not to make Grandma feel _10_ in our home.Then last Wednesday, something happened that _11_everythingcompletely.My teachertold us to help fi

11、nd interesting old people and _12_ them about their lives fora big Oral History project.I was trying to think of someone when Angie pushed megently.“ Volunteer( 举荐 ) your grandmother , ” she whispered.“ She s _13_ and rich inexperience. ”That was the last thing I ever thought Angie would say about m

12、y grandma.This is how I ended up on _14_ today interviewing my own grandmother before the whole school assembly.All my friends and teachers were listening to her as if she was a great heroine.I was proud of my grandma and hoped she would _15_ know that I had been ashamed of her.( )1.A.admit B receiv

13、eC refuse D show()2.A.quarrel B accidentC trouble D adventure()3.A.already B alwaysC simply D hardly( )4.A.enjoying B pretendingC imagining D continuing( )5.A.warn B demandC advise D beg( )6.A.expected B declaredC realized D doubted( )7.A.Because of B Except for C Such as D Instead of()8.A.died B ch

14、eeredC disappeared D suffered ()9.A.meet B avoidC arrange D hide()10.A.independent B inconvenientC unwelcome D unfamiliar()11.A.changedB finishedC stopped D prepared( )12.A.interview B report C tell D write()13.A.free BpopularC interesting D embarrassing()14.A.show BstageC duty D time()15.A.never B

15、evenC still D once(三)As a music teacher, I have always known that music touches the soul.It can _1_ all kinds of barriers to reach students in a very special way.It can be the _2_ for each child to find their light.I would like to share a story about it.For a few years I was _3_ with the opportunity

16、 to teach disabled students.One ofmy most _4_ students was a fiveyearold girl called Vanessa, who had difficulty inwalking, and could not speak.We _5_ sat on the floor for our music lessons. Oneof her favorite songs was John the Rabbit.We probably performed that song during every class, Vanessa and

17、I clapping together.But she _6_ said or sang a word.One day, when the song was finished, Vanessa turned around , _7_ mein the eye, clapped her tiny hands twice and said the words“ Oh, yes ! ” I opened my mouth in _8_ andfor that moment I was the one who could not speak. Whenmy heart _9_ started beat

18、ing again, I looked over at the assistant teacher to find her also _10_. Through music, we had made an awesome connection.Several years later, I met Vanessa on the street in town.She waved with a big _11_on her face and then clapped her hands twice, imitating the song we had _12_ so many times in ou

19、r music class.The little girl, _13_ her connection with music, left animpression on methat will last forever.Every child has the _14_ to learn and grow.It is up to us to _15_ the way to reach each and every one of our students.We all must find each child s light.( )1.A.get across B put awayC take ov

20、er D break through()2.A.means B directionC process D effort()3.A.blessed B tiredC covered D filled( )4.A.troublesome B hardworkingC memorable D sensitive()5.A.most B almostC nearly D mostly()6.A.ever B neverC still D even( )7.A.looked B sawC glared D noticed( )8.A.horror B delightC astonishment D em

21、barrassment( )9.A.immediately B fortunatelyC slowly D finally()10.A.happy B gratefulCspeechlessDhopeless( )11.A.greeting B smileCexpressionDsign()12.A.performed B operatedCtrained Dorganized( )13.A.uponB throughCfromDbeyond()14.A.standard B abilityCplanDnecessity()15.A.discover B inventCtestDmake参考答

22、案(1) 【文章大意】我和朋友从小一起玩儿,中间分开了一段时间。在朋友遇到问题时,我又与她站在了一起。1 B她刚刚搬到附近,她奶奶带她来见“我。follow “跟随”;meet “遇见,相识,结识,被引见 / 介绍 ( 给某人 )( 无被动式 ) ” ; join “加入” ; support “支持” 。2 A “我”藏在“我”母亲后面,她藏在她奶奶后面,相互不敢看对方。 scared “害怕的” ; annoyed “烦恼的” ; worried “着急的” ; delighted “高兴的” 。3 C take up “从事”; get through “完成” ; go through

23、 “遭受,经历” ; make up “编造” 。由句意可知选 C。4 A 从下文 It was last year when I noticed the problem.可知选A。5 D admit “承认” ; accept “接受” ; consider “考虑” ; realize “意识到” 。由句意可知 选D。6 C 起初,我很伤心。calm “平静的”; considerate “体贴的” ; upset “难过的” ; helpful“有帮助的” 。7 B 但是我们还是保持联系。 stay in touch “保持联系” 。8 D 联系上文 I deserted her.可知,

