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1、人教修订版高二上Unit 7 Living with disease Integratingskills说课教案一教学课型:阅读写作结合语法课二教学内容: SEFC BOOK 2A UNIT 7 LIVING WITH DISEASE三教学目标:1 引导学生了解关于癌症的常识知识。2 培养学生良好的阅读习惯和快速捕获信息的能力。3 从学生的学习兴趣, 生活经验和认知水平出发, 创设生动和逼真的情景,在轻松,民主的教学氛围中,鼓励和倡导学生积极参与,主动思维,大胆实践。4 在教学过程中,不仅注重“教书” ,更注重“育人”。四教学重点和难点:处理好读与写的关系。读为写的充分铺垫,写为读的思维结果,

2、两者相辅相成,缺一不可。五教学设计:(一)总体思路:本节课所授内容为单元中的IntegratingSkills部分,分Reading与Writing 两大块。 Reading 部分的教学采用泛读方式进行,细分为标题预测,问题寻解,阅读填空,比较判断四个具体的教学活动, 意在培养学生良好的阅读习惯和快速捕获信息的能力。时间约为 20 分钟左右。 Writing 部分细分为画时间线,简述事件和汇编成文三个具体的教学活动, 遵循从易到难的原则, 引导学生从自身生活实际出发,积极参与到写作中来,时间约为 20 分钟左右。最后在课堂小结中, 教师点出 “生命中必然会有高峰与低谷, 希望同学们多多记住快乐

3、1的事,忘掉不快,以崭新的姿态迎接生命中的每一天。”(二)教学过程:Step 1: PredictingShow the title of the reading“Diagnosed with cancer: the day mylife endedand began !”and ask the students to predict“Why did thewriter slife end first,and then begin ?”设计说明 通过标题预测课文内容能激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的预测能力,调动学生已有的知识储备,提高其课堂学习的主动性和积极性。Step 2: Fast - r

4、eadingGive the students two questions before they read the text.Answer the questions:1.Whatdid the writer think when she was diagnosed with cancer ?2.Whatdoes the writer think of cancer now ?设计说明 设计本活动的目的是让学生带着问题快速阅读文章,培养学生通过快速扫读寻找有用信息的能力。 这里两道问题的设计突出了时间:过去和现在, 让学生在找寻问题和回答问题过程中对文章内容有了初步的理解。同时,也能帮助学生

5、理解文章标题的含义。Step 3: Careful - readingAsk the students to read the passage carefully and fill in the blanks in the abridge.I willneverforgetthatafternoonwhenI was _(diagnose)with2cancer.Iremember_(have) an emptyfeelingin mystomachandthinking that my life was going _(end).The next year was painful and d

6、ifficult for me.Like many people with cancer,I had to be _ (treat) with radiation _ (follow) by treatmentwith chemicals.There were days when I wished that I _(be) dead.My family and friends were wonderful.They helped me and kept me_(feel) sad and lonely.At last I _(be able to) go home.Now two years

7、have passed and my life has not yet ended. _(live)with cancer has made me realize how precious life is and how important it is for us to take every chance to live life to _(full).设计说明 本篇填空文章是课文的一个缩写,让学生在答题过程中进一步理清文章的脉络,加深对文章的理解。 同时又把高考可能出现的知识点以填空的形式加以出现,引起学生的重视。Step 4: JudgementCompare the situation

8、 of the writer with the one of Xiaohua in the reading and ask the students to judge which of the following statements are true or false .1. The diseases are contagious.2. The diseases have already changed the way they lived3. They gave up the hope.4.They are both optimistic(乐观 )5. The diseases have

9、in fact helped them appreciate life. 设计说明 3根据所授课班级学生英语基础较差,口语能力不强的情况,我把课文后面的一道问答题改成是非判断题, 以利于学生比较、 回答,并希望起到抛砖引玉的作用。同时通过两者的比较,让学生了解她们对待病魔积极乐观的态度,以及不屈不挠的精神,希望学生从中得到启示。Step 5: Drawing a timelineIt sthe time for writing.The teacher draws a timeline of life and makes the best times (the highs) and the wo

10、rst times (the lows) according to own experience.Then shows and explains them to the students.In 2004In 1992e.g. My father broke his leg when I was seventeen years old.I had my baby on Oct. 12,2004.Askthestudentstothinkabouttheirlivesanddrawtheirtimelineson theirnotebooks.Thenasksomestudentsto share

11、theirown timelines on the blackboard.设计说明 教师以其亲身经历作示范, 一下子拉近了与学生的距离,创设了和谐, 平等的教学氛围。 同时,密切联系学生生活, 鼓励和倡导学生积极参与, 主动思维,为下一步写作提供真实的素材。Step 6: Simple descriptionAsk the students to describe one or two events in their lives using simple words 、phrases and sentences.4eventsimportant;unforgettable;meaningful

12、;proud;grandhappy;excited;surprised;proud;pleased;shameful;feelingsnervous;sad;alone;angry;worried;afraidI remember having an empty feeling in my stomach.I think that my life is going to end.I feel as if the sky came down.thoughtsI think of my cancer as a gift.I remember everything exactly as if it

13、happenedyesterday. .设计说明 本活动的目的在于起到桥梁作用,使学生的写作从词到句, 再到文章进行过渡。教师提供一些词汇,句式可以使不同层次的学生依据自身经验进行仿写,改写或自主写作。Step 7: Sample passageGivethestudentsa samplepassage.Thenaskthestudentstowrite a passage according to their experience.The most important event in my life is thatmy baby was born in2004.5It broughtmy

14、familygreathappiness.Andat thesametime,italso changed our life.It made our life more busier and richer.Since then, I have really understood the saying“We never knowthe love of the parents until we become parents ourselves.”设计说明 设计本活动的目的是让学生依照教师提供的范文,结合自身的经历, 撰写一篇叙事文章。遵循从易到难的原则,提高学生参与的积极性。Step 8: Sum

15、maryT: In this class,we look back to the past:the best times and theworst times in our lives.Have you found something that we thought important in the past have changed insignificant with time elapsed. Sowe should forget something unhappy and remember only pleasure. (Teacher wipes the worst times on the timeline and only leaves the best times on the timeline ) Remember: Live life to the fullest.设计说明 设计本活动的目的在于突出思想教育。教师通过擦掉时间线上的 “低谷”,强调“高峰”这一动作,让学生学会抓住生命中的快乐的时光,忘掉不快,以崭新的姿态迎接生命中的每一天。Step 9: HomeworkLet the students finish their writing after class.设计说明 设计本活动的目的是将口头活动付诸于笔头,注重学生写作能力的训练。6


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