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1、Unit 2Sailing the oceans能力演练一、语法填空A jobless man applied for the position of“office boy ” at a big firm.The HR manager1(interview)him,then a test:clean the floor.“ You are hired,”he said, “ Giveme youremailaddress,2 I, llsend you the applicationtofill.”The man replied,“I don,3 an email.”t have a comp

2、uter,“I , m sorry,” saidtheHRmanager,“ thatmeans you do notexist.And 4 doesn, t existcannot have thejob. ” The man left 5 nohope at all.Hedidn , tknow what todo,withonly 10 in his pocket.He then decided to go to the supermarket and buy a 10 KG tomato crate.He then soldthe tomatoes from door to door.

3、In less than two hours,he6 (success)in doublinghis capital.He repeated the operation 3 times,and returned home with 60.5 years later,the man is one of the7 (big)foodretailers(零售商 )in the US.Hestarted to plan his family, s future,and decided to have a life insurance.He called 8insurance broker,and ch

4、ose a protection plan.When the conversationwas concluded,thebrokerasked him his email.Theman replied,“ I,”don t have an email.The brokerreplied9(curious),“You don, thave an email,andyet have establishedan empire!Do you imagine 10 you could have been if you had an email?”The man thought for a while,a

5、nd replied,“An office boy!”二、完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 115 各题所给的四个选项( A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。I puta packageofsmallgoldcolored foil(金 箔 )angels inmy purseaftermyillness.The package was 1 and the angels fell out into my purse.On the way home,Iwas at the store2 for something and change was required.Idugin,got t

6、he change and gave it to the 3.I didn, t realize there were also angelssticking(粘 )to the4!Well,she said,“Oh angels for me! Thank you!Come back andsee me anytime! ”This5severaltimesthatday,with almost thesame reactionatdifferentplaces,withdifferentpeople.Sonow I keep theangelsin thereand 6dispense(分

7、发 )them with the change.This little7 has led to some interesting conversations-for example,when I wentback tothe same 8where the lady received the first angels,she told me how muchshe 9 them and kept them by her bed.She then told me,“I was10 as a child.I couldn, t walk or talk.My grandparentstold me

8、 that if I didn, t give up I would be healed because the angel was 11me.Istartedpraying,andwithina year I was totallyhealed!I , m so 12 forthishealing! ”She alsotold me that thefirsttimeshe, 13me,shethoughtIwas an angel!I thengave hersome more angels,and 14sheactedlike Ihad givenhera milliondollars!

9、用心爱心专心1What a lovely 15!I always plan on keeping the little gold angels in my purse and dispensing themeverywhere.When I do,I don, t say anything I just give them with the change.1.A.lostB.mendedC.openedD.stolen2.A.callingB.payingC.lookingD.applying3.A.salespersonB.waiterC.beggarD.conductor4.A.cloth


11、gratefulD.proud13.A.dreamedB.servedC.sawD.found14.A.howeverB.alsoC.laterD.again15.A.tradeB.experienceC.planD.method三、阅读理解专题训练(十)信息匹配在第 15 题中, Susan,Mike,Jane,George 和 Tom正计划参加一个夏令营。阅读下面六个夏令营的介绍(选项 A、 B、C、 D、 E 和 F),选出符合各人需求的最佳选项。选项中有一项是多余选项。1. Susan,a biologystudent,hasa particularinterestin wildlif

12、e.Sheis curiousabouthow peopleand wildlifecancoexistpeacefullyinan area.Shewould liketo studythe environmentand wildanimals.Withinformationshe gathersin the camp she hopesto complete her project on wildlife.2. Mike is eager to stayaway from the busy citylifefora while.Heand his classmateshave decide

13、d to join a summer camp where they can learn outdoor skills and learn用心爱心专心2to solve problems all by themselves.3. Jane is longing for a break from school life.She wants to JP3 try somethingdifferent and exciting.She is especially interested in mountain biking and watersports.4. George is a born lea

14、der and is popular among his classmates.As a chairman of theStudentClub,heoftenorganizesactivitiesand games.Hed liketo attendwildernesscourses which offer youth a chance to lead,and succeed.5. Tom is a sports fan and a lover of the outdoors.Besides water sports,he enjoyshorseracingand hiking.Hewould

15、 liketo go to a camp which offersa greatvarietyof sports.Summers almost here,and a summer camp near you provides piles of summer fun.ACALIFORNIA: Log Cabin WildernessCampGetaway(L.A.AreaCouncil,233ScoutWay,Los Angeles,CA90026; 213 4134400):Backpacking(背背包徙步旅行)is the top activity at this camp,includi

