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1、八年级U4嬲中复习一选择题1 After saying the same words several times, he became . A patient B patiently C impatient D impatiently2 -How many chemicals have you added to the water?-. of the workers came to work yesterday.A Nothing, no one B none, no one C no one, none D none, none3 Since he had wasted too much t

2、ime the computer games, there was time left for him to do his homework.A to look, a little B looking, little C to look, little D looking, a little4 Dont add salt to the food, or it will become salty.A much too, too much B much too, much too C too much, too much D too much, much too5 There a talk on

3、water pollution given by a scientist on TV tonight.A is going to be B will have C has D is going to have6 These money to you, so I think we should give them to the police.A belongs B is belonging C doesn t belong D isnt belonged7 The train for Beijing soon. The passengers should get on the trainat o

4、nce.A leaves B is leaving C left D leaving8 Sally thanked her classmates helping her his lessons.A for, with B with, in C of, about D on, at9 the prince and the princess got married and lived a happy life.A On end B In the end C By the end D At the end of10 By the end of last weekend, the boy all hi

5、s homework.A finished B has finished C will finish D had finished11 TV, there is also an air condition in my house.A Except for B Except C Beside D Besides12 I am still not very full, please give me 2 hamburgers.A another B others C the other D the others13 He speaks English so as Jim.A good B bette

6、r C best D well14 After this serious battle, the great army were still.A life B live C alive D living15 important news it is!A How B What an C What a D How an16 Not only Jim but also Sam to Hong Kong. They are not back now.A has gone B has been C have gone D have been17 The doctor suggested that he

7、pills every day.A has B have D will have D had18 Do you mind the window?A me open B I opening C my opening D me to open19 This old photo reminds me my childhood.A of B about C on D along20 To every student, the most important thing is.A study B studying C to study D will study21 He didn t remember h

8、is English book.A where he has put B where has he put C where he had put D where had he put22 Could you tell me it is cold outside or not?A whether B if C when D that23 He told me that the sun in the east.A rises B rose C raises D raised24 This issue has been discussed.A some time B sometime C for s

9、ome time D for sometime25 I to solve this problem, but failed finally.A managed B succeeded C tried D want26 students are playing basketball in the playground.A The amount of B An amount of C The number of D A number of27 It s that I even want to tell everyone.A such good news B so good news C too g

10、ood news D good news so-可编辑修改-改为简单句)28 Our headmaster is a lady who has teaching.A many, experiences B much, experience C many, experience D much, experience29 The teacher a class is a class teacher.A is in charge of B take charge of C in charge of D in the charge of30 The centre of our city is abou

11、t bus ride away from my home.A four hour s B four hours C four-hour D four-hours31 Every day, I take a to my school.A 20-minutes walk B 20-minutes walk C 20 minute s walk D 20-minute walk 二词性转换1 The teacher always tell us(not play) football in the street.2 In(briefly), your idea sounds attractive.3

12、His support (able) some of the top students to further their study abroad.4 I will(consideration)(go) abroad, but not now.5 I(agree) with him. We decided to discussed it in a week.6 Air and water keep us(live).7 Join in the(discuss) and give your opinion.8 Thank you for(give) me so many(suggest) on

13、my study.9 I suggest(go) swimming after playing basketball.10 What is(danger), electricity or fire?11 The magazine is(publish)(month).12 Dont you have any(explain) for why you are late?13 Youd better(not throw) the paper onto the ground.14(Person) opinions are quite important to the government.15 Ha

14、ppy April(fool) Day!16 The Yu Garden millions of people to come to this place since1995.(attract)17 Water will be in this weather. (freeze)18 Jack is clever enough to teach(he) how to use computers.三句型转换1 The girl didn t know which pair of shoes she should buy.(2 These flowers are from Guangdong. He

15、 said.(改为宾语从句)3 . Light travels faster than sound. My teacher told me.(改为宾语从句)4 There will be a meeting in five days. Jack didnt know.(改为宾语从句)5 Can they speak French? I want to know.6 Dont make that mistake. My teacher warned me.(合并为简单句 )7 What does he often talk about? The girl wondered.(改为宾语从句)8 W

16、ho knocked at the door so loudly? I dont know. (改为宾语从句)9 Whats his name? I asked him.(改为宾语从句)10 . When does the train arrive? Please tell me.(改为宾语从句)11 The new coat cost me 200 yuan.(改同义句)12 You shouldn t talk loudly in the library.(改同义句)13 She can run 50 miles in 8 seconds. (划线提问)14 He is so short

17、that he cant reach the top of the tree.(改同义句)He is short reach the top of the tree.He is such that he cant reach the top of the tree.It is too him the top of the tree.oAccondifi to the xung, Ihc h X problem is Hoist. Man) of the comphinu abuui noise rama from people who live in fhl写 3nd old houses.

