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1、训练二Grammar. 用所给词的正确形式完成句子1 Its _ (please) to think these lovely children are my students.2 He told the ghost story in a _ (frighten)voice and the children feltvery _(frighten)3 How _ (disappoint) to hear that I havent passed the exam.4 The teacher was _ (amaze) at his rapid progress in English.5 Whe

2、ntheysaw the_ (move)film,_ (excite)tears came out oftheireyes.6 Whenhe heardthebad news,an _ (disappoint)lookappearedon hisface.7 What he said is really _ (surprise) and I was very _ (surprise)to hear that.8 Little children are often _ (interest) in _ (interest) games. 选词填空,完成句子admitavoidappreciatee

3、ncourageattemptrefuseaffordremembermean allowadvisesee1 I _ him enter the school and head for his classroom.2 The doctor _ me to take a complete rest.3 He _ having cheated in the final exam.4 His mother _ to buy a new cell phone for him, which made him upset.5 I really _ your offering help in my Eng

4、lish study.6 Do _ to finish your homework by yourself!7 Many schools dont _ students to take cellphones to school.8 Nobody can _ making mistakes but the attitude towards mistakes can bedifferent.9 He _ tosolvethe problem in his own way, butunfortunatelyhe failed.10After workingso hard formany years

5、,he can _ to buy a bighouse finally.11 Our teacher often _ us to find our own different ways to learn well.12 I dont _ to hurt you but now I am very angry. 根据汉语提示完成句子1 He _ _ (编造 ) the story and we all knew that it was not true.2 The father walked_ _ _ ( 来来回回地 ) anxiously, waitingforhis son.3 When s

6、he received the letter from her best friend, her eyes _ _ ( 满含,充满 ) tears.4 What time will you _ _ (出发 ) at?5 The man asked us to _ _ _ (跟着他上楼 ) 6 We _ _ ( 停船靠岸 ) alongside to buy some food and drinks.专心爱心用心1. 用恰当的非谓语形式完成句子1 Sometimes we find her _ (drive) the tractor on the farm.2 Li Lei is asking

7、his brother, an English teacher, _ (help) him thinkof a foreign name.3 Young students enjoy _ (listen) to pop music.4 The boy _ (stand) under the tree is my younger brother.5 Books _ (write) in easy English are very popular among Chinese middleschool students.6 We are busy _ (get)ready for the comin

8、g exams.7 Why did you keep him _ (wait) for such a long time that evening?8 When the teacher asked him _ (answer)the question,he was too nervous_ (say) a word.9 Let me _ (help) you _ (water) the flowers.10 My hair is too long and it needs _ (cut). 单句改错1 Let the girls to come first._2 His attitude su

9、ggested that he should not agree to the plan._3 We were told to have our meeting room clean after school._4 I expect the girl carry out her promises._5 Since you have repaired my TV set, it is no need for me to buy a new one._6 I prefer going over my lessons to see films._. 结合语法,完成短文Itsreportedthatt

10、henumberoftrafficaccidentshasbeenincreasingannually.Many people consider it_1_ (be) the result of the increasing of vehicles , _2_(think)that too much traffic was the reason _3_(cause) these accidents.Its true that too much traffic will add to the burden of the traffic system,but its not the main ca

11、use of accidents.In my opinion, many people are used to_4_(ignore)the trafficrules.Somedriversdriveafterthey get_5_(drink) Somekeep_6_(drive)when they get tired and some drive above the speed limit.So I thinkonlywhen everyone obeys the trafficrulesstrictlycan we expect_7_(see) the solution to this p

12、roblem. 单项选择1 A cook will be immediately fired if he is found_ in the kitchen.专心爱心用心2A smokeB smokingC to smokeD smoked2 A doctor can expect _ at any hour of the day or night.A callingB to callC being calledDto becalled3The boy wanted to ridehis bicyclein the street,but his mother toldhim_.A not toB

13、not to doC not do itD do not to4 After he became conscious, he remembered_and_on the head with arod.A to attack;hitB to be attacked; to be hitC attacking;be hitD having been attacked; hit5 While in college, he was often seen _Kungfu in Shaolin Temple at theweekends.A practicing B to be practicingC p

14、ractice D to practice. 阅读理解Steven Spielberg,whose mother was a music teacher ,was born in1946 in a smalltown in America.Hestartedmaking shortfilmswhen he was stilla young boy.He madehis firstrealfilmwhen he was 12.Thiswas a filmin which Spielbergused realactorsinstead of toys.Jaws(1975) , one of his

15、firstfilms, was a realblockbuster(一鸣惊人的事物) Itis about a big white shark that attacks swimmers who are spending their holidaysin a small village by the sea.Many people who saw the film were afraid to swim in the sea when they remembered the scenes in which people were eaten by the shark.Spielberg has