16、ng classes in backpacking stove(火炉) operation,backcountryfirstaid,waterpurification(净化) ,andmapand compass skills.BWISCONSIN:GardnerDam ScoutCamp(BayLakesCouncil,P.O.Box267,Appleton,WI54912; 920 7345705):Whitewatercanoeing (激流独木舟运动) isofferedifyou want tohave funon theriver.A35mile overnightmountain

17、 biking trip is for those who prefer to stay on dry land.The campis for boys and girls 1218.C KANSAS:Spanish Peaks Scout Camp(Santa Fe Trail Council,1513 E.FultonTerrace,Garden City,KS 67846; 620 27551620):Rock climbing aroundthecamp and mountain climbing,includingan attempt oftoppingEastSpanishPeak

18、.Join us and meet new friends and learn new activities.DIDAHO:CampAspenRidge(TrapperPathsCouncil,1200East 5400South,South Ogden,UT84403; 801 4795460):Horsebackridingandhillwalkingarepopularon thepaths.Swimming,canoeing,rowingandfishingactivities are offered on the lake.Learn about the culture and ha

19、ve fun!E NORTH CAROLINA:Camp BudSchiele(PiedmontCouncil,1222E.FranklinBlvd,Gastonia,NC28053; 704 8642694):Learnaboutthe environmentofthe area while taking trips deep into the woods.Then spend Friday testingwhat youve learned against other groups.Activities are in some of themost untouched wilderness

20、 areas across the state.F MAINE:Camp Roosevelt(KatahdinArea Council,Bangor,ME04402; 207 8662241):The log cabin dining house was built in 1929 and offers good campfood.Onceyou getyour fill,takeon the camps Leaders Today program,which用心爱心专心3will have you climbing,jumping and working your way to better

21、 leadership skills.1._ 2._ 3._4._ 5._参考答案一、1. 解析:这里应填谓语动词的过去时,HR manager: 人力资源部经理。答案: interviewed2. 解析:“ Do sth.,andsb./sth.will.”是一个常见句型,例如:Use your head,and youll find a way.答案: and3. 解析:若上句是否定句,则后一句常用neither或 nor 表示“也不,也没有” 。答案: neither/nor/or4. 解析:whoever 在这里作主语引导主语从句,整句意思是“凡是不存在的人都不能拥有这份工作。”答案:

22、 whoever5. 解析: with no hope at all=without any hope:不抱任何希望。答案: with6. 解析:此处缺少谓语动词。答案: succeeded7. 解析:“ one of the+ 形容词最高级 +名词复数”是固定结构。答案: biggest8.解析: an insurance broker:一个保险经纪人。答案: an9.解析:这里应填副词作状语修饰动词replied 。答案: curiously10. 解析: what 引导宾语从句, 在从句中作 have been 的表语。 整个宾语从句用了虚拟语气,意思是:“要是你有 email ,那你又

23、该成了什么样的人哪?”答案: what二、分析:作者通过无意中送给别人金箔做的纸天使的经历,阐释了信念对人生的重要性。1. 解析:本来这些金箔折的天使在一个小袋里,但是这个小袋开口了(opened),于是它们散落在了“我”的钱包中。答案: C2. 解析:从本空前的store可推知,“我”在一家商店里买东西,故需要付钱(paying )。答案: B3. 解析:“我”把零钱给了售货员( salesperson )。答案: A4. 解析:“我”在付钱时,几个纸折的天使粘在了钱( money)上。答案: C5. 解析:由本段叙述可知,同样的事那天发生了( happened)好几次。答案: B用心爱心专

24、心46. 解析:于是从那天开始, “我”总是( always )在付钱时送给别人纸天使。答案: C7. 解析:这种做法也引发了几次与别人有趣的对话。此处 practice指作者在给别人付钱时,夹几个纸天使的做法。答案: D8. 解析:上文store有提示:有一天“我”又去了那家商店(store )。答案: B9. 解析:她把这些纸天使一直摆放在床头,这说明她非常珍惜(treasured)它们。答案: A10. 解析:下一句中“你不能走路,也不能说话”的信息告诉我们:她曾经是一个残疾人(disabled )。答案: D11. 解析:句意为:因为天使在我心中。此处爷爷奶奶在鼓励她只要有坚定的信念,只要心中有天使,就会得到天使的帮助。inside sb.意为“在某人心里,在内心深处”。答案: A12. 解析:能够奇迹般地恢复健康,她非常感激(grateful)。答案: C13. 解析:句意为:她还告诉“我” ,她第一次看见( saw)“我”时就认为“我”是一个天使。答案: C14. 解析:显然当“我”给她纸天使时,她又一次(again )表现得很激动,像得到一大笔钱一样。答案: D15. 解析: 句意为:这真是一次美好的经历( experience )。作者在此指上文叙述的在零钱中夹上纸天使送人的经历。答案: B三、1 5EABFD用心爱心专心5


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