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1、北京市东城区2010-2011学年第二学期初三综合练习(一)英语试卷一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话读两遍。(共4分,每小题1分)二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。(共12分,每小题1分)请听第一段对话,完成第5至第6小题。5. Which shoes does the man buy? A. The black onesB. The brown ones.C. The blue ones.6. How much does the man pay for the sh

2、oes? A. 50 yuanB. 100 yuanC. 150 yuan7. How long did the man stay in Xian? A. For about a year.B. For about three yearsC. For about eighteen years.8. How will the woman go back to her hometown this summer? A. By airB. By trainC. By car请听一段对话,完成第9至第10小题。9. What is the white building? A. The libraryB.

3、 The swimming poolC. The classroom building.10. What do you know about the swimming pool? A. Its in use at the momentB. It will be open in autumn C. Its to the of the library.请听一段对话,完成第11至第13小题。11. How many museums does Gibert visit each year? A. About 25B. About 50C. About 1,25012. What museums is

4、Gibert interested in now? A. The big onesB. The clean onesC. The unusual ones13. Which unusual museum is in Washington DC? A. The Surfing MuseumB. The Banana MuseumC. The UFO Museum请听一段独白,完成第14至第16小题。14. What gifts do teenagers often give to each other? A. MP3 playersB. CamerasC. CDs15. What is one

5、of the advents of handmade gifts? A. They are specialB. They are smallC. They are simple16. Whats the speaker doing? A. Introducing the gift-giving season. B. Offering information on making gifts C. Giving some advice on preparing gifts.三、听对话,根据所听到的对话内容和提示词语,记录关键信息。对话读两遍。(共8分,每小题2分)City Sports Centr

6、eWhere:on Silk Road, near the 17 What to do: 18 , volleyball, etc.How much: $ 19 a yearBusiness hours:9: 00 a. m. 10: 00 p. m. and closed on 20 知识运用(共27分)四、单项填空(共15分,每小题1分)从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. The Blacks are new here. come from Canada. A. They B. ThemC. TheirD. Theirs22. the night

7、 of December 24, some people are used to staying up late. A. In B. FromC. AtD. On23. Winter my favorite season. I often go skiing in winter. A. amB. isC. are D. be24. did the class meeting last? For about 50 minutes. A. How soonB. How farC. How longD. How often25. I have been to many parks, and Disn

8、eyland is one. A. interestingB. more interestingC. most interestingD. the most interesting26. There isnt in the classroom. Where are the students? Theyre playing basketball on the playground. A. somebodyB. anybodyC. everybodyD. nobody27. Must I finish the writing in class? No, you . You can finish i

9、t after class. A. cant B. mustntC. needntD. shouldnt28. Jason was ill yesterday, he didnt go to school. A. orB. butC. forD. so29. John, I your father for a long time. He is working in Chongqing now. A. dont seeB. havent seenC. wont seeD. didnt see30. What did you do last weekend? I Aunt Lucy. A. vis

10、itedB. visitC. will visitD. have visited31. Its twelve oclock. Its time lunch. A. haveB. to haveC. had D. having32. Some children pictures on the blackboard when the teacher entered the classroom. A. drawB. are drawingC. were drawingD. will draw33. More green parks in Beijing in the future. A. build

11、B. will buildC. are builtD. will be built34. We for Dalian as soon as we get the train tickets. A. leaveB. leftC. will leaveD. were leaving35. Do you know ? Yes. She said she was in Sanya. A. where Mrs White spent her holidaysB. where did Mrs White spend her holidays C. where will Mrs White spend he

12、r holidaysD. where Mrs White will spend her holidays五、完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。In college, I wanted to be a math teacher. After completing four years of math courses, it was time to find a _36_. I wanted to teach in a big city at a nice school. But I quickly disco

13、vered there was a lot of _37_ for teaching jobs. Finally my father suggested that I interview at a school in a very small town. The position there was for an English teacher! I went to the interview to _38_ my dad. To my surprise, the headmaster offered me the job immediately. I accepted it because

14、I needed a job.When I arrived at the school in the fall, there was a new headmaster. He didnt know _39_ I was! Then I learned that I had to create a curriculum (课程) for each of my five classes. I didnt know where to start. I was also asked to coach basketball and be the school drama (戏剧) director. A

