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1、高中英语课标词汇全练全测(7)pt. &n.英)(模块三-、词性变化,并说出其汉语意思。1. tight ( a.) (反 义词)2. wide ( a.)(反义词)Unit 1)3. bite ( v.),( PP.)4. truck ( n. 美)=(二、根据句子意思选择方框内合适的词组,并用其正确形式填空。in sight; reach out; roll up; come to one s aid; watch out for;wish for; the North Pole; , pay back; mistakefor ; reach into1. She had an accid

2、ent and was trapped in her car. Luckily two passers-by.2. She is thinking howthe support from her friends.3. Paulhis pocket to get the cell phone.4. You must beher her sister. They are twins.5. I m always any pickpocket (扒手)on a crowded bus.6. I glanced around quickly and found there was no one.7. M

3、otherher hand to wipe the tears on my cheek.8. Sheher sleeves and began to wash clothes.9. It s no use the impossible.10. Polar bear, a big white bear lives near.三、根据句意,选用方框内所给动词白适当形式填空。(注意时态、语态、非谓语动词)hesitate; attach; confuse; ignore; approach; grasp; roll; glance; glare; stare1. With spring, the w

4、eather is getting warmer and warmer.2. I m totally . Can you explain that again?3. him and he will soon stop crying.4. Don t to ask questions if you are in doubt.5. Pleasea photo to your application form.6. You have to(=seize, take hold of) the rope with both hands.7. The dog enjoyed himselfon the g

5、rass.8. He over at her, noting that though she was tiny, she seemed very well put together.9. Theyat each other in anger.10. Sheat the painting, wondering where she had seen it.四、根据句意、首字母、或中文提示填词,要求意思通顺,语法搭配正确。1. To our surprise, the landlady r (=lowerw increase) the rent by tenper cent.2. While wal

6、king in the woods, I (吸着气)闻,嗅the cool and fresh morning air deeply.3. What are you two ( 小声说,低语)about over there?4. Don t ( 惊慌).We ll soon get you out of there.5. It was ( 观察)that 40 percent of patients had high blood pressure.6. I was ( 流汗)like a pig after the marathon.7. The is a design of a ( 鲨鱼)

7、with great ( 颌,嘴)on the (花瓶).8. Though I haven t seen Jimmy for twenty years, I(认出)himthe moment I saw him.9. I attended a friend s funeral in a black ( 套衣服).10. Kate remained and(自愿)for the clean-up after the party.11. He turned as someone ( 轻拍)him on the shoulder.12. A ( 十字路口 ) is a place whe re r

8、oads cross.13. I tried to keep ( 镇静)and just ( 不理会,对视而不见) him.票价)have gone up by14. The ( 售票员)says the bus ( 20%. 相反的=opposite) to the public( 珠宝).( 三角形)?( 闪电)frightens me.( 人行道)outside靴子)and an ( 大衣)for the15. The government s actions are ( interest.16. The diamond ring is my most valuable piece of

9、17. Do you know how to calculate the area of a18. I dont mind( 雷),but19. A small group of journalists waited on the her house.20. My parents bought me a pair of ( new year.五、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. As the y approached the city, the enemy fled in. (confuse)2. He spent two nights under closein hospital. (o

10、bserve)3. most of the teachers, Mr You never gives us any homework during the weekend. (like)4. He isto arrive a little late. (like)5. The lamp suddenly went out, leaving us in.(dark)6. In this schoolsight/hearing/speechspecial courses.(disabled)are offered to those with点,小圆点)in the7. She watched th

11、e train until it was only a(distant)8. I gave a sigh ofwhenI heard that he came back safe and sound.(relieve)9. Lake Green is one of the biggest touristin this country.(attract)10. Shopping via the Internet is an idea for most young people. (attract)11. The job involves gathering and data. (analysis

12、)12. Science graduates are facing lesspressurethan arts graduates.(employ)13. The weather forecast said it would be the next morning. (fog)14. I amabout losing my job. (anxiety)15. We arethat we can find a solution to the problem. (hope)16. She asked me the question with aexpression on her face.(puz

13、zle)六、根据句意,选择合适的单词填空。mist; wherever; sign; nowhere; overhead; wave; flesh; grateful; soldier; beard1. The mountains were hidden in.2. (=no matter where) you go, I will follow you.3. The poor old woman hasto live.4. A plane flew.5. A has been set up by the lake, saying No swimming .6. He sat on a sto

14、ne and watched thebreaking on the shore.7. A fat person has a great deal of .8. I am(=thankful) to you for lending me your car.9. Two Britishwere wounded in the fighting.10. Some Japanese men like to wear moustache instead of.七、1.单项选择题 Oh, it s you! Iyou.2.I ve just had my hair cut and IA. didn t re

15、cognize B. hadn don t recognizeAlexander tried to get his work m wearing new glasses.( t recognized C. haven上海iWj考卷)t recogniz ed D.3.4.A. to recognize I was surprised made. (05 湖南) A. recognize In peace , too suffering. (06 A. whoeverB.in the medical circles.recognizingC.by her words, whichB. reali

16、zedmade merecognizewhatC. to knowthe Red Cross is expected to send help江西)B. whereverC. whatever(09辽宁卷)D. recognizedsilly mistakes I hadD. understanding thereishumanD. however5. Nine in ten parents said t heir children compared withA. to educate; bothC. to educating; that6. Thousands of foreigners o

17、pened.(10 江苏).A. attended B. attainedthere were significant differences in their approach of their parents.(江苏 09)B. to educate; oneD. to educating; those were to the Shanghai World Expo the day itC. attracted D. attached7. Her shoes her dress; they look very well together. (08江西)A. suitB. fitC. com

18、pareD. match8. 一 How about eight o clock outside the cinema?That me fine. (04 全国)A. fitsB. meets C. satisfiesD . suits9. him and then try to copy what he does . (1999 全国卷)A. Glance atB. Stare atC. Glare atD. Watch10. At the railway station, the mother waved goodbye to her daughter until the train wa

19、s. (08 天津卷)A. out of sightB. out of reach C. out of order D. out of place高中英语课标词汇全练全测(7)(模块三 Unit 1)1. loose 2. narrow3. bit, bitten 4. lorry1. came to her help2. to pay back 3. reached into 4. mistakingfor 5.watching out for6. in sight 7. reached out 8.rolled up 9.wishingfor 10. the North Pole1. ap

20、proaching 2.confused 3. Ignore 4. hesitate5.attach 6.grasp7. rolling 8. glanced9. glared 10. stared四、1. reduced 2. sniffed3. whispering 4. panic5. observed6.sweating7. shark 8. recognized 9. suit 10. volunteered11.tapped12.crossroads13. calm; ignore 14. conductor; fares 15. contrary 16. jewellery17.

21、triangle 18. thunder; lightning 19. pavement 20. boots五、1. confusion 2. observation3. Unlike 4. likely 5. darkness 6.disabilities7. dot; distance8.relief9. attractions10.attractive11.analysing/ analyzing 12.employment 13. foggy 14.anxious 15.hopefuld 5. sign 6. waves 7.16. puzzled六、1. mist 2. Wherever 3. nowhere 4. overheaflesh8. grateful 9. soldiers 10. beard七、 1 5: ADABC6 10: CDDDA八、


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