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1、用心爱心专心-9 -第二册 Unit 19 The Merchant of Venicei.单元知识点全览工欲善其事必先利其器项目大纲要求与考网目标话题Talkirig flbout釉注韩明and his曲网战论莎士比亚和他的戏刷)动能_ _1Recounting details in the coin代5而口口(在交谈中细述评情)Correct me if Im mg, but* You shouldnt fcufet tlui i Obe of the most irtiportani facts is *,*You could for ex国mpk,The way I would go

2、about i翡“ As hr 蚱 1 know,J1After all*. But in thi, panicuhr 广月貌“WMt shouldnt be Farjfotten *- . 鼻,考 领军 提的 单同kmercbuil u. WA 2, crown nr 5SSfi J 3,如诚否认i拒绝第五t mercy m. st8 j5. r理my肛敌人晨吧蟠城kudj.合乎情理的;讲理的7,切处k眦捕力软弱项.虹&迎getn盯it电内快;和断j 9. gentleman: !口, gling甩招呼;问候.11.忖万况&工熊整罐豪12,t型bkMMne&j,令人蒙情的甜厌的产叭此指控楮瞅

3、14,con$que隧爪结果:后果;卷响J呼帕e队运气帆会;大鳖的献尼/一司.(二慈的康大机17加赢山帆由交易谶价黄城诗情M;谈判国h3地祝新保制地1则必这律的信定的J 2(U幽式行动;所做之事2k啰eon由外科医生T 22nequ呼泥跳必需要感定符dedm况宜布宜林M啰值法庭: ?5取证也公正;正好2今山耳睦期比因此:所资通吗皿iy q心,值得的施用的芾附值帆j 跳 kindnesji 肌仁慈小气潜意飒 pimish 帆箧机30. punishment n.31.巴如或命令1下令33. swordJ弭山卿屣udj.惜煤复杂的;难解的艇须拿 握的词正Ldeny-tn.) 2.mercytadj

4、.1 3.reasonable*阮)4h weakness -(adj.) 5. judenient -iv.) 6.即巴ingf7d fortune -*udjJ S. requirement *tv.) 9. declare -*_uj n.)高考等Lph_管面报答2:haMemEry弁表示桧制工go开始性懵手于4.耕far1 know觥我所旬5,the mereof任由谯布或控制6. go down5心kn婚谶下7.tear 淅段辟甫合同等)高考须掌翻句型.Ht is young, but I 配引 knew世唱曰 body wi击 so 叩愉a head.2. His life shf

5、lll be al ihe mercy of 加 Duke.高考辄掌提的语法Review Direct and Indirect配联血(复习直接引语和间接引语)书面表达实践Write a short play( 个小痴部叽田 IOT Eir n.W 12, 23.24. a: 25. M答案,高考葡掌握的单词J.42,M 3,M 1.10 5.w 也口: 7.i: aPAj13.3: J4. ij 15. |,x 16. ij it. tw 1&0 19. i:J 20.1盯 2. j 12. mJ27. s;J 28- ai 29. aJ 30. a 3 L. jg 32. at * 口高考

6、须掌握的词汇:.weak 5 . judge 6 . greet1. back 2 . on 3 . about1. denial 2. merciful 3. reason 47. fortunate 8. require 9 . declaration高考须掌握的短语:4. as. 5. at 6 . on 7 : upn .考点过关过关斩将一马平川考点详解精剖细解入市三分、重点词汇1. envy vt .嫉妒,羡慕 eg:What a grand thing it is to be a musician!How I envy you 当一名音乐家多伟大啊!我真羡慕你。I envy you

7、 your health .我羡慕你的健康。相关链接:envy n.羡慕.嫉妒用法拓展:envy sb. sth .嫉妒(羡慕)某人某事feel envy at对感到嫉妒How I envy我多么羡慕特别提醒:(1)envy 后常接两个宾语.两个宾语都是直接宾语。(2)envy后不接从句。(3)envy作名词时,后接介词 at或of。 案例剖析旁征博引举一反三考题 1 ( 典型例题-I cant under-stand why they are . so unfriendly to me.-Oh, out of A. hope B. wish C. envy D. joy考题1点拨:答案为C。

8、这是一道名词辨析题。根据“我不明白他们为什么对我如此不友好”可看出,后面的答语是:噢,出于时你的嫉妒。因此C项正确。2. mercy n.仁慈,怜悯,侥幸 eg : They have no mercy on the poor father and daughter . 他们不怜悯这对可怜的父女。The general showed no mercy , and his prisoners were a11 killed.那位将军没有仁慈,他所有的犯人都被处死了。We were at the mercy of the enemy .我们的命运在敌人的掌握之中。相关链接:merciful adj

