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1、MODULE 6 The Internet and Telecommunications模块综合检测题组一I.单项填空C. adaptableD. acceptable1. The style of Western art has changed manytimes_ Chinese art has changed lessoften.A. whileB.beforeC. sinceD. however2. The new test will _ a written test ofreading,listeningcomprehensionandwriting, plus an intervi

2、ew to test speaking skills.A. consist ofB. make upC. make up ofD. be made of3. The foreign minister said,“ _ is ourhope that the two sides will work towards peace. ”A. ThisB. ThereC. ThatD. It4.Theboywho hadbrokentheruleavoided_.A. punishingB. punishedC. being punishedD. being punishing5. They want

3、to develop a kind of dog-friendly food, _will help dog owners cool downtheir pets.A. whoB. what C. whichD. whether6. Only rich people can afford to _whatever hobbies they like.A. make upB. put upC. save upD. take up7. The government needs to improve thelong-termemployment aid system thatis_to tall p

4、eople withdifficulties,and further strengthen the social security system.A. accessibleB. relative8. As one of the worlds greatest _ ofrareearthmetals,Chinafacesanenvironmental challenge as a result of its unique position.A. resourcesB. sourcesC. originsD. causes9. State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan appeal

5、ed thatJapan and China should_ topics such asstrategic mutual trust (战略互信 ),mutuallybeneficialcooperation(互 利 合 作 )andfriendlysentiments(感情 )between ourpeopleinsteadof criticizingeachother( 相 互 指责 ).A. take onB. contribute onC. turn onD. concentrate on10. In many places inChina,_ bicycle isstill_pop

6、ularmeansoftransportation.A. a ;theB. /; aC. the ; aD. the; the11. HowisDennis gettingalongwith hiswork? Well, he can always _ a new idea for increasing sales.A. come up withB. come aboutC. get away withD. get up12. Why is the Chinese diet popular in the world? Because it_a lotof fruitsand greenvege

7、tables.A. includesB. takesC. containsD. spends13. Do you know who _ the electricfan?.A. createdB. producedC. discoveredD. invented14. Barrystood at thedoor,_. Should he1walk straight in or knock?A. hesitatingB. waitingC. doubtingD. warning15. When she got home, her _ husband wasalready sound asleep

8、in bed. He often works in his office far into the night.A. open-mindedB. hard-workingC. self-confidentD. warm-heartedII.阅读理解(A)Computersareveryimportanttomodernlife.Manypeoplethinkthatinthefuturecomputerswillbe usedinlotsofeverydaylife.Itis thoughtthatwe wont have togo shoppingbecause we willbe able

9、togetmost thingswhichare sold in shops on the Internet. There willbe no more booksbecause we willbe abletogetalltextsfromcomputers.The Internetwillbeused toplaygames, see filmsand buy food.Mosttelephonecallswill be made by computers,too.Some people are glad about these new waysofshoppingand communic

10、ating( 交际 ).Others donot think that computers will replace our oldways.Let s look at books, for example. Somepeoplethinkthatone day we willnotreadbooksmade of paper. Instead, we will buy and readbooks using computers. We will read texts onsmallpocketcomputers.The computerswillkeep many different boo

11、ks in them at the sametime. We won t need toturn lots ofpages andpaper will be saved. Computerized(计算机化 )books will be used more and more.Is Internet shopping such a pleasure asgoing to the shop? Many people say it is not.It is a pleasure to go into shops and look atthingsyou wanttobuy. Itis alsounl

12、ikelythatmany people will want to read large texts ontheircomputers, becausepaperbookswillperhapsbemorefriendly.Maybecomputerswont change these two habits.16.Inparagraph(段落 )1 , itisthoughtpeoplewill use computers for _.A.playinggames,shoppingandmakingtelephone callsB. making telephone calls, having

13、 meals andseeing filmsC. seeing films, buying food, and going forholidaysD.playinggames,makingtelephone calls andseeing the doctor17. Which reason for using computerized books is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. Computerized books wont be very expensive.B. Computers can keep many different books in t

14、hem.C. We wont have lots of pages.D. We won t need any paper.18. Paragraph 4 tells _.A. about the old and new ways of shopping and communicatingB. if the Internet will change our habitsC. about computerized booksD. about future uses of computers19. The best titleforthispassage is_.A. Computers Will

15、Replace Shops and Books B. Computers Are in the FutureC. Computers will Do Everything for Man D. How Computers Change Our HabitsIII. 书面表达对于中学生上网人们有不同的看法。 请你以“Going Online ”为题,根据下表所提供的信息,谈谈自己的看法( 120 词左右)AdvantagesDisadvantages能增长知识,了解国内上网玩游戏影响学习,外大事,紧跟时代;有而且对视力有害,易受利于学习英语,能结交 不良信息的影响很多朋友建议:适度上网;要把学习