24、因为她的新朋友基本上抛弃了她。9 A 从下文 or people think they are crazy 可知, 人们说她疯了。crazy “疯狂的”; stubborn“顽固的” ; clumsy “笨拙的” ; stupid “愚蠢的” 。10 C“我”从来不知道好朋友是什么样的,直到你叫“我”不要伤害“我”自己。11 C“我”非常感激你的帮助。appreciate “感激” 。12 C你甚至不知道你在帮“我”。由上下文可知应选C项。13 D “我”想“我”在生活中得到的教训就是不要放弃朋友。 honour “荣誉” ; favour “帮忙” ; pleasure “高兴” ; les

25、son “教训” 。14 A 他们需要有一个人在那里( 帮助他 ) 。15 C 如果你抛弃了他们,你自己会感到内疚的。(2) 【文章大意】作者意识到奶奶年纪大了,会发生很多不愉快的事情。但作者希望奶奶永远不会知道自己原来对她的看法,不让她因此受到伤害。1 A虽然这种事情说出来不好,但却是一个事实,作者不得不承认。2 C后文所列举的例子,是作者认为由奶奶引起的麻烦事。另外下文没有出现作者与Katy争吵,故排除A; accident 事故; adventure 冒险。3 D根据句意可知此处应为否定的语气。4 B根据动词的用法可排除A C;再根据下文作者担心奶奶会听见从而受到伤害可以推断出 Katy

26、 只是假装要宣扬这件事。5 D 此处作者应为恳求的语气。6 C 联系上下文可知, 作者意识到奶奶会引起很多不愉快的事情。 expect 盼望, 期望; declare 宣告,宣称;doubt怀疑。7 D根据常识可知,买汉堡包应该买已经做好的,而奶奶却让他们做一个“巨无霸”汉堡包。8 A根据前文but可知,作者的态度应与Jill的态度相反,再结合作者对奶奶的态度可排除 B 项; disappear 消失, 不符合语意, suffer 受苦, 遭受; 此处用 die 表示作者十分生气、失望的心情。9 D 作者希望把奶奶藏起来,不让奶奶出来引起麻烦。10 C inconvenient 不便利的,不方

27、便的,主语不能为人,故排除;结合语意可知父母不希望让奶奶感到在家里不受欢迎。11 A 此处为本文的转折点, 根据下文可知, 作者对奶奶的看法发生了根本性的改变。 finish 结束; stop 停止; prepare 准备。12 A 根据最后一段第一句.today interviewing my own grandmother. 可知答案。13 C 根据倒数第四段中的 My teacher told us to help find interesting old people.可知此处应选C。14 B 作者在全体师生面前采访奶奶,让她讲述自己的经历应该是在舞台上。on show 在展览; on

28、 duty 在上班; on time 按时。15 A 作者希望奶奶永远不会知道自己原来对她的看法,不让她因此受到伤害。(3) 【文章大意】音乐能够触及人的心灵,创造奇迹。1 D它能以一种特殊的方式突破各种障碍直击学生的心灵。get across “被理解,把讲清楚;put away 将收起,积蓄”;take over 接替,控制;break through 突破,克服 ( 障碍等 ) ” 。2 A 它可能是让每个学生发现自己闪光点的方法。means方式;direction 方向;process“过程” ; effort “努力” 。3 A 在过去的几年中,我曾经有机会教残疾孩子。 be ble

29、ssed with “享有 ( 幸福等 ) ,具有” 。4 C 其中我最难忘的是一个五岁的女孩。 troublesome “带来麻烦的” ; hardworking “努力工作的,尽心尽力的” ; memorable “容易记住的,值得纪念的”; sensitive “敏感的” 。5 D 我们通常坐在地板上上音乐课。 almost 几乎; nearly 将近; mostly 主要地,通常。6 B 但她从来不说也不唱一个字。7 A Vanessa 转过身,直视着我的眼睛。 look sb.in the eye “直视某人的眼睛” 。8 C 我非常吃惊地张大了嘴。 horror “恐惧” ; de

30、light “高兴” ; astonishment “吃惊” ; embarrassment “尴尬” 。9 D 因吃惊忘了呼吸,忘了心跳,但并不是不呼吸,不心跳了,而是最终回过神来了,所以不能用 slowly ,而用 finally 。10 C 我看着那个助理教师,发现她也惊讶得说不出话来了。speechless “无语的” 。11 B 她脸上挂着微笑,向我招手。12 A 模仿我们在音乐课上表演了很多次的歌。 perform “表演” ; operate “操作” ; train “训练” ; organize “组织”。13 B 联系上文“Through music , we had made an awesome connection. ”可知答案。14 B 每个孩子都有学习和成长的能力。15 A 得靠我们去发现通往学生心灵的道路。 discover “发现” ; invent “发明” ; test “检 测”;make 做。用心 爱心 专心- 6 -


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