9、.仁慈的,宽大的 用法拓展-beg for mercy恳求/请求宽恕have mercy on/upon 对表示怜悯show mercy to 对 表示怜悯 at the mercy of sb . =at ones mercy 在某人或某 事的支配或摆布之下 without mercy 残忍地,毫不容情地特别提醒:mercy 一般用作不可数名词,前无冠词 a。考题 2 (典型例题 分)The days when we were the foreigners have gone for ever.A. at the mercy of B. taking our fate lying down

10、C. without mercy D. going down on our knees考题 2 点拨:答案为 Ao atthe mercy of 在 的才布下;take ones fate ly ing down 甘受 白命运; without mercy 毫不怜悯;go down on ones knees 下跪。B、C、D三个选 项后不能再接宾语,故选 A。句意为:“我们受外国人摆布的日子一去不复返了。”3. order vt 命令,下令 eg : The policeman ordered the drunken man to Ieave the shop .警察命令那个醉汉离开商店。T

11、he King ordered that the man(should)be released.国王下令释放那个人。相关链接:order n.命令用法拓展:order sb. to do sth .命令某人做某事orde rthatsb. (should)do 命令某人做 order sb . away命令某人走开in order 整齐,有条理place an order for sth .订购特别提醒:order后接that从句时,从句中的谓语动词用should+动词原形,should可以省略。考题 3 (典型例题)The judge or- dered that the prisoner

12、A. should remand B. be remanded C. could remand D. could be remanded考题3点拨:答案为 Bo order后接从句时,用 should+动词原形,should可省略。句意 为:“法官下令将犯人还押候审。the prisoner 与 remand之间是被动关系,故选B。二、重点短语4. pay back 偿还,报答.报复 eg : I patd back the money to Jack .我把钱还给了杰He paid me back the 100 doliars he owed me.他把欠我的一百美元还给我了。用法拓展:p

13、ay for付钱买某物(for为介词)pay sb. for sth .为给某人报酬pay off还清债务(off为副词)特别提醒:pay back短语中back为副词,代词作宾语时应放在中间。考题 4 (典型例题)After three years of hard work, they had at last paid all the money they had bor-rowed. A. for B. out C. in D. back考题 4 点拨:答案为 D。从 they had borrowed 和 all the money . -a/-4n,意为“偿 还”。故选Do句意为:“经

14、过了三年的努力工作,他们终于偿还了他们借的所有的钱。”5. on one condilion 在某一条件下 eg : You can borrow mydictionary on one condition you mustnt lend it to others.你可以借我的字典,但有一个条件,你不能借给别人。用法拓展:on this/that condition在这个/那个/条件下 on condi 。tlon that 条件是,引导条件状语从句on no condit ion 决不要in condition健康状况良好 Out ofconditl on健康状况不好 in good con

15、dition 完好无损 underconditions在条件下特别提醒:on condi。tlon that66 条件是: 引导条件状语从句,相当于一个连词。考题 5 (典型例题)I will come to your birthday party John is invi-ted too.A. so that B. except that C. on condition that D. in that考题5点手心:答案为c。根据题意:“我可以参加你的生日晚会,条件是也邀请约翰。”可知两句之间存在一个务件关系。故用c。on condition that”条件是,只要”。6. tear up 撕

16、碎,扯碎,取消(合同)eg : After reflding the letter . he tore it up.看 完信后,他就把它撕了。They tore up the agreement without any reason.他们无缘无故地取消了刃B份协议。相关链接:tear 口口n.眼泪用法拓展:in tears流着泪,含着泪 burst into tears 突然哭起来tear off 扒掉tear to pieces 把撕碎 tear - open 把撕开 tear down 拆毁,拆除tear at撕,扒(表动作,不表Z果)特别提醒:tear当动词用,读立可,过去式为tore

17、,过去分词为torn ;当名词用,为可数名词,读口国。考题 6 ( 典型例题 分)-Do you have the receipt, madam?No, Im afraid I ve A. torn it off B. torn it down C. torn it up D. torn it away题6点拨:答案为c。根据答语No,可知“收据没有保存下,恐怕已经撕碎”。tear off “扒 掉?; tear down 拆除,摧毁,tear away 使不忍舍去;而tear up撕碎,扯碎”。故选co句意为:“太太,你有收据吗?” “没有了,恐怕我已撕碎了。” 三、重点交际用语7. as

