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1、Unit 4 Earthquakes. 单词拼写1 Without ( 电 ), life would not be so convenient today.2 The building was completely ( 毁坏 ) by fire.3 They are working under ( 极大的 ) pressure at the moment.4 After the war they saved those who were alive and ( 埋葬 ) the dead.5 They were ( 困住 ) in a deep hole and couldnt get ou

2、t.6 The ( 法官 ) sentenced him to five years in prison.7 She ( 突发,爆炸) into tears at the news that her father had passedaway.8 On arriving there, we offered our (祝贺 ) to him on his success.9 Dont stand so near the edge, youre (吓唬 ) me.10 Its wrong of you to take (躲避 ) under the tree in the storm.答案: 1.

3、electricity 2.destroyed 3.extreme 4.buried5 trapped 6.judge 7.burst 8.congratulations 9.frightening 10.shelter n.完成句子1 You shouldnt have gone out to play(没完成作业 ) (leave)2 That scientist knew nothing about the matter, because he( 总是专心于研究) (bury)3 ( 从她上一封信看), they arehaving a wonderful time.(judge)4 I

4、f a pen is partly put into the water, it looks( 好像断了 ) (as)5 The boy( 突然大哭起来)on seeing the big dog.(burst)答案: 1.leaving your homework unfinished2.was always buried in his study3.Judging by/from her last letter 4.as if it were broken 5.burst into tears/burst out cryingm.单项填空1 After the fire, the once

5、 beautiful house is.A in ruinB on the ruinC on ruinsD in ruins答案: D in ruins 是固定短语,意为“严重受损,破败不堪”。句意:大火过后,曾 经漂亮的房子成了一片废墟。2 the number of cars, onlysmall number of people have attendedthe meeting.A Judging from; aB Judged from; aC Judging from; theD Judged from; the答案: A 考查 judge 及 a/the number of 的用法

6、。句意:从车的数量来看,只有少数人参加了会议。 judging from 为固定用法,可先排除B、 D。 a number of 意为“一些”,the number of 意为的数量”。3 The audience waited until the curtain rose and thenlaughter at thesight of the funny actor.A burst outB burst intoC broken intoD began with答案:B 考查词语搭配。burst into laughter = burst out laughing ,意为“大笑起 来”。 句

7、意: 观众们一直等到幕布拉起, 然后一看到那个滑稽的演员, 大家都突然大笑起来。 break into破门而入;begin with 以开始”。4 seems to me that you dont like that boy.A ThatB ItC HeD This答案:B it seems(to sb.)that为固定句型,意为“好像。5 To my anger, the dog followed meI went.A everywhereB anywhereC any placeD where there答案: A 考查 everywhere 作连词的用法。everywhere = wh

8、erever/no matter where .6 As is reported , money is spent on tobacco every year.A a large amount ofB a large number ofC a great manyD a great many of答案:A money是不可数名词,因此只能用a large amount of( 许多,大量的)修饰。句意:据报道,每年都有许多钱花在了烟草上。 a number of 和 a great many 也有此意, 但只能修饰可数名词。7 Thank you so much. Youme from an

9、embarrassing situation.A rememberB recoverC rescueD reserve答案:C rescue sb. from. 意思是“把某人从中解救出来”,符合题意。8 (2010 天津,11)Joining the firm as a clerk, he got rapid promotion,andas a manager.A ended upCcame back答案:A end up “最后成为;最终成为”。9Lucy didnt answer. ,sheA ButB dropped outD started offlooked out of the

10、window, as if thinking.B HoweverD AndC Instead答案: C 考查词语辨析。句意:露西没有回答。相反,她向窗外看去,好像在思考问题。 instead “相反”,符合句意。10 He sighed again and thefailurein physics seemed to havecompletelyhis confidence.A injuredBdestroyedC shockedDattacked答案: B 考查动词。 句意:他叹了口气,物理考试不及格好像彻底摧毁了他的自信心。9destroy “摧毁,毁灭”,符合句意;injure 指在事故

11、中受伤或者损害名誉、自尊等;shock “使震惊”;attack “袭击”。11was not careful enough in the test. I agree with you. Bob, for example, is always a careless boy.A AnyoneB NoneC AllD Everyone答案: D 从答语知这一句话为部分否定句式,故应从C、 D 中选择;而all 若指人,应用复数谓语动词对应,故排除C。12 It was raining more and more heavily, and we all stood there under the ,

