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1、广西博白县绿珠初中2012-2013学年七年级英语下学期期末质检试题(扫描版) 人教新目标版rICTC 巾eON【OtTlCi!A. He is shonQJO15*12HiBJvie.Whdt didI dl 1 f ,I Whs( did Pdcr do onWhat dot听i听五the boy like lo Elhe went to the dha kNoodles with some【omdio*j Hei、p1a”i】sihe ne眺 Eimli5ti 1What domot he r.* ho did thent in lhiundjy hWh/f ts Steve uomeK

2、ite I bal lB., He is phiis behind the scnoailiJI he hi an in ihinnn(,iini* foc,iba1h is in bait *4 iH, Snc wen、州:;iiin hciehit,四, 听短文,根据所所内容选择正确答窠. (每小题2分.共10分)1& Hou old 讴 Lm Tao? _ _A. 2&i3c. 14I How many friends came io Lin Taa* binhdiiy party? 一 一A4B2Q3l& On birthday, it*s gening popular io eat

3、.A、0心eB.fruitCt eggs nti hinhday, his THathcrcm?kcd somefor him.A* beefB. fishC. thicken2(X Ealing is a snibtti of irood life*A. eggsB. noodle帛C. chicken(五)听短文,填信息.(每小题【分.共5分)11Huw he trip?Hcm did we get there?Mh与 were some olddoing?When did vc ger home?2 I .Todays (hp was22.We tock the to the park.

4、23,Some nld people were.,4 AW * Mme 睢 fine Hew s the weather?25,The weather wasC. giveD,sayC. is readingD,read, fcC. he isD.there isC, in fromD.betweenB. WhM doe* li.c bo du l儿 Whiu &*,the tvy h)ok likeC. has : isD. has : has一语言知识运用(共25分)l)单项选择(15 Sb)A)从各小题所给的A、B, C、D四个选项中选出及H答案26. Hi. Peter. How s

5、it going? -.D. Nice k meet vouA. Itii going boating. B. The wtaihcr is fine C. Not bad* thanksJ7 1 am GQiry My mother isn t M hainc. Can F a :message for her?A, takeB. Let!28. Look! The boy English under the tr&c.At NadsB. reading29. 一Is there a bank near the schexji? -Yes. ._A. you areB. it is3D. T

6、he post oftke is _. _ _ the school.A. next toB. across io31. ?He i* Ull bin heavyA * Who is the boyC. How are you32. My Nister Uli and she 10ng hwr.A. i& ; isB. is ; hsisL甲级英诺朗本质用235 *-Wou!d you hkc some rice? _Vd. v .* A :上 TM imeUngC You dmH 厘14. -May I take vour?尸 LJ -tcs, l d Jrke some beefD siz

7、e the niustum.A.na!UVB. orderSj;L messageW - l)id you go to the mavic bst week? -Nv,山drH :A Wnt反跋C doel36. How i the weather there?A. h is sun Is#* a big snakeA. to sleep38aA family ofA. mouseR- It ssunny_ neur the tree.B. sleepsC. It、drlkiDusC JO slerpinirMere eating food in itiu kitchen.B. mousesC

8、. tnitcD. Hike hD. sleepingD. ninr-B)从备小注所给的A, B、C. D四个进坝中.19. The M is very exjKHM.选山与讨f划纹冠月意义青用电的科栉.A. good40. 4B, cheap ul” I。haw cake on birthday,C high in price划战部分的意思是D,beautitulA. People do not have cakeC. People often have cake(二)完形填空(每小题】分,共10分)B. Some children like u have vakeD. People som

9、etimes like lo have cakeJ 08读卜曲短文,掌握其大意,从备小题所给的A,B. c, ;q卜迷讪中选山量隹谷案48 A、g honu+49. A. k begin50. A. hope三,阅读理解D.1、beginningD enjoLin Tao is a Chinese My. but now he 41 in the UK. He lives _ with Mr iinJ M、 Green He 43 the UK two months ago. Ue came here for 44 ,.He ihum lc milk d 工 Hw 口出152. Its in

10、winter in Harbin. The weather is very cold People wear hats and sweaters, but 升 because they can do something interesting. Look! The girl is skating on Ihe nver53. Some people say animals are very cute aJ ihcy love ihem. Yesb dogs and cat% are ver. interesting Many people have them as pets. But whu

11、about snakes? They m scared. I thinlb54. How old arc you? Do you hkc to have a birthday party on your birthday? My sister Linda likca it Yesterday was her i 3th birthday, and wc buught a cake fit* her.55. Dear Peter how was your last weekend? 1 had a very good umc On Saturday“七,门shopping In the afte

12、rnoon, wc went fishing一5L 52.53 54. 55.B(号小题2分,共10分)HetloJ My English name is Pcrcr and I am 产 years old. 1 am and thin. 1 am a Chi nt*. Im studying in the USA. My first language is Chinese. I can aho speak English. My father is a teacher He 5 45 yean old. He is taU and heavy and has Mion hair. He c

13、m spe-itk English, hxr M、Fiirhcr trom England. She is call and kind of thin. She has beautiful long bniwn hair. Chines i her 口,w language. She is a doctor. She works in a hoipiial. My favorite subject is hisiorv I like football btei My Lihcrs favoriie sports is baske(bull. bu( my mother doesnt like