18、far as直至U,远至U,就而言用法拓展:(1)到达某一指定地点,远达 eg:He walked as far as the post office.他一直步行至U 邮局。I ll see you off as far as the airport.我将一直送你到机场。(2)同样的距离eg : we didnt go as far as others .我们没有别人走的那么远。(3)( 程度、范围)就而言,至于 eg:I ll help you as far as I can .我将尽我所能帮助你。As far as I know , he is very honest .就我所知,他很诚实

19、。As far as he is concernedhe cant afford SilCh an expensive car就他而言,他买不起这么贵的汽车。特别提醒:as far as当表示程度、范围时,意思是就 而言,至于“, as far as 也可用 so far as .常用句型as/so far as Iknow/see/alTt concern ed ”就我所知”。考题 7 (典型例题 1 分)-How far apart do they live? I know, they live in the same neighborhoo d.A. As long as B. As f

20、ar as C. As well as D. As often as考题7点拨:答案为B。根据题意“就我所知,他们住在同一社区”,“就所知”用 as/so far as know。故选 B。as long as只要”, as oft en as ”经带, as well as既又,如同一样好”与题意不符。 四、重点句型8but I never knew so young a body with so wise a head. ,但是我从来不知道有这么年轻又这么聪明的人。so+adj . +a(an)+n .表示程度,译为“这么 /这样的eg: You have made so serious

21、a mistake . 你犯了一个这样严重的错误。Russlanis so difficuIt a language for us to learn.俄语对我们来说是一门这么难学的语言。用法拓展:so+adj . +a(an)+n . too+adj . +a(an)+n .Such+a(an)+adj . +n. how+adj . +a(an)+n .as+adj . +a(an)+n . +as特别提醒:上面这些结构中的名词一定是单数形式,因为这些 结构中有不定冠词a(an),否则就不能使用这些句子结构。考题 8 (典型例题分)-The weath-er isnt good enough

22、 for an outing, is it?Not in the least. We cant haveat this time of the year.A. a worse day B. a nicer day C. such bad a day D. so fine a day考题8点拨:答案为 Ao c项表达就是错误的,应该.用、so bad a day或such a bad day。 A B、D三项搭配正确,但逻辑上只有A项成立。根据 Not in the least( 一点也不)可知,:天气绝对不适合外出郊游,我们不可能在一年当中的这个时节遇上比这更糟的天气了。 五、词语辨析9. h

23、ope, wish(1)hope 用作动词时,后面可接不定式或that从句,但不能接宾语 +不定式”。(2)wish后面接不定式或“宾语 +不定式”都可以,其意义相当于“想要,希望”( 一 would like 或want)。wish接that从句时一般表示某种强烈而又难以实现的“愿 望”,而hope表示的是可以实现或能达到的“希望”。(3)wish 可表示良好的“祝福”,后面接“宾语+宾补(形容词或名词)”,而hope不能这样用。 eg : We hope to see you again . we hopewe can see you agam . 我希望再次见 到你。I hope you

24、 can help me with my maths.希望你能帮助我学数学。(不能说:Ihope you to help me with my maths .)1 wish him to make progress .我希望他取得进步。I wish I conld fly like a bird.但愿我能像鸟一,样飞。(从句中的COIlld 表示其动作不可能实现,不能用can。)I hope he can do that .我希望他会干那件事。(此句中can不能用could 。)I wish you happy .祝你幸福。I wish you a pleasant journey.祝你旅途愉

25、快。特别提醒:(1)wish后的从句常用虚拟语气。(2)在简略句中,如要表示希望某事不会发生时,应说 1 hope not。而不说I dont hope so.;若表示希望某事会发生时,用 I hope so .。(3)hope 后不接复合宾语,即 hope sb . to do sth .不正确。考题 9(典型例题分 )Weeach other the best luck in the jobinter-view.A. hoped B. wanted C. expected D. wished考题9点拨:答案为D。此题考查动词辨析。根据题意:“我们互相祝福对方工作面试时 好运。”表示祝愿时用

26、wish sb . sth .结构。m.语法归纳精通规则游刃有余直接引语与间接引语已在第一册第十讲详细讲过。在此不再赘述。专题探究:专题详解:“查读(skimming)是做阅读理解题的重要方法之一。正确使用“查读”可以提高阅读速度和解题的正确率。所谓“查读”即边读边查。光读不查没有目的性,光查不读失去基础。“查读”一般分三个步骤:查前读、查中读、查后读。“查前读”实际上是“速读”(scanning)过程。一般不超过2分钟.其目的是通过快速阅读.了解基本信息.形成总体印象,我们称之为“泛读”。“查中读”是在上一步的基础上带着问题仔细阅读,时间大约4分钟。这一步要求同学们无关信息可不读,相关信息仔

