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1、复习时间的两种表达方法启隆乡学校施东云一 教学目标1 能正确的听说读写单词 half past 及正确地听说读单词quarter 。2 能正确使用介词 to 和 past 表示时刻。二 教学重点能正确理解并运用含有表示时刻的短语。三 教学难点在表示时刻时介词 to ,past 的用法及短语。一 Presentation1 拿出一只标有时分针的钟,让学生用顺读法说出下列时间。1:10 one ten2: 15 two fifteen5:20 five twenty6:30 six thirty8:40 eight forty10:45 ten forty-one10:50 eleven fift

2、y2 问学生问题:T : What time do you get up ?S1: I get up at 6:15.(six fifteen )3 再请几个同学介绍其起床时间, 选取其中几个可以用 past 表 示的,将其以竖行的形式写在黑板上。S2I get up at 6:10.S3I get up at 6:20.S4I get up at 6:30.4 复习用 past 表示上述时间,如 ten past six, twenty past six. 强调half past.表达”点半”举份J: 7:30 5:30 9:305 再列出下列时间:6:1(5 读作a quarter pas

3、t six)6:30 (读作half pastsix) 复习 a quarter.6 选取其中几个超过半点的时间的,将其以竖行的形式写在黑板上。复习用 to 表示时间的方法。56: I have breakfast at 6:40.57: I have breakfast at 6:45.T: Oh, I am a little later than you, I get up at 6:50.7 教师自己总结。past的用法:时间在半点以内或正好半点用past,如7:10ten past six;7:30 half past seven.to 的用法 :超过半点 (差几分便是几) 用 to

4、, 整点数相应前的进一位,如 8:40 twenty to nine ; 9:50 ten to ten.8 教师出示事先准备好的时钟幻灯片6:45,7:40,8:30,11:45 ,5:00,9:3几个和学生日常生活有关的时0间 ,让他们说出这几个时间的表达法。6: 105: 159小组讨论这几个时间该做什么事情,互相进行交流,然后进行 对话。如: T: What time do you go to school?S: We go to school at 6 :45.强调在几点几分用 at at6, at 11:35 , at 9:0510教师根据学生所说内容设计一张表格写在黑板上。(表格

5、1)TimeWhat to do ?6:45I get up.7:40I go to school.8:30Classes begin.11:45I have lunch.5:00I come home.9:30I go to bed.提问:What time do you?强调对钟点提问: What timeT: What time is it ?S: Its 6:45.It s time to get up.强调该是做某事的时候It s time to+动词/for+名词.改人称I为Sam,提问:What time does he?操练以上句型二 Progress一.用顺读法和逆读法表达下

6、列时间11:4010: 5013: 2512: 1215: 454: 307: 459: 05二.选择题1. I often get up half past five the morning.A. at; in B at; onC. in; in2. It s seven. If s time go home.A. forB. toC. /3. My mother late every day.A. get upB. gets upC. getting up4. I need a model plane.A. makeB. to makeC. making5. he ready class?A. Is; forB. Is; toC. Are; for三.句型转换1. David gets up at six o clock.(X寸划线部分提问)2. I do my homework at five- thirty.(同上)3. I go to bed at eight forty-five.(用 to 改写同义句)4. What s the time? 4 s eleven forty-five.(改为同义句)5. It s ten to seven.(划线部分提问)6. It s time to go to school.何义句改写)


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