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1、2013 届高三英语3 月模拟检测 (一模) 试题 (扫描版)德州市高中三年级模拟检测向 的 fpwv I.听, hin w wwm mb . io! doi Ml、,英语试题20.3.3本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分,第I卷I至10页,第II卷II 至12页。满分为150分。考试用时120分钟。考试结束后,将答题卡交回。注意事项;一、答题U,考生务必用0.5亳米黑色签字簿将自己的姓名、学校、班级和准考证号填写 在答题卡羡定的位置。二、第I卷每小也选出答案后,用2B铅笔在答JS卡上将对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如 需要改动,用检皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。三、第II卷必须

2、用0.5亳米黑色签字第作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相 应的位置,写在试卷上无效;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不能使用 涂改液、胶带纸、修正带等修正工具。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。第I卷(三部分,共105分)第一部分听力(共两节,海分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段时话。每段时话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳 选并标在试卷的相应位里。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和 解读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What is the man speaker?A. A bank clerk.B

3、. A passer-by.C. A driver.2. What happened to the woman?A. She lost something.B. She didn*t like the letter.C. She found something for the man.3. How many physics classes are there in a week in the new tenn?A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.4. How did the man get there?A. By air.B. By bus.C. By train.5. What

4、will the woman do?A. Go to hospital.B. Travel abroad.C. Work in an insurance company.英语试题:第1页(共12页)第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分225分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选 个中选出最佳选不,井标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话版独白誉,你将有时间阅读各个小 题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒仲的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回等第6至8小题。C. It has a small bathroom.6. What do we

5、 know about the apartment?A. It has three bedrooms. B. h has a big kitchen.7. How often does the woman want the rent to be paid?A. Once a month.B. Every six months.C. Every three months.8. What will the man do tomorrow?A. Move into the apartmentsB. Prepare enough money.C. Take a look at the apartmen

6、t.听第7段材料,回答第9至10小题。9. When is Tom going to New Zealand? XT A. In two weeks.B. In a couple of months. C. In half a year.C. In New Zealand.10. Where are they going to meet?A. At Susans.B. At Tom、.听第8段材料,回答第11至13小题。IL Whats the most probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Father and daughter.

7、 B. Classmates.12. What are they mainly talking about?A. A new research on the weather.B The coming Spring Festival.C. People affected by the bad weather.13. What will they most probably do next?A. Go to the south.B. Attend a meeting.听第9段材料,回答第14至16小题。14. Whafs the charge of the room with a membersh

8、ip?A. 22 dollars.B. 25 dollars.15. How can one have a membership card?C. Boss and secretary.C. Join the Student Union.C. 28 dollars.A. By paying 25 dollars to the hostel.B By staying in an international hostel for six nights.C. By applying for it free.英语试题第3页(共12页)B. In the room.C. In the kitchen lh

9、e;theD. the;a22. 一 A bottle of beer? I will have to drive back home after the party.A. By all meansB. Anything but thatC. Il dependsD. Help younelf23. Which car is better, the red one or the black one?I prefer the red one, but it is really a matter of personalA. tasteB. styleC affairD. tradition24.

10、We can see many examples in our life positive thinking changes a person completely.A. whichB. thatC. whenD. where25. City life often provides us more convenience and entertainment than country life, but not quiet and easy.A. tooB. muchC. asD. still26.1 won t any more of your nonsense-now get down lo

11、 work!A. get rid of B. put up with C. live up toD. get along with27. Is the new job a real challenge for him?Well,difficulties he meets. I believe he will never lose heart.A. whenever B. howeverC. whicheverD whatever英语试题第3页(共12页)28. Hie boy was sitting in his chair leisurely t in the magazine he was

12、 reading.A. being absorbedB. absorbingC. to be absorbedD. absorbed29. Dont feel guilty about it. Anyone make mistakes in their life.A. mustB. canC. shallD. need30. Whatever background you come from, you can be successful with your hard worklike many ochers.A. equallyB. merelyC. mostlyD. hardly31. Ho

13、use prices are usually high famous schools lie.A. whenB. sinceC. whereD. if32. Tnt 2 - year -old son looked a bit upset uhen learning that his parents to work in Beijing.A. are leavingB. have leftC. were leavingD. will leave33. Whats troubling us are no( the burdens of our schoolwork but the ways we