27、细读,不放过任何一个细节,边读边在文章中做记号.然后以问题为中心将相关信息进行分析、整合、评判、形成结论,我们称之为“精读”。“查后读”是咽为第二步之后对少数题还不太有把握而采取的补救措施,时间大约1分钟。这一步有两个目的:一是检查,二是再斟酌。要求同学们动用一切手段.包括已学的知识、经验对相关信 息再分析、再推测甚至可以发挥想像.凭直觉再次确认答案。因此;我们称之为“补读”。 IV.专题探究由点及面由表及里考题 New York,10 November 5:27 p.m. yesterday. Biggest power failure in the citys histo-ry.Thous

28、ands of people got stuck in lifts. Martin Saltzman spent three hours between the 21st and 22nd floors of the Empire State Building. There were twelve of us. But no one pan ickd. We passed the time telling stories and playinh word games. Onemanwanted to smoke but we didnt let him. Firemen finally got

29、 us out.It was the best night weve ever had,said Angela Carmro,who runs. an Italian restau-rant on 42nd Street. We had lots of candles on the tables and the waiters were carrying can-dies on their trays. The place was full-and all night, in fact, for after we had closed, we let the people stay on an

30、d spend the ninght, here.The zoos had their problems like everyone else. Keepers worked through the night. They used blankets to keep flying squirrels and small monkeys warm. While zoos had problems keeping warm, supermarkets had problems keeping cool. All of our icecream and frozen foods mehed,said

31、 the manager of a store in downtown Manhattan. They were worth $ 50,000.The big electric clock in the lobby of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in downtownManhattan started ticking( 滴答)again at 5:25 this morning. It was almost on time. (1)Throughout the period of darkness, Martin Saltzman and the eleven ot

32、hers were A. nervous B. excited C. calm D. frightened(2)In what way was the night of November 10 the best night for Angela Carmro? A. He had a taste of adventure.B. Burning candles brightened the place.C. Business was better than usual.D. Man y people stayed the night in her restaurant.考题点拨:答案为(1)C(

33、2)C在“查前读”这个环节里,我们应从整体入手抓住如下信息:(1)主题 biggest power failure ; (2)people stuck in lifts的反应:(3)餐馆的反应;(4)动物团和超市的反应;(5)大钟于5: 25 this morning 开始走动。在“查中读这一环节里,针时第(1)题,我们要认真读第2段。既然四个选项都是表示心态的,而文中有no onepanicked - passed the time telling stories and playing word games等文字,显然答案只有co针对第2题,我们要认真读第3段。文章一开始说It was t

34、he best night weveever had .哪里能反应出best night 呢? “The place was fulland all night .”就是最好的体现。其实该题只要利用常识不看文章也能做出准确的判断,businessman在乎的当然是 business better 。V.考题类型一网打尽 蓦然回首 灯火阑珊回顾 1 测试考点 7 (典型例题)_ I can see, there is only one possible way to keep away from the danger.A. As long as B. As far as C. Just as D

35、. Even if1. B点拨:此题考查连接词的用法。as far as 表示“远到;就某种程度或范围而言”,常构成 as far as I know就我所知,as far as I can see 我认为 sas long as 表示条件,“只要;just as 正当时” ;even if “即使”。句意为:“在我看来,只有一种可 行的办法来躲避这次危险。”回顾 2 测试考点 8(典型例题)John is the tallest boy in the.class,according to himself.A. five foot eight as tall as B. as tall as

36、five foot eightC. as five foot eight tall as D. as tall five footeight as2. B点拨:five foot eight五英尺八英寸,放在 as tall as后表示个子的高度。VI. 2011年高考题预测高瞻远瞩占尽先机一、考.情预测年考情预测预测1 : seem的用法预测根据:seem是一个重点单词,用法上句式上都很灵活,尤其是seem后接不定式时,注意不定式的时态。常用结构有:seem to do sth.似乎要干某事;seem to be doing 似乎正在做某事;seem to have done sth .似乎

37、已做某事;It seems that 看上去好像。命题角度预测:seem的用法在高考的单项选择和完形填空中都可设题.考生务必熟知其不同搭配所表示的含义,根据所给语境.作出正确选择。预测2: way构成的搭配预测根据:way构成的常用词组有:in a way 在某种程度上.稍稍;in the/ones way 挡道.碍事;on the way在途中.接近.by the way顺便问/说一下;in no way决不;in any way在任何方面;the way of doing sth . /to do sth.做某事的方法。way后接定语从句时可用that或in which ,也可以省略。这些