14、*poru【like chicken. It s rm favorite load and my mother likes fish, but my father likes beef. We dll like Chinese food56. Where is Peter from?A. ChinaB. AmericaC* EnglandD. Canada57.划线单词doctor是什么意思?jA.WH:学生B.教授C版生口息师58+ What docs Peters father kx)k like *.iA. He ii 45 years oldB. Hu i* iaU 4nd 比isIC

15、. He hai kmg brvwn hairD Hc is uU and has short tuirW The family like1|k七年级英第胡麻质检4A I。川hallB basketballC Chines foixlD. history60. Whats Pc(erts favorite food?A 6$hB chickenC beerD. vefetabtesC (每小题2分.A 10分)hly name is Smith. Aller 1 teh middle whooL 1 didnt go to uni verity ( kr)1 Jnr a ye jit arou

16、nd the uorlij. My Grst trip is England I saw ihe Big Ren and hc.niiiful(, Hiiryhb 1 1 I rance by pkmuC|i)I visited many places. Iliere 1 could sec a lot f beauiihil * -hi h :,Next 1 went to Canada J walked around the country tor abnj! two months ITLikes. They were very bcautifuk And people there wer

17、e kind to msidc mJ /h t :At asL I went home by plane again. My trip is really interesting.6Snuths first trip is_A. ChinaB. EnglandC. CanaddD. Beijing62. How many countries did Smith visit? A. 4B.5C,2D, 3you eat zongzi? C. In AmericaC. In EnglandC countrsideD. In ChinaD. In CanadaD. Big lakes63. If y

18、ou go lake some picture!.Scmetimes he ride、a u1_G ig the 73 博:to wuieh boas, Lsi weekend hr and11J weito 氏小咚 On the first day, it very 77_ V mymuseum Every one enjoyed 86 pictures. The guide told u$ many tustor K7 w内齐 ,的片看R彼 悔小分 -5f My bfiMhrr wtithing hn tlmh*2- TiMia (hr wculher ficrx* in( fin- U

19、.nunm/1 Therr b Mg park *n,g hi mt thr % hw)14. My untie nH ,uni thin tnvi He ho bhu h t .iii5. J mi wi eggs !)r bivaktaji. Do you like cgg%7(二)时话盟(解.助卜而方凡对话选捋山确的方案,W个时4只逮 .(每小型I分.-3分)6. W; H)t Steve. The wruthcr i& *u【. What air yu doing?M: Joni playing football with my fnemUal the wk工 W: h the poa

20、t office behind Uw 誓howl?M: Oh, no. Iocttes with sonw tom画oes.JO. W; Hi, Peter. How was your trip last week?M: Gmai. 1 visited my uncle in Be而(.:)叫两段对话,问冷II至15小理,每个对话读两遍* (每小题1分,共5分)听第六段对话.网管第】112小BLW FU. Peter. How s your weekend?M: Hi. Lucy. I hud a good time.W: What did you do?1 wemM: Well, on Sa

21、turday morning, I played volleyball with my pare血 On Sunday boating、W: Really? How fun!M: Yeah. 1( was interesting. What did you do. Lucy?W: I went to the movie.听第七段对话,回答第13“5小题.Wi Who is the man in the photo?M: He is my English teacherW: Whats his name?M: Lisa. L-l-S-A. Lisa.W: What does he look li

22、ke?七年级英语杏案IM II. ill hni f ind 川 iiis Hi i,川k Jwii 卜 l In*IHi | Ih h - Hi il h lh ullihMu 1.11 1rill III llhi | Ji I h “,lihir Ml l,” N| N M III I1 IJill I III. I ,根牌州曲山,-Ml Mh; VWhI I hl1 1 叫r 11J UH 储(iinirH* Ihv Ms iiihiu I- t in hm in I* v 4,111 行脑 、 l,jl 1 1b hiliJL tl K grHHip Ih4i11l.11 III I

23、htvi 1 nh i.h bhlh lily ,川中了 -lliHMlhf in t( Ihllii hv 11111n2013年春季期匕年级英诩期末质检试题叁考答案I -iBI IMAh WBCHAC 7-15I1ACAC 110 BCM A中网a播 宪飕璃 阅认刈!解中同川26 40: CM P A-II 50:IH1AlB5I65:CEADB66-70; BDECA11”DMMDCAACDCBM Hinp.inRWM,rcHADBD粽命川空7L nctnt 76.J guide HI. visited 86. taking“ ih”( i册川虬代储卜川Kr I-72. n(枇73, w

24、alks /4, lursc 75. btiich77. Iiot 78, clirnb 7 juice X(L hou*lK2 unlrreMing S3, sunny lucky,K9, ealing87. fltorwlH8. horns心 eiwy隼)心而呼hospiiiiV Hv liken bed nxUes而仙LMy filter in 45 years old. He is tall and thin. He works In a .“nd he likes fo play ftxnball, too.My mother is 40 years 0kL She is bcautitul mid hn long hw.She Mehes English. Sho likes fish, I am a student. 1 am of medium build, I have M3 际岫,j lihdiiikcn iind I hkv to jlr Ihr ketbiill very much.而他晨加盟


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