15、nd I had _40_ taken a drama class! This was a little school, but it was a _41_ job.During my first year, I almost lived at school. I worked hard creating lesson plans and holding basketball and play practices. Many students came from single-parent families. A lot of them didnt _42_ about school. Som

16、e of them were at our school because they had been kicked out of other schools. I felt very young and inexperienced.Even though I didnt have much experience, I was full of encouragement and love. And thats what I gave my students. I tried to make my classes fun and interesting. Once my students knew

17、 that I _43_ teaching them, they behaved better. My students became so dear to me that I couldnt imagine teaching _44_ else. I remember one student couldnt _45_ breakfast. So I always gave him some bread on his way out of my class. He _46_ all of his classes but mine. I think it was because I took t

18、he time to show him I _47_ cared.Now when I think of my first teaching job, I have many pleasant stories. And even though the job took a lot out of me, it was really an unforgettable experience in my life.36. A. friendB. way C. jobD. house37. A. developmentB. competitionC. agreementD. information38.

19、 A. thankB. pleaseC. welcomeD. praise39. A. whoB. whereC. whatD. how40. A. justB. alwaysC. neverD. already41. A. BIGB. LUCKYC. MAIND. PROUD42. A. learnB. talk C. thinkD. care43. A. lovedB. consideredC. finishedD. suggested44. A. anyoneB. anytime C. anythingD. anywhere45. A. earnB. provide C. affordD

20、. find46. A. finishedB. failed C. rememberedD. visited47. A. stillB. even C. finallyD. truly阅读理解(共44分)六、阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(共26分,每小题2分)A 48. James Wilson is years old. A. 18B. 19C. 20D. 2149. like Melbournes restaurants. A. Gayle and JaneB. James and DavidC. James and GayleD

21、. David and Jane50. Where is David Weston from? A. BallaratB. ToorakC. New ZealandD. BentleighBLife was pretty terrible for most people in London 100 years ago. They had to suffer from noise, smoke and dirt. The noise came from the railway, and the smoke and dirt came from the train and factories al

22、l around them. The smoke got together with fog and hung in the air for days. Diseases killed thousands of children. Families were large but often five out of seven children would die before they were five years old.Is life really better than it was 100 years ago? It is certainly true that people liv

23、e longer than they used to, travel faster than they could and own more things than they did. But they still have to suffer from noise, overcrowding and bad air which are still a basic part of modern life.100 years ago there was a clear difference between town and country. But the motor car has chang

24、ed all that. One motorway can take up a huge amount of land. Cars are also a basic part of modern life.But Industry ad modern life do not have to be enemies of beauty. We can have both beauty and progress. In fact, we need clean rivers and open land, clean water and fresh air.51. Many children died

25、because of 100 years ago. A. noiseB. smokeC. dirtD. diseases52. According to the passage, we now have more . A. modern carsB. clean riversC. fresh airD. open land53. From the passage, we can infer that . A. beauty in nature can be considered as the enemy of modern life B. theres a big difference bet

26、ween town and country nowadays C. life today is certainly better than it was 100 years ago D. the environment is as important as developmentCIt was a Sunday and the heavy storm had lasted all night. The morning after the storm, though, was beautiful: blue skies, warm air and a calm, inviting sea.My

27、father realized it was a good day for fishing and invited my sister and me to go with him. I was only 14 and fishing had never been my thing, but I decided to go all the same. Im s glad I did.Being on the boat, we found there was something meters away. When moving nearer, we saw it was a mother whal

28、e with her baby. We couldnt believe it there arent any whales along the coast. The storm must have driven them there, where the sea water was so dirty that nothing could live in it.The little baby whaleactually as big as our boatwas stuck and could not move. The mother went down into the water and c

29、ame up suddenly, making big waves. “Shes trying to help her baby, but on the wrong side,” my father said. At this point, my father moved our boat to the other side and, heading the boat towards the baby whale, pushed it gently. With our several gentle pushes the baby whale turned over and disappeare