38、都是高考对 way构成的结构中要求掌握的内容。.命题角度预测:与way有关的搭配在高考的单项选择或完形填空部分都有可能设题。考生 要熟知其不同搭配所表意义,根据题目所提供的语境,进行正确判断。预测3. be of的用法预测根据:be of句式中的of表示“属于具有的性质”。这是一个非常有用和重 要的句型,在历年的高考题中都有所体现,应引起考生足够的重视。命题角度预测.be of的用法,在高考题中从以下几点进行考查:(1)be of+抽象名词一 be+同根形容词。eg : be of great help : be very helpful( 非常有帮助)(2)be of the samesiz

39、e/length/width/depth/kind/age(有相同的尺寸/长度/宽度/深度/种类/年纪)等。(3)beof imagination/courage/determination(具有想像力 /勇气/决心)(4)be of differentshapes/colors/metals(具有不同的形状/颜色/由不同的金属制成)。预测4: catch的用法预测根据:catch在高考考纲中是一个重点词汇,且搭配相当灵活,是高考考查动词的一 个重点内容。命题角度预测:对动词 catch的考查一般从以下搭配中进行:catch ones attention 引起某人的注意; catch sigh

40、t of 看见;catch hold of 抓住;catch up with 赶上;catch sb. by the arm 抓住某人白胳膊;catch s1) . doing发现某人正在干某事.be caught in 陷入困境。预测5:话题预测本单元的中心话题是“莎士比亚与他的戏剧”。内容涉及?莎士比亚”、“威尼斯商人”、“亨利四世”、“哈姆雷特”、“罗密欧与朱丽叶”、“特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达”等。语言 技能和语言知识都是依据“莎士比亚与他的戏剧”这一中心话题而设计的。高考与之相关的 话题会在阅读当中出现.以叙述的文体介绍欧洲文艺复兴时期的人文主义的某个方面,然后 依据所给文字进行设题,因此

41、了解本单元的话题内容及背景对理解文章是大有裨益的。 二、考题预测备考 1测试考点 1 The Smiths bought a new car, which was the of their neighbours.A. envy B. admire C. respect D. proud1. A点拨:题意:“史密斯一家买了一辆新车,成为了邻居们的羡慕之物。” envy用作名词,表示“所羡慕之物”。admire 羡慕,钦佩”,不作名词用。备考 2测试考点 2 Finally we couldnt help mercy the beggar.A. show; to B. showing; to C.

42、 have; on D. have; to2. B点拨:couldnt help doing 情不自禁干某事”;show metcy to 对仁慈/宽容”。故选Bo备考 3测试考点 3 We have received - an order that all the students and teachers to the playgroundA. will come B. would come C. should come D. came3. c点拨:此题考查order后从句用虚拟语气即用should+动词原形。备考 4测试考点 4 I have for the trick he playe

43、d on me,A. paid him back B. picked him up C. seen him off D. looked him down4. A点拨:题意“我因他对我耍诡计而报复了他“。pay back ”偿还,报复” ;pick up“捡起,接某人;see off 送行”;look down “轻视,看不起”。故选A。备考 5测试考点 5 She will join us one condition that we divided all the profits equally.A. in B. for C. on D. to5. c 点拨:此题考查短语 on one con

44、dition 在条件下“。备考 6测试考点 6 When he saw his father his paper plane,he burst intoA. tore up; tear B. tear up; tears C. torn down; tears D. tore off; tears6. B点拨:题意“当他看到他父亲撕毁他的纸飞机时,他突然大哭起来 。tear up “撕 碎、取消;burst into tears突然哭起来”。备考 7测试考点 7 - What do you think ,of Jack?- I know,he is a man to trust.A. As l

45、ong as B. As far as C. Even ifD. As muchas7. B点拨:此题考查as/so far as I know就我所知,其他三项不符合题意。备考 8测试考点 8 It is for me to settle.A. a too difficult problem B. too difficult a problem C. as difficult a problem as D. too a difficu.lt problem8. B点拨:此题考查 too+adj . +a(an)+n .这一结构。备考9高考新题型:阅读填空I hate the untidy d

46、ining hall in our school. Some people seem to treat it asif it were a rubbish area. They throw the leftover food about, on the table or on the ground. This makes the hall look unpleasant for us to come and eat there.I have several solutions. First, get more people to form good habits by putting posters around the hall asking them to bemore thoughtful of their behaviors and protect our environ-ments. Second, make people pick up their own litter. We can do this by asking some students to walk around the hall


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