18、These places cfich have thin wNR which wr 95ihe aoist from neu dwr.ITie ether main probcni$ aredim*/rrm节。(不 期)atxMJi car parking spacest and M people ton)pbining about Ihe young. Some diwgrrcnxjnts Iasi 篇 i_ 笨 linw. In one caw, people who live in ibe 昭丽 bdlding haven 7 (diked to each oihcr for fifte

19、en yejjs. Some lime!: the disagree me end in viokaceJn on。of Ibe worst eases a man killed j neighbour because he ; K沌 kept puking in *hi、pacc.AdoiKct survey shows that 90% of he neighbours never shjre a meal, SO% have never had 台 dnnk i 97 arc! 2愕 have never even spoken. Howvvtf* when neighbours bec

20、ome exh others _93_ _ they are often ready R offer help, as wccufi 曾 many pans of he world.One aluRoa io、wh ptobltrns is lo Ulk about ihcm *Ih a pro用遍chu! Ofganiudon 211d. if nccc$SMy to sign a vrittm Jtgreemcai. Now people m get this seniec in motv md mort ouhn$.D. Head iht passjige ind fill h thr

21、blanks wilh proper 叫心(在短文的空幅内填入适当的 词,使其内客卸队,出空格JR填一词,首字母已崎):(14分)A survey h处 been published which shows that British people dont like their neighbours very much.o(he people who took part in the sun-cy fed 由理 their (Kighbcurs h 92 pay attcniion to others* feelings. 25% dont Ulk 2 the pecplv who Ihc n

22、ext door and 10% d口口 even k/iow their naines. In fad. one million peiplc in Britain would bkc(o23becauseihc Jon l gel 瑞1。噂 well *】由 ihcir neighbours.Ch(w th* words nr exprrsMons and complHr the passage 1j舞恰当的单词或词语 完成雄文)分)_ Every day tars kill or him many people on 皿壮士 Sojneumev ike dristrs drive Wx

23、fait or do noi.drive carefully enough. Some of them 一鼓 _ the traftic rules 即idcgk accidcns.According(o some rcseaithes. ii is nudity the pedestrian行 Aj who cause (he Mtdmsr A lot of road users are very t曲括珞一 They wilk or tun Mr晔 itic bkK 时 the tars. Hcy walk in the roads bui not ort iht W *! They ge

24、t iM w ouc of cm in ihc middle of the rood. Some 出 not ijk士 die uouhk io . f7 the green lighu and Imply cro the rads 理出Z the nai ligh氏Many people 由nk accident often happen in busy roa* in grc ctbcs. bui this iji not Nwn” True. Tokyo ti one of the worlds krgest cities and probably one of the busiest

25、cities; however, there are H9 accMcmH 3 pcdcstrianii, ITic rtjson k thii the police iherc a/c very strict and the pedextriars are very cartful, Ptdcsiriin never eras、againi;! a red Ughc and9Q fbltou tiaflic ruks-lo yty knu alcchol (酒精) is aiciher main cuur dF intTric 3ccidcni5;? h dclay-t people*s g

26、gnsc. Tho$e who have drunk alcohol are 91 ia mdins ttecisions, Thrv nE a fcw more ygrxh io reart 反应)Akohul drinking is especially oan龄eus for m(xor cur drivers. Il is ax only driven wh。may have 4cci$en|5 出icr drinking, dntnkcn pcdc&tiians may put their lives m danger as well.-可编辑修改-85.A tnikcB) brea

27、kC) followD) rumember*A) al the end ofB) in the centre ofC) e I. qFD in front uf87.A) turn onBJ worry aboutC) 5瓶 forD) point cut弭A1加 MIIUeB For exampleC) By Ihc urayD) On the oWhen 1 was cigbteenk 1 gm a place 胡 utuvftrsiry. My parents didnt have 10 pay for my study because the Eovemmeii did.I didnt

28、 go home very oflen even during 面士 holidays. I pre fenced 10 spend dm (nveUing aroundBr g叫 the graadson 19 year$ oldIve always had a very tlosc ktionship with my dad and I dont have to tiidt anything from him.When was at schoot I hadlot of freedom. When I went out, I didifi have to c(?me home 迎 y ce

29、rtain Eime my parents bclitved in me.rm at college qow, and my parents have to pay for my $1udieb but I have io work in ihfl tvaiting? io pay for My additiDDAl Cnicrtainincut find expensive Lhiugs IXwanLI ihKk its wrong dxat my piircnu have iq pay for my studies.】think cdlegcj; and universities shou

30、ld be free jicr everybody.7L Geoiges falhr was a strict nm and Geoige always had la obey hun.72. George lived $ix kilometres away from choo, 50 he wtnt there by bike.73. Mania left school very early tiecause he didnt do weD he schooL74. Martin witch4 TV every night after he had finished his homework

31、.75. Brisn never hjda% anything from his father hcuusc they are close to each giher.76. BM的 his 10 pay for his studies 霞 colJcgc himself, so he needs to work in the evenires.77. Among the three frneraGoas, Bnan*s pirenis allow him Ehr most freedom.欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求-可编辑修改-


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