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1、高二英语选修7 同步检测 Unit 5 Travelling abroad第 2 课时. 单项填空从题中所给的A、 B、 C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。1 As you can see, the number of cars on our roads_rising these days.A was keepingB keepC keepsD were keeping答案: C一般现在时表示经常的、习惯性的动作或存在的状态;也可以表示说话者的态度、能力或自然现象等等。根据“asyou can see”可判断出要用一般现在时,表示经常发生的动作。2 Your job_open for you

2、r return. Thanks.A will be keptB will keepC had keptD had been kept答案: A一般将来时表示将要发生的事。keep 是延续性动词,用一般将来时表示将一直持续下去。表示在回来前工作一直被保留着。此外,keep 与 your job 是动宾关系,所以要用被动语态。3 Mary is_a translation of a French novel.A engaged withB busy inC absorbed toD occupied with答案: D本题题意:玛丽正忙于翻译一本法语小说。be occupiedwith和 be

3、engagedin, be busy with sth./in doing sth.都指“忙于某事”;be absorbed in表示“被吸引,集中精力于”。4 _in the regulationsthatyou should not tellotherpeople the passwordof your e-mail account.A What is requiredB What requiresC It is requiredD It requires答案: C本题题意:规章条例要求不能告诉别人你的电子邮箱的帐号密码。it为形式主语, that引导的从句作真正的主语。5 He said

4、 he would_me to Mr. Li as his assistant but he didnt.A commentB suggestC commandD recommend答案: D本题题意:他说他要把我介绍给李先生作助手,但他并没有那样做。由句意可知正确答案。 comment “评价”;suggest不能构成suggest sb. to do sth.结构;command“命令”,这三个词都不符合题意。6I recommended_an English-Chinese dictionary, which I thought wouldbe of great help to his

5、study.A buyingB boughtC to buyD he bought答案: Arecommend“推荐;建议”,后跟动词的-ing形式作宾语。若跟宾语从句,从句应用虚拟语气,即谓语部分用“(should ) 动词原形”。7 What a(n)_it is that Rebeccas come you can have her for a friend.A easeB assistanceC comfortD relief答案: C本题题意:利蓓加来了,这是多大的安慰啊!你可以跟她作伴。comfort “安慰”,符合题意。 ease“安逸,安心”; assistance “协助,帮

6、助”; relief“( 痛苦的)减轻”。8 We must substitute the new table_that broken one.A toB for1C withD at答案: B本题题意: 我们必须用这张新桌子来代替那张坏了的桌子。substituteA forB 表示“用A 代替 B”,符合题意。substitute A with B表示“用B 代替 A”。9 She can come whenever she likes, _Im concerned.A as long asB as far asC as soon asD as much as答案: B本题题意:就我而言,

7、她想什么时候来就什么时候来。as far as one isconcern ed“就某人而言”,为固定用法。as long as“和一样长;只要”;as soonas“一就”; as much as “和一样多”。10 Having lived in the tropical area for quite a long time, it was difficultfor him to_to the coldness in this area.A adjustB addC addictD lead答案: A本题题意:他已经在热带地区生活了很长时间了,适应这个地区的寒冷对他来说很困难。 adjus

8、tto “适应”, 符合题意。 add to “增加”; addictto “沉溺于; 热爱”;lead to “导致”。11 They were forced to meet his requirement that they_at the portimmediately.A arrivedB would arriveC to arriveD should arrive答案:D 在名词 requirement( 需要;要求 ) 后的同位语从句中, 谓语部分采用“ (should) 动词原形”形式。12 During the whole summer holiday, Tommy was oc

9、cupied_his study,leaving no time to play.A onB forC inD to答案: Cbe occupied in/with“忙于”,为习惯搭配。13 He is anoutgoingboy, and can_most of the other boys in theclass.A keep up withB fit in withC come up withD deal with答案: B本题题意: 他是个外向的男孩,能够跟班上的其他大多数男孩合得来。fitinwith “与合得来;适应”,符合题意。 keep up with “跟上”; come u

10、p with “提出;想出”; deal with “处理”。14 When Harry won the first prize in the competition, his mother encouragedhim to_.A keep it upB make it upC take it outD keep it out答案: A 本题题意:当哈里在比赛中赢得一等奖时,他的妈妈鼓励他继续保持下去。 keep it up “保持优秀成绩;继续干下去”,符合题意。 make up“编造;虚构;弥补”;take out “拿出”; keep out “不许入内;阻止”。15 I wonder

11、why her application was rejected though she had got so manyadmirable_.A contributionsB qualificationsC responsibilitiesD obligations答案: B本题题意:我想知道她的申请为什么被拒绝了,虽然她有许多让人羡慕的资历。qualification指“资历; 资格 ( 证明 ) ”。contribution“贡献”; responsibility“责任”; obli gation “义务”。 . 句型转换每空填一词,使该句与所给句子的意思相同。1 The children