12、 just outside the door.A windowB tentC roofD shelter答案: D 考查名词辨析。 由语境可知, 雨下得很大, 我们正在避雨, 地点就在“ outsidethe door ”,由此可以排除window, roof , 更不可能是tent “帐篷”, 所以应选 shelter “躲避处”。13 . (2013 贵州省六校联盟第一次联考) in a classic detective novel, thelandlord didnt notice a thief was creeping up to his bedroom.A BuriedB To

13、be buriedC BuryingD Having buried答案: A 考查非谓语动词作状语。句意:因为全神贯注于一部经典侦探小说,房东没有注意到一个贼正在蹑手蹑脚地向他的卧室走去。句子主语 the landlord 与 bury 构成逻辑上的动宾关系,所以排除C、 D 两项; B 项不定式表示将来,不符合语境,也可以排除。14 .(2012 宝鸡质检一)一Ive passed mydriving test, and soon Ill get my driving license.A.Good luckB.CongratulationsC No problemD Be patient答案

14、: B 考查交际英语。由前句可知,应该选 Congratulations ,意思是“恭喜,恭 喜”。15 . (2012 万州区一诊)Though first to see the car ahead suddenly turnedover, he calmly pulled up to give a hand immediately.A. shockingB. shockedC. to be shockedD. being shocked答案: B 考查非谓语动词。句意:看到前面的车突然翻了,一开始他很吃惊,但是他很快平静下来,把车停在旁边,立即开始施救。由句意可知,他很惊讶,所以用 sho

15、cked 。 该句though后省略了句子的主语 he,和动词be的形式was,也可以补充在though后,得 出填 shocked 。IV.阅读理解AEveryone has heard of the San Andreas fault ( 断层 ), which constantly threatens California and the West Coast with earthquakes. But how many people know about the equally serious New Madrid fault in Missouri?Between December

16、of 1811 and February of 1812, three major earthquakes occurred, all centered around the town of New Madrid, Missouri, on the Mississippi River.Property damage was severe. Buildings in the area were almost destroyed. Whole forests fell at once, and huge cracks opened in the ground, releasing some str

17、ong smell chemicals.The Mississippi River itself completely changed character, developing sudden rapids and whirlpools( 激流和漩涡 ). Several times it changed its course, and once, according to some observers, it actually appeared to run backwards. Few people were killed in the New Madrid earthquakes, pr

18、obably simply because few people lived in the area in 1811; but the severity of the earthquakes was shown by the fact that the shock waves rang bells in church towers in Charleston, South Carolina, on the coast. Buildings shook in NewYork City, and clocks were stopped in Washington, D C.Scientists n

19、ow know that Americas two major faults are essentially different.The San Andreas is a horizontal( 水平的 )boundary between two major land masses that are slowly moving in opposite directions. California earthquakes result when the two masses make a sudden move.The New Madrid fault, on the other hand, i

20、s a vertical fault; at some point, possibly hundreds of millions of years ago, rock was pushed up toward the surface, probably by volcanoes under the surface. Suddenly, the volcanoes cooled and the rock collapsed, leaving huge cracks. Even now, the rock continues to settle downwards, and sudden sink

21、ing motions cause earthquakes in the region. The fault itself, a large crack in this layer of rock, with dozens of other cracks that split off from it, extends from northeast Arkansas through Missouri and into southern Illinois.Scientists who have studied the New Madrid fault say there have been num

22、eroussmaller quakes in the area since 1811; these smaller quakes indicate that largerones are probably coming, but the scientists say they have nomethod of predictingwhen a large earthquake will occur.文章大意:本文通过历史回顾和科学分析,提醒人们多关注 New Madrid 地区频繁的地 震。1 This passage is mainly about.A. the New Madrid fau

23、ltB. the San AndreasC. the causes of faultsD. current scientific knowledge about faults答案: A 主旨大意题。由本文第一段的最后一句话“ But how many people know about the equally serious New Madrid fault in Missouri? ”可知。2 Which of the following pictures best describes the type of the New Madrid fault?D.c.答案:B 细节理解题。本文第四段

24、和第五段内容可以判断The San Andreas fault 是水平地震,而 The New Madrid fault是垂直地震,所以 B项正确。3 This passage implies that.A. horizontal faults are more dangerous than vertical faultsB. vertical faults are more dangerous than horizontal faultsC. a lot of people would die if the 1811 New Madrid earthquakes happened today

