
上传人:苏美尔 文档编号:10650415 上传时间:2021-05-29 格式:DOCX 页数:2 大小:65.94KB
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1、山西省永济市谏北中学高三英语复习:美文欣赏A Mother s Letterto the WorldDear World ,My son starts school today . Its going to be strange and new t .o him for a while . And I wish you would sort o f treat him gently . You see , up to now , hes been king of the roost . He s been boss of the backyard . I have always been ar

2、ound to repair his wounds , and to soothe his feeling.s. But now-things are going to bedifferent.This morning , hes going to walk down the front steps, wave his hand ands tart on his great adven ture that will probably include wars and tragedy andsorrow .To his life in the world he has to live in wi

3、ll require faith and love and courage .So, World , I wish you would sort . of take him by his young hand and teach him the things . he will have to know . Teach him-but ge ntly , if you can . Teach him that for every enemy . there .is a friend .Teach him the wonders of books .Give him quiet time to

4、ponder the eternal mystery of birds in the sky, beesin the sun , and flowers on the green hill .Teach him it is far more honorable to fail th .an to cheat .Teach him to have faith .in his own ideas .Teach him to sell .his brawn and brains to th e highest bidder , but ne .ver t .o put a price on his

5、he art and soul .Teach him to close his ears to ahowling moband to stand and fight if he thinks he s right.Teach him gently , World , but don t coddle him be cause -only the test of fire makes fine steel .This is a big order , World , but see what you can do .He s su ch a nice little fellow .词汇积累: 2


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