16、、健康和安全放在首位等Going OnlineYours,Li Hua2答案与解析1.A 考查连词。句意:西方艺术风格已经改to 适用于,为所接受。由句意可知选A。变多次了, 而中国的艺术风格很少改变。while8.B考查动词词组。句意:作为世界最大的此处为连词,意为“而,然而”,表示前后事稀土金属来源国之一,中国面临着由其独特位物相对比或对照; before在之前; since置所造成的环境方面的挑战。resource资源;自从; however 然而。故选 A。source 来源; origin 起源; cause 原因。由句2.A 考查动词短语。句意:新出的试题由阅意可知选 B。读、听力

17、理解与写作和以考查口语为目的的面9.D考查动词短语。句意:中国国务委员唐试组成。consist of 由构成 / 组成;make up家璇呼吁中日两国应该专注于诸如战略互信、构成,组成; be made up of与 consist of同互利合作以及人民的友好感情等话题,而不是义,但 be made of 这种表达是错误的, 故选 A。相互指责。 take on 承担,呈现;contributeon3.D 考查 it 作形式主语的用法。句意:外交在某方面做出贡献; turn on打开(开关等) ,部长说:“双方共同努力保持和平是我们的愿concentrateon 专心于,集中精力于。根据句望

18、”。在 It is our hope that the two sides意可知选 D。will work towards peace 中, it作形式主语,10.C考查冠词用法。前一空用“ the+ 单数名后面的 that 从句为真正的主语。故选D。词”以泛指类别;后一空则强调数量,用a 修4.C 考查 avoid 的用法。句意:这个违反规饰名词。故本题应选 C。定的男孩避免了被惩罚。avoid后接动词时要11.A come up with a new idea“想出新主用 avoid doing 形式,又因为 theboy 与 punish意”。之间是被动关系,故要用punish 的被动语

19、态12.C contain强调物质中包含某成分。形式,故选 C。13.D句意:你知道谁发明的电扇吗?create5.C 考查非限制性定语从句。B、D 两项不能创造; produce 生产; discover 发现; invent引导定语从句,故排除;在此非限制性定语从发明。句中, a kind of dog-friendly food是先行14.A从后面一句“ Shouldhe walkstraight词,引导词必须是表示“物”的关系代词,排in or knock?”可以看出 Barry 在犹豫不决,除 A,故选 C。故选 A。6.D 考查动词短语。句意:只有有钱人才能15.B考查复合形容词的

20、辨析。句意:当她回从事他们所喜欢的任何业余爱好。make up 组到家时,她那不辞辛劳的老公已经在床上呼呼成,构成,编造,打扮;put up张贴,建造,大 睡 了 。 open-minded心 胸 开 阔 的 ;留宿; save up 储蓄,储存; take up开始从hard-working勤劳的; self-confident自信事(一项事业等) 。由句意可知选D。的; warm-hearted 热心的。 故根据句意可知本7.A 考查形容词。句意:政府需要改善所有题应选 B 项。困难人员都能享用的长期就业援助系统,还要16.A由第一段可知只有 A 项全部正确; B 项进一步加强社会保障机制

21、。be accessible to错 在 havingmeals ; C 项 错 在 goingfor易接近, 可得到; be relativeto 与有关,holidays ;D 项错在 seeing the doctor。涉及;be adaptable to 适合于; be acceptable17.A在第三段中倒数第二、三句将B、C、 D3三项内容均提及了,只有A 项没提到。18.B由第四段最后一句可推知,本段是质疑网络是否能改变人们原来的习惯。19.B全文讨论了电脑在未来的发展趋势,所以选 B最佳。One possible version:Going OnlineRecently go

22、ing online has become moreandmorepopularwithmiddleschoolstudents.Inmyopinion,therearesomeadvantages for the students to go online.First, it can broaden our knowledge and make us know the latest news at home and abroad. Second, there are many learning materials on the Internet which are usefulforus t

23、o learnEnglish.Also,we can makemany online friends.However,therearesome disadvantages.Most studentsplaycomputer gamesinsteadofstudyingtheirlessons,whichwillaffect their study. What s worse, goingonline too often can do harm to our eyes.Besides, without much experience,itseasy for us to make bad friends and beinfluenced to do stupid things.SoIthinkas students,we can go onlineproperly. We should choose things whicharevaluabletoourstudyand life.Wemustplacestudy,healthand safetybeforeother things.4


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