30、d under water. Then it swam up right beside its mum. They made great efforts to swim towards the deep sea but failed and started heading in the wrong direction. We hurried up to the whales and tried to lead them to the sea. Slowly, they let us lead them, sometimes rising from the water right beside

31、us to breathe and to give us a trusting look with those huge eyes. Once they hit their first part of clean water from the sea, the mum gave us a wave with her tail and off they swam into the deep sea.In the excitement it had felt like only a few minutes, but we had been with those wonderful animals

32、for almost an hour and a half. That was the simple and lasting beauty of the day. Today, I still look back to that golden day at sea.54. The story happened on a day. A. rainyB. stormyC. sunnyD. cloudy55. In Paragraph 2, the writer says “Im so glad I did.” because . A. he knew where he could see whal

33、esB. he liked fishing in the sea very much C. he experienced how the whales were savedD. he spent the whole weekend with his family56. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. The mother whale was as big as the boat. B. The mother whale trusted the writers father C. The mother wha

34、le asked the writers family for help. D. The mother whale led her baby to the sea successfully.57. By telling the story, the writer wants to tell us that . A. saving lives makes people happyB. its a good experience to go fishing C. we should live with animals happilyD. keeping sea water clean is imp

35、ortantDBreakfast is the most important meal of the day, but many people dont have it. Common reasons for not eating breakfast include shortage of time, not feeling hungry, traditional dislike for breakfast, and dieting(节食).Breakfast simply means “break the fast”. You eat noting for at least 6 to 12

36、hours each night. Even though you have still been burning energy. And in the morning your body needs energy for the days work ahead.A good breakfast should provide up to 1/3 of your total calories (卡里路) that your body needs for the day. Generally speaking, we eat 400 less calories for breakfast than

37、 for dinner. If breakfast doesnt interest you in the morning, try eating a lighter dinner earlier in the evening or save half your dinner for breakfast in the morning.If you still arent hungry in the morning, start with something small like juice or bread or have nutritious (有营养的) mid-morning snack

38、later when you are hungry.So, you say youre on a diet. Some people are afraid that eating breakfast will make them hungrier during the day and they will eat more. It is true that eating breakfast is likely to make you feel hungry throughout the day. “Thats because your body is working correctly. Alt

39、hough you may feel as if you are eating more all day long, in fact youre probably not.Not eating breakfast may cause you to overeat, because a fall in blood sugar often makes you feel hungry later. To make things worse, since your body is in a slowed state, it will not be able to burn those extra (多

40、余的) calories well. If you feed your body healthy snacks and meals throughout the day, you may not become hungry so easily and eat too much when you have meals.Since breakfast is the first and most important meal of the day, your choice is important. The best breakfast foods are fruits, juice, lean m

41、eat, and grain products such as bread, rice, noodles and cereals.58. The underlined word “fast” means “a period during which someone ”. A. moves quicklyB. works hardC. goes without foodD. sleeps in bed59. From the passage, we know that . A. breakfast provides us most of the energyB. breakfast may he

42、lp to save our dinner C. breakfast might make people overeatD. breakfast helps our body work well60. What is the best title for this passage? A. Breakfast and EnergyB. Why Not Eat Breakfast C. Breakfast and DietingD. What to Eat for Breakfast七、阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。(共8分,每小题

43、2分)Mr Jones went to a restaurant one day. He left his coat near the door. There was nothing in the pockets of the coat when he left it there. But when he took his coat after his meal, he found the packets full of jewellery (珠宝)! 61 .There was a waiter near the door, so Mr Jones said to him, “somebod

44、y has made a mistake. He has put some jewellery in my coat. Take it, and when he comes back, give it to him.” 62 . Suddenly a young man came in with a coat just like Mr Jones. “I am sorry,” he said, “I made a mistake. I took your coat and you have got mine. Please give me my coat and jewellery.” Mr

45、Jones answered, “ 63 , He will give it to you.”Mr Jones called the manager of the restaurant, but the manager said, “We have no waiters here. We only have waitresses.” “ 64 !” shouted the young man.A. He felt very surprisedB. I gave the jewellery to the waiterC. The waiter took it and went awayD. He was quite happy when he found itE. You gave the jewellery to a thief(小偷)八、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共10分,每


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