14、 handle A. thisB. itC. usD. them34. Driving is not so difficult as it is if you slick to the roles.A. imaginedB. designedC. requestedD. appeared35. Sorry indeed, I would have come to your birthday party if. I know you were out on business.A. No wonder B. All rightC. Forget itD. My pleasure第二节 完形填空(共

15、20小题;每小题I分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填人空白处 的最佳选项,并在答题卡将该/涂黑。Talking with Notebooks 。】had been going through a tough time dealing with the problems of growing up and communicating with my mother. Whenever I got angry, we would end up in 36 with each other, unwilling to share our real f

16、eelings.Several days ago I ran away from home to 37 the anger and pain bottled up 38 me. I stayed away for many hours, well into the night, before I finally decided to39 home.Walking through the front 40 t I immediately saw all the 41 and anger on my mother s face. For days after that, we said the 4

17、2 Everything we did was filled with tensiont 43 we desperately needed a talk and agreed to have breakfast together in a local caf6 the next morning. It turned out to be a 44 point of our relationship.On our way to the tabic I 45 my mother having two notebooks and some pens. 46 are they fbr?r,I asked

18、. u Sometimes it is easier to write down our feelings than to 47 about them. she explained. She then 48 me a notebook and kept one for herself. The u 49英语试题第5页(共12页)were that she would pick a topic, and we would write down our 50 about it, however long orshort Our first 51 was: “Why I am so angry. I

19、 wrote a half page, and mum 52 up nearly three pages. Tears streamed down her face as she wrote.After finishing writing we 53 our notebooks and read what the other had written. On starting reading mum s words, I began to cry and so did she. Amazingly enough, when we finished discussing them, all the

20、 anger inside me was 54 1 gained a special gift that day at the restaurant. Mum and I continue to use our notebooks as a 55 of communicating our problems. No matter how we feel, our notebooks are a safe placeto express it.36. A. connectionB. touchC. termsD. conflicts37. A. absorbB. releaseC. distrac

21、tD. prevent38. A. insideB. withoutC. besideD. beyond39. A. stayB. leaveC.returnD. move40. A. streetB. doorC. windowD. room41. A. painB.shockC.doubtD. interest42. A. mostB. worstC. leastD. best43. A. butB. soC. yetD. or44. A. startingB. fallingC. freezingD. turning45. A. noticedB. watchedC. feltD. su

22、ggested46. A. WhereB. WhaiC. WhenD. Whv47. A. hearB.talkC. thinkD. care48. A. askedB. leftC. handedD. opened49. A. lessonsB ordersC. rulesD. reasons50. A. adviceB. decisionC. worriesD. feelings51. A. testB. letterC. topicD. page52. A. filledB. hurriedC. madeD. stayed53. A. mentionedB. trustedC excha

23、ngedD. combined54, A. recycledB. relaxedC recognizedD. removed55. A. prizeB. meansC. processD. symbol第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的叮个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答超卡上 将该项漆黑二A 1When I came home to London at the end of my first term at university in December 1968, I was iat broke f and more bmlcp

24、because it wm ChrisUrus, so 1 went to an employment agency for a job.“Would you like to work as a mailboy for the Beatles?w they asked.英语试题第5页(共12页)Dont you have anything better?n I asked.Fifteen minutes later I got the job. When 1 asked why they accepted me when millions would have done the job for

25、 free, the answer was That* s just the problem. ” Yes. I owed the job to the fact that I was not a crazy fan.But of course I was a fan. It was difficult not to be. I worked over the winter holiday in 1968 and also during Easter 1969. I had to take a taxi in the days to deliver papers sealed in envel

26、opes to the Beatles house. I took the envelopes to (he address. handed them over to whoever answered the door and left. Who would entrust (委 托)such papers to an unknown student today-the envelopes would be opened and the contents of the papers copied and sold to the Press. It never occurred to me to

27、 do that. Much has been lost in 40 years!I am always asked how many autographs (签名)I collected t and the answer is none. How uncool would it have been to ask for an autograph? Far better just to hear the Beatles* greets44Hi, boy. How,s it going?More than 40 years later t this remains the best job I

28、have ever had. It met my immediate material need and provides a memory that can be my life treasure. For a child of the 60s, this was its peak. If some details of the memory are not so fresh, ifs because they werenf t important then. At 19, you take many things that happen for granted. At 61 w they

