八年级下册 Unit6 Enjoying cycling.docx

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1、八年级下册 Unit6 Enjoying cycling张海燕Topic 1 SectionA 教学设计I . Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words and expressions about transportation:(1) vehicle, airline(2) a two-day visit to Mount Tai, the best way to do sth. the cost to go by train, by airplane2. Learn other new words:field, trip, t

2、otal, raise, discuss3. Learn the usage of infinitive:I have some exciting news to tell you!But there are other vehicles for us to choose.It s hard to say.You two find out the cost to go by train.4. Talk about the field trip.n . Teaching aids 教具录音机/长城、 泰山、十三陵、故宫、天坛等一些风景名胜的图片田.Five-finger Teaching Pla

3、n 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)1. GreetingT: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss/Mr. x x !T: Im very happy to see you again. When I heard Michael was ill, I felt so sad. Now, I m happy, because he is well now. How do you feel about this? You can talk about it in groups, then th

4、ink of different feelings in our lives.T: Please stop. Give your own feelings about the thing to us.2. T: We know different colors, environments or other things can cause different feelings. What can make you happy? What would you like to do? You can discuss it. Si: Swimming can make me happy.52: Go

5、ing to Beijing can make me happy.I d like to go to Beijing.53: Id like to climb hills.54: I always feel excited when I am playing basketball.T: Do you know what I d like to do?T: Id like to go on a trip. I d like to visit places of interest. Would you like to go on a visit?Ss:Yes.T: Now, here are so

6、me pictures about places of interest. You can look at them.(把图片分发给学生轮流看,激发学生的学习兴趣。 (过一会儿从学生那儿拿回图片,抽出泰山的图片给 学生看。)T: I have never been to Mount Tai.(板书并释。),T: If Im free, I d like to go on a two-day visit to Mount Tai. Mount Tai is a famous place of interest in Shandong Province. Would you like to vis

7、it it with me?Ss:Yes, of course.T: How many days do you want to stay there?Ss:For two days.T: OK. We ll go on a two-day visit to Mount Tai. If we can go there, there are several vehicles for us to choose. Which do you think is the best way of transportation to go there? Review the means of transport

8、ation and give me your best choice. You can discuss in groups.3.(给学生交通工具的卡片,让学生分组讨论并板书。)T: Now, please give me your best choice.51: We can go there by bus.52: By bike.53: By plane.54: By train. 4 .(在学生发言的过程中,教师在黑板上写出本课关于交通的新单词并讲解。)(板书)5 .(学生三人一组讨论。)T: Yes, we can go there by bike/airplane/train/bus卜

9、 However, we must think about the cost because wedon t have much moneydow much does it cost by bus, by train or by airplane? Please discuss it in groups of three.(学生讨论完毕。)T: Now, please stop. Lets listen to the tape and find out where Maria s class want to go on a two-day visit.Step 2 Presentation 第

10、二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)(让学生听1a录音,听完后回答问题。)T: Please listen to 1a and answer the question: What tasks does Miss Wang give to Kangkang, Michael, Helen and Jane?(让学生带着问题听1a录音,使学生集中注意力。)(在学生听的过程中把重点语句板书到黑板上,以便呈现这一部分的语法并讲解。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)1 .(领读黑板上的句子,并简单导入不定式。)T: Please look at the blackboar

11、d. Read them after me. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.(确定学生的语音语调正确。)T: Please listen to 1a again, then answer the question.(放1a录首,速度适中,录首放完后。)T: Now, please answer the question: What tasks does Miss Wang give to Kangkang, Michael, Helen and Jane?51: Miss Wang asks Kangkang and Mic

12、hael to find out the cost to go by train.52: Miss Wang asks Helen to find out the cost by bus.53: Jane will ask the airline on the phone.T: Good. You listened very carefully. Now practice the dialog in groups.(学生们分组进行操练。)2 .(完成 1b。)T: Now, stop. Please look at the pictures and the information in 1b.

13、 Discuss in groups of three to find out which is the best way to go to Mount Tai.(学生们看了图片和信息,讨论了一会儿。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)1 .(教师拿出一张长城的图片并引导学生读图,回答问题。)T: Please look at the picture. What can you see in the picture?Ss: The Great Wall.T: I plan to visit the Great Wall. Can you tell me someth

14、ing about it?Si :Yes. What do you want to know?T: Which is the best way to get there?Si :By train.T: How 10ng does it take to go there?2 .(把其他一些风景名胜的图片发给学生,让他们分组讨论,注意动词不定式的 用法。)T: Now, talk about the pictures in groups, and pay attention to the usage of infinitive.3 .(让学生选择2中的一个图片,完成2。)T: Very good.

15、 Read the dialog in 2 with your partner and fill in the blanks.4.(二人一组练习对话3,正确使用所给词组中的动词不定式。并对第二幅图给予 指导。 Her wish is to do sth.)T: OK. Now work in pairs and talk about the pictures in 3.(学生练习几分钟后,叫几名学生到讲台前表演,其他学生注意听。)T: Well done! Now, I ll ask some pairs to act out their dialogs.Step 5 Project第五步综合

16、探究活动(时间:5分钟)1 .(拿出课前准备的图片,让学生讨论自己想去的地方。)T: Please look at the pictures. Talk about the place you want to go. You can use the sentences on the blackboard.(板书)(学生讨论一会,然后每组选出一名学生向全班学生汇报结果。)T: Now work in groups. Then I will choose one student from each group to report their results.For example:Li Lei wants to go to Mount Tai. He wants to get there by plane. It costs 700. It takes only one hour to go there. He thinks the best time to go there is spring. Fangfang wants to go to 2 . Homework:(1)(使用 “It costs ”和 “It takes-to reach there.两个句型造句。)(2)(复习不定式的用法。)


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