12、find it hard to adapt to the new school.The children find it difficult to_ _the new school.22 Little Tom does not seem to get on well with the other children.Itseems thatlittleTom does not_ _theotherchildren.3 Bob was off sick. Mary took the place of him.Mary_ _Bob who was off sick.4 He managed to p

13、ass the driving test.He_ _passing the driving test.5 You are worthy of the success. You have worked so hard.You_ _succeed. You have worked so hard.答案: 1.adjustto2.fitin with3.substitutedfor4.succeeded in5.deserveto . 课文概述根据课文内容进行填空,每空限填一词。Xie Lei, a 21-year-old girl, is studying in our university fo

14、r business_1_.She said that its not just study thats difficult. In fact, in the beginning thething that took_2_allherconcentrationis toget used toa wholenew way oflife.She had to learnalmost_3_again. Xie Leiliveswitha hostfamilyand can gethelpfromthefamilymembers. Meanwhile,when she misses herfamily

15、,itsa great_4_tohave a substitutefamilytobe with.The course she istakingwill helpher getusedto the academic_5_of a Western university. Once Xie Lei used the information inan articleon theInternet without_6_theauthor.As_7_as hertutorwas concerned,the most importantthingwas_8_Xie Lei thought.He even e

16、ncouragedher to_9_theauthorsshedread.Now XieLeifeelsmuch more_10_home inEngland,and willleada more active and happier life in the future.1 _2._3._4._5 _6._7._8._9 _10._答 案 : fort5.requirements6.acknowledging7.far8.what9.contradict10.at . 阅读理解阅读下面的文章,从题中所给的A、B、 C、 D四个选项中选出最佳答案。The tourist looking at

17、the African savanna(大草原 )on a summer afternoon mightbe excused for thinking that the wide yellow grass plain was completely desertedof life, almost a desert. With only a few small thorn trees sticking out throughthe veldt( 草原 ), there seems to be almost no place for a living creature to hide.However

18、, under those trees you might find small steenbok(小岩羚 ), sleeping inthe shade, and waiting for the night to fall. There may even be a small group oflionssomewhere,theirbodies exactlythesame colouras thetallgrassaroundthem.In the holes in the ground a host of tiny creatures, from rabbits and badgers

19、torats and snakes are waiting for the heat to finish.The tallgrassalsohidesthefactthattheremay be a small streamrunningacrossthe middle of the plain. One clue that there may be water here is the sight of alargeMarshalleagle circlingslowlyoverthe grassland.Whenhe drops,he may comeup with a small fish

20、, or maybe a grass snake that has been waiting at the edge ofa pool in the hope of catching a frog.The best time to see the animals then, is in the evening, just as the sun issetting. The best time of the year to come is in late September, or early August,just before the rains. Then the animals must

21、 come to the waterholes, as there isno other place for them to drink. And they like to come while it is still light sothey can see if any dangers are creeping up on them.So itisatsunset,and afterthenightfalls,thatthe creaturesoftheAfricanveldt rise and go about their business.3文章大意: 本文是一篇记叙文,主要描写非洲大

22、草原一些野生动物在炎热的时间里所表现出各种生活状态。1 This text is for people interested in_.A eaglesB wildlifeC plantsD weather答案: B推理判断题。本文主要描写非洲草原上的野生动物,由此可以判断是写给那些对野生动物感兴趣的人看的。2 The savanna appears to be empty because_.A the animals are sleepingB the animals have gone about their businessC they have been frightened by an

23、 eagleD the temperature prevents much activity答案: D细节理解题。根据第二段的“ sleepingin the shade, and waitingfor thenight to fall.”和“ waiting for the heat to finish”可知大草原似乎很空旷,原因是动物在避暑。3 We can learn from the passage that_.A the savanna is a desertB the Marshall eagle eats fishC it has not rained for a long ti

24、meD tourists should not come in dry weather答案: B推理判断题。根据第三段中“ When he drops, he may come up with a smallfish ”可以推断“ The Marshall eagle eats fish”。4By“go about their business”the writer means_.A tourism in Africa is big businessB the animals go to the river to drinkC the animals go on with their norm

25、al activityD the animals are observed by naturalists答案: C词义猜测题。上文提到,天气炎热,动物都睡在树荫下等待炎热过去,最后一段前半句说当太阳下山、 夜幕降临时, 摹生物出来了, 由此推测 go about theirbusiness是“进行正常活动”的意思。5 What kind of book does the text seem to be from?A A book for experts on wildlife.B A fictional story.C A history of Africa.D A book on wildlife in African desert.答案: D推理判断题。根据文章内容可判断,D 项恰当,本文可能选自一本有关非洲沙漠上的野生动物的书。而 A 项显然不合适, 因为野生动物专家所看的专业性很强,本文只是进行了一般的描述,B、 C项也不合适,本文既不是虚构的故事也不是历史。4


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