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1、课题:9A Unit2 Speakup& Pronunciation第一课时.总第一时教学方法 Presenting and practice, task-based approach 教具 multi-media computer教学目标 To understand the difference between the voiced and voicelessth sounds To pronounce the two th sounds correctly To distinguish the voiced and the voicelessth sounds重点:1 .To unders

2、tand the difference between the voiced and voicelessth sounds.2 .To distinguish thevoiced andthe voiceless th sounds.难点:To understand the difference between the voiced and voiceless th sounds.测评内容及学生活动设计刖置测评一、请根据空格后的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。1. I(found b y accident) their secret, but I kept the se

3、cret for them.2. My life dream is to go to(入学)and study abroad in the future.3. Shanghai hosted the 2010 World Expo(成功地)and we are all proud.4. The magazines are, you can take them without paying any money.5. (maybe) the visitors will arrive at the airport at half past four.(No.1 Ss finish1-5 on Bb

4、and present the answer。)二、翻译卜列短语。1 .改变你的心情2 .提高某人的生活3 .半小时 4 .许诺干某事 5 .把油按摩进某人的皮,肤6 .穿红色的看上去很好 7 .建议某人干某事 8 . 宁愿十某事 (No.2 Ss finishEx 二 18. Then exchange to check the answers. )自学 内容Speak up: give advice目标To give some useful advice on what colours to wear.活动设计(一)Guidel. Speak upT : 131 go to at tend

5、 hqt fri end,s bij-thday party. f9hat should I Could you gd vc ib& gojse advi c?*1Kowlillie and her cousin are discussing vrtiat colours to wear. Listen t their conversation and try to answer the questions-(1) . What are Andy and lillie talking about7+1(2) . What shirt does lillie advice Andy to wea

6、r?(3) . What will Andy wear?41(4) . What does lillie think of it?+1(All the Se read the pagu and underline the phrases. )v(Answer the qujestians in pairs.Guide2. How to express preferences.Read the dialogue together and then say something about how to give advice to others and how to eipress prefere

7、nces, giving advice1What / How about doing、鬻加:dont you do. ?Why not do . ?Shall we do.?Let, s do.,Perhaps you should *It1 s a good idea to d。Could you give me some advice?pNo, I don, t 1 ike,If GuideS. lake a similar dialogue in pairs with the useful eipressions. 1. lake a review.2. Do some exercise

8、s.Do more consolidation exercises.(1)她使用的油有不同的颜色。The oils.(2)你能给我一些建议吗?Could you.(3)他把油涂到人们的皮肤里。He.(4)我害怕一个人去医院。I m(5)我女儿较喜欢穿绿色。自学 内容PronunciationMy d aughter目标To understand the difference between the voiced and voicelessth sounds.Guide4. Presentation1). Show some letters on the board. Ask them to r

9、ead and tell them, that thereare two ways to pronounce theth .活2) Read through the three steps to pronounce the voice /sound. Ask the wholeclass to pronounce the voiceless sound together. Remind them to put their hands动on their throats to make sure they do.not fee l any v . ibration.3) Play the reco

10、rding for Part A through once and ask students to listen to the pronunciation of theth in each word.设4) Play the recording again, and lead them to read again and again.The best way to learn pronunciation is to read again and again.计Guide5. Sum up辅音字符th有清与浊两种读音:1当位于词首时,可以从词性上判别其应有的读音。请看:(二)第一类:在以下4种

11、词类th读 清音,即国际音标的/ 0 / :a. Noun 名词:thing, theatre, thumb大拇指,thunder 雷,thermos 热水瓶,Thursday, theory, theme, throat喉咙,thread 线b. Verb 动词:think, thank, throw, thrive, thicken,c.Numeral 数词:three, thirteen, thirty, third, thousandd.Adjective形容词:thin, thick, thirsty, thoughtful,thorough彻底的第二类:在以下 两种 词类th读 浊

12、音:a. Pronoun 代词:they, them, their, theirs, this, these, that, those, there, thy旧时用法你的b. Functional terms功能词:the, than, then, though, thus,therefore2当位于词尾(或音节之尾)时,其读言多数是清首,如:bath, breath, both, cloth,tooth, health, wealth, arithmetic 等。只用在少数单词中,如: with, smooth 中读浊音。3当位于两个兀首之间时,其读首多数是浊首。如:other, mothe

13、r, brother, anothe r,father, weather, feather, leather, further, breathe.但是,也有读清首的。如在单词method, nothing, anything, sympathy, sympathetic,mathematics, healthy, wealthy, Luther, Marathon(马拉松)等。(Pay attention to the pronunciation of the letter groupth at the head ofa word.)(Pay attention to the pronunci

14、ation of the letter groupth at the end ofa word.)达 必 改写句子1. We call it a program.( 改为同义句)标测评做题Ita program.2. I ll show you the way there.(改为同义句)I ll show youthere.3. Don t draw pictures on the wall.(改为同义句 )Youpictures on the wall.4. You can put the tip of your tongue between your lips.(对戈U线部分提问 )you

15、the tip of your tongue?找出错误并在横线上改正1. People have pale skin can we,ar blue.2. Millie looks very beautiful on red.3. Please follow us reading these English words.4. I want to know how good you can pronounce these words.选 做 题Translation:1 .他将会示范你如何踢足球。He will.2 .彩虹夫人止在把油涂在我的头上。Mrs Rainbow.3 .我们许诺你能成功,否则你可以取回你的钱。We, or you can.4 .th有两种发白方式。There re th”课 堂 小 结教 学 反 思


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