29、become gold dust. If I had known that then, I would have kept a diary.56. The author when he came home according to the first paragraph.A. got sick B. was penniless C. broke his aims D. had to leave school 57. The author was offered the job as a mailboy becauseA. the agency was in urgent need of hel

30、ping handsB. the Beatles wanted to help poor young menC. the boy seemed not to be a fan of the BeatlesD. the poor boy couldnt do heavy physical work58. From the 5th paragraph, we can learn that the author the Beatles.A. disliked B. respectedC. doubtedD. envied59. The reason why the author didnt coll

31、ect the autographs of the Beatles was thatA. he had no chance to do thatB. he had no enough moneyC. he was not allowed to collectD. he preferred to talk with the Beatles60. How does the author find his job as a mailboy when he was 19?A. It was an experience worth treasuring.B. It was foolish of him

32、not to make more money.英语试题第6页(共12页)C. He reached the peak of his life in ihe university.D. It helped him develop a habit of keeping a diary.BAn Israeli law banning too - skinny models went into effect with the start of 2013. The law, approved last March in Israel 9 requires models to prove they hav

33、e maintained a Body Mass Index (BM1) of at least 18.5 for three months before a fashion show. That means a woman who is tall c&n weigh no less than 119 pounds.“This law is another step in the war against eating disorders,” said physician Adatto. uUnderweight modelstw he explained9 can no longer serv

34、e as role models for innocent young people who copy their false image of being skinny.”But some critics in this country say it is misguided. focusing on weight instead of health, lliey also say the Israeli ban is bound to fail because of the strong power of the fashion industry. “I think ifs an appr

35、oach that isn,t going to work. said eating disorder expert Susan Ice,who worked with an organization which creates a healthy working environment for models.But Adatto told the reporter that he began to concern the issue after meeting an ambitious model who looked like she needed to be hospitalized.

36、He said. Only by making a specific law can we change the situation. There is no time to waste; so many girls are dieting to death.”However, the efforts to regulate models weight in Spain and Italy have not resulted in significant changes, in part because of difficulties in determining reliable metho

37、ds of measuring weight and health.Still 9 people including Susan Ice say theres no denying that images from Hollywood and the ftuJiion industry can be difficult for young women to deal with. Certainly I dont believe the modeling industry has caused the rise in eating disorders, but it creates more s

38、eekers for skinny figures. she said J Its a difficult recoveiy environment t worshiping thinness as the beauty ideal. ” 6L What does BMI in the first paragraph refer to?A. A measure of body health based on height and weight.B. A worldwide prize for the healthiest model.C. A new show held by those sk

39、inny models.D. A kind of medicine to cure eating disorders.62. One benefit the new Israeli law may bring is.A. to change the working conditions of modelsB. to lower the chance of skinny models* deathC. to prevent models from suffering from eating disordersD. to provide guidance for women worshiping

40、thinness63. In the opinion of the critics9 the law wont succeed because.A. it misleads young women to form a bad eating habitB. the fashion industry is much too influentialC. it doesnt provide a proper approach that can work wellD. it doesnt create a healthy working environment for models64. What ca

41、used Adatto to think that a law was needed to change the situation?A. Establishing his fashion - model agent/B. Meeting an ambitious but too skinny model.C. Being interviewed by a reporter.D. Seeing a model die from eating disorders.65. According to the passagetthe new Israeli law banning skinny mod

42、els is A. practical B. acceptableC. reasonableD. controversialcwho tty to invade it. FightingSome animals will defend their territory by fighting with those ,however t is not often the best choice 9since it uses up a large amount of energy, and can result in injury or even death. Most animals rely o

43、n various threats t either through sounds or smells. The songs of birds, the drumming of woodpeckers and the loud calls of monkeys are all warnings that carry for long distances t advertising to possible invaders that someone else s territory is being approached. Many animals rely on smells to mark

44、their territones or leaving droppings around the territories. Other animals will be warned off the tcrritoiy without ever meeting with the territory,defender.Sometimes t these warnings may be ignored t and an invader may move accidentally into a neighboring territory t or two animals may meet near t

45、he border of their neaiby territories. When the two animals meet, they will generally threaten each other with visual (视觉的)displays. These displays will often exaggerate an anima? s size by putting up feathers or ftir. or will show off the animal、weapons. Ilie animals may go through all the behavior of fighting without ever actually touching each other. The displays are generally perfonned best near the center of an animaT s territory t where it is more likely to attack an invader and where retr


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