25、D. the volcanoes that caused the New Madrid fault are still alive.答案:C推理判断题。本文无A、B两项相关内容;根据第五段中第二句 Suddenly, the volcanoes cooled and the rock collapsed, leaving huge cracks. Even now, the rock continues to settle downwards ”可以排除D 项;根据第三段第三句 Few people werekilled in the New Madrid earthquakes, proba

26、bly simply because few people lived in the area in 1811”可以推测答案为C。BA powerful earthquake struck the northeastern coast of Japan at 2:46 p. m. local time on March 11th, 2011. Japans Meteorological Agency released its first tsunami warnings just three minutes later. The country has one of the best eart

27、hquake early warning systems in the world.There are over 4,000 Seismic Intensity Meters(地震烈度测量仪)in place throughout Japan to measure earthquake activity. These meters provide information within two minutes of an earthquake happening. Information about the strength and the center of the earthquake ca

28、n be learned within three minutes. There are also concrete sea walls around much of the Japanese coastline. But these measures proved no match for the powerful earthquake and tsunami.Castas Synolakis is a tsunami expert in Los Angeles. He says,“Japan is oneof thosemost well-prepared countries on ear

29、th in terms of tsunami warning. Theyhad a warning. I think what went wrong is that they had not anticipated the size of this event.”He says there are two reasons for this. Japan has not had any event anywhere near as big as this one in the last 150 years. And scientists had not expected such a large

30、 earthquake happening off the coast of Japan.The 9.0-magnitude earthquake was the 4th most powerful earthquake ever recorded worldwide. It was also the worst earthquake ever to hit Japan. The tsunami waves that followed were reported to have reached as high as 13 meters in some areas.Costas Synolaki

31、s says Japans concrete sea walls were not built to handle such high waves. A tsunami wave can travel as fast as 800 kilometers per hour. To get to higher ground people would often have to travel for many kilometers. This can take more time than a fast traveling tsunami will permit. This is especiall

32、y true in cases like Japan, where the center of the earthquake struck so close to the coastline. The tsunami waves followed almost immediately.Experts say early warning systems will continue to be limited by these_facts until earthquakes and tsunamis can be predicted.文章大意:本文是科技文。日本的地震预警系统位居世界前列,能在地震

33、发生后的两分钟内提供信息。三分钟内能够提供有关地震强度和震中的信息。在海啸预警方面,日本是世界上准备工作做得最充分的国家之一,但这次他们没有预测出这次海啸的规模如此之大。4 From the second paragraph we can infer that.A . Japan is an island countryB . the center of the earthquake is located in the northeastern coastC . the meters in Japan have dropped behindD . many measures have been

34、 carried out to reduce the consequences of earthquakes in Japan答案:D推理判断题。A说法正确,但不是本段的推理;B不是由第二段推理得出的,是第一段中明示的信息。根据 These meters provide information within two minutes of an earthquake happening.Information about the strength and the center of theC 项推理错误。 D 项根据所列earthquake can be learned within three

35、 minutes.事实可以推断得出。5 The underlined word“ anticipated ” in the third paragraph probably _ ” means“ ”A. predictedB. measuredC. countedD. prevented答案: A 猜测词义题。根据第四段和第五段信息可知,日本的海啸预警系统是世界上最好的之一,此次失误在于没有预料到海啸的规模如此大。6 The underlined words“ these facts ” in the last paragraph refer to thefollowing EXCEPT.A.

36、 the concrete sea walls cant control the waveB. it is the worst earthquake happening in Japan in the historyC. the speed of the tsunami is frightening and quickD. there are many earthquakes in Japan答案: D 细节认定题。根据文章倒数第二段、倒数第三段内容可知答案为D。7 Which may be the best title of this passage?A. Earthquakes and t

37、sunamis can be predictedB. A 9.0- magnitude earthquake hit JapanC. Japans concrete sea wallsD. A report about Japans early warning systems答案: D 主旨大意题。根据全文内容判断,文章介绍日本拥有世界上最先进的地震、海啸预警系统,但没有预料到这次大地震和海啸如此之猛。8 On which column of China Daily can you find the passage?A. TechnologyB. Culture discoveryC. TravelD. History答案: A 推理判断题。本文主要介绍的是日本的地震、海啸预警系统的先进性和局限性。


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