16、 made two films about creaturesthat come to theearth from outerspace.For example , ET(1982)is about a young boy called Elliott who makes friends with a small creature from outer space and helps him to find a way to go home.The world of adults is cold.Scientists want to find ET to cut him into pieces

17、 to doresearch.But in the world of children and the world where ET comes from, love andfriendship are the most important things in life.Jurassicpark ,which Spielbergmade in 1993, isabouta park where a very richman keeps differentkindsof dinosaurs.Whenthe park is hitby a storm , thingsstartgoing wron

18、g.The film becomes very exciting when the children are hunted by meateating dinosaurs(恐龙 ) 1 When did Spielberg manage to make his first real film?A In 1982. B In 1946. CIn 1958. D In 1975.2 Which of the following films is about love and friendship?A Jurassic Park B JawsC Elliott D ET3 Do you like t

19、he films made by Spielberg? And why?_专心爱心用心3高考链接1 (2010 上海春招, 31)_well in an interview will be an important part ofgetting a place at university.A DoB DoingC DoneD Being done2 (2010 上海春招, 34)_by the growing interest in nature, more and morepeople enjoy outdoor sports.A InfluencedB InfluencingC Havin

20、g influencedD To be influenced3 (2009 北京高考, 28)Allof them tryto use the power of the workstation_information in a more effective way.A presentingB presentedC being presentedD to present4(2009 全国高考, 16)They use computers to keep the traffic_ smoothly.A being runB runC to runD running5 (2009 江西高考, 34)

21、The government plansto bringinnew laws _ parentsto take more responsibility for the education of their children.A forcedBforcingC to be forcedD having forced6 (2009 陕西高考, 12)I still remember _ to the Famen Temple and what Isaw there.A to takeBto be takenC takingDbeing taken参考答案基础巩固.1.pleasing2.frigh

22、tening;frightened3.disappointing4.amazed5 moving ; excited6.disappointed7 surprising; surprised8.interested; interesting .1 .see 2.advised3.admitted4 refused5.appreciate6.remember7 allow 8.avoid9.attempted10 afford11.encourages12.mean.1.made up2.up and down3.were full of4.start off/ set off5 follow

23、him upstairs6.drew up.1.driving2.to help3.listening4 standing5.written6.getting7 waiting8.to answer ; to say9 help ; (to) water10.cutting .1. 去掉 to 2.should did3clean cleaned4.carry前加上 to5.itthere6.see seeing专心爱心用心4能力提升.1.to be2.thinking3.causing4 ignoring5.drunk6.driving7.to see .1.B smoking 是 v. i

24、ng 形式,作主语补足语,与主语是主动关系,描述主语的状态。句意是:厨师如果被发现在厨房吸烟将会被立刻开除。2 Dexpect 后跟不定式作宾语,且call与 doctor之间是被动关系。3A本题考查不定式作宾补的用法,事实上是直接引语转为间接引语的用法。本题理解为 The boys mother said:“Dont ride in the street.”,转为间接引语后为:Theboys mother told him not to ride in the street.然后再根据英语中避免重复的原则,将前面出现的ride in the street省略。4 D根据前面“ After h

25、e became conscious”,所以应该用remember doing 表示记得做过,又因为是被动语态( 被袭击 ) ,所以第一个空选having been attacked。另外根据and 连接的两个词表示并列,hit应该和 attack采用同样的语态,hit的过去分词还是hit 。5D句意是: 他上大学时,在周末经常有人看到他在少林寺练功夫。由于此句叙述的是经常性的动作,要用不定式to practice作主语补足语。 .1.C2.D3 The answer may be varied.One possible answer is: I dont like his films,bec

26、ause the scenes tend to make me frightened.拓展探究1 B通过分析句子结构可知此处缺乏主语,因此应选B 项。2 A分析句子结构可知,此句的主语为people ,与 influence之间是被动关系,因此 B、 C 两项排除; D 项表示将来,不合题意。因此答案为A 项。3D考查非谓语的用法。通过句意可知要用不定式作目的状语。为了用一种更有效的方式去传递信息。所以答案为D项。4 D考查非谓语动词。keep sth. doing表示“使一直处于某种状态之中”。5 B本题考查非谓语动词的用法。现在分词短语作后置定语,修饰new laws ,相当于“ which force.”。6D考查非谓语动词。此处非谓语动词作remember 的宾语。 而 remember 后用非谓语动词作宾语时, 可以用 v. ing 形式表示动作已经完成,也可用动词不定式表示动作还未发生;根据后文的saw 可知此处动作已经完成,且与逻辑主语是被动关系,故用 v. ing 的被动式,选D项。专心爱心用心5


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