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1、精品文档词汇记忆法教学目标:熟悉各种记词法并学会综合运用记忆单词的方法:读音规则法分类对比记忆法联想记忆法构词记忆法一、读音规则法记单词:我们知道英语总共有26 个字母, 48 个音标,其实每个字母或字母组合都发固定的音;反过来,每个音标都是由固定的字母或字母组合来发音的。比如, a一般发 /e ?/, /? /, /?/ ,/?/, / :/ Late, hand, about, what, fastO 一般发 /?/, /u:/, /?/, /?/, /?/Note, who, love, today, hotU /ju:/, /?/ / ?/, /?/Refuse, put, but,

2、support请看这些单词:Mangobuddinghoard/ fest ? v/ h? mini/congratulation优点:记得快,多,朗朗就上口缺点:记形不义,语音要相对比较标准才可以二、分类对比记忆法:其实这是一种大家自不自觉都在使用的一种方法大家从初中开始肯定就发现了See-sea,right-write,meet-meat,too-two,study-learn,see-look-watch,good-well-nice之间的区别与联系吧?只有这样将知识归类对比,我们记得才会深刻,那到底要怎样分类对比呢?1、同义词2 、反义词3 、同音词4 、同类词5 、同源词6 、同形词

3、同义词choose / selectseize / catch / grab / graspshow / display/ exhibitcontain/includebe able to / be capable of反义词Optimistic/pessimisticSuccess/failureFormer/latterEntrance/exitIncrease/decrease同类词:Vegetable: tomato; potato; carrot; cabbage, mushroom, cucumber。1欢迎下载精品文档Fruits:apple; pear; peach; grap

4、e; water-melon; lemon, mangotransportation:bicycle; car; bus; truck; ship; plane; train; spacecraft同源词:Present现在;出席;呈现Presentation呈现方式Representv,代表Representation n,表现,代表Representative有代表性的Succeedv 成功Success n. Successful adj.Successfully adv.Employv 雇佣Employern 雇佣者,雇主Employeen 雇员Employmentn 雇佣同形词:ef

5、fect/affect/effort/offer/offendexperience/experimentappear/appeal(呼吁,恳求,上诉)Explore/explode/exploration/explosionAttitude/altitude三、联想记忆法Candidaten 候选人能 (can) 做 (did) 能吃 (ate)的人是 候选人Ambulancen 救护车俺们 (am) 不 (bu) 能 (lan)死(ce) 赶快去叫 救护车Hesitatev 犹豫他 (he) 坐 (sit) 下来吃饭 (ate) 时 犹豫了下Assassinatev 暗杀两只驴 (assas

6、s) 在里面 (in) 吃 (ate) 东西时被暗杀了Costumen 服饰花费 (cost) 你 (u) 我 (me) 的钱去买 服饰Do you want to have a try by yourselves?Leisuren 休闲 , 休息累了 (lei) 就一定 (sure) 要休息、休闲Chaos n 混乱 , 嘈杂喧嚣、混杂 的场面吵 (chao) 死 (s) 了Attendancen 参加at+ten+dance 十点跳舞,别忘了参加Smotherv 窒息一根绳子 (s) 把妈妈 (mother) 肋得快窒息了Mendacityn 撒谎 , 虚伪大(da) 城市 (city)的

7、男人 (men)是虚伪 , 爱撒谎的优点:记得快,牢,对记意思特别有帮助缺点:容易造成读音错误四、构词记忆法Derivation派生法常见的四种否定前缀:Un-, in/im/il/ir-, dis-, mis-。2欢迎下载精品文档前缀意义用法例词不 , 未加在形容词或副词前unnecessary, unexpected, unusual(=not)un-相反动作加在动词前Uncover, unlock, undressin- ,il-,incomplete,impossible.impolite,im- ,ir-不 , 非 ,无加在形容词或其派生irregular,的名词或副词前illega

8、l前缀意义用法例词dishonour, diseasedis-表示否定 加在名词或形容词、 动 dislike, disbelieve 词前mistake,加在名词、 动词或及其misread, misunderstanding,mis-表示错误派生词前misapplymishandle其他前缀:前 缀意义用法例词re-表示:再一次,重用于动词及派生名词名词、形renew,reborn,rebuild,新容词及其它名词前 (= again)reappear, retell表示:时间或位置加在动词或名词前foresee, foreleg, forehead,fore-(= before)fore

9、word的“在前面 ”。3欢迎下载精品文档表示:在前、事先、 加在名词或形容词前prepay, prewar, preschool,pre-预先(=before,in front,in prehistoryadvance)前 缀意义用法例词post-war,表示:时间和顺序加在名词或形容词前postmodernpost-的“在后边”(= after, behind)postgraduateinterchange,表示 : “互相”加在名词、形容词前构成动词international,inter-“在 间”(= between, among)interactinterdependent表示:高级

10、、在之加在名词前supermarket,super- 上, “超 ”(= above, over, upon)supernatural前 缀意义例词ex-president; ex-wife“前任”ex-“向外” =outexclude; express; exit; exportMinibus; miniskirt; minicomputermini-“短的”“小的”。4欢迎下载精品文档anti-“防,防止;抗 ”antibody; antifreeze; Anti-Japanese后 缀1. 表示人和物的名词后缀-er, -or, -eer, -ess, -ician, -ist2. 抽象

11、名词和集体名词后缀-age,-ure,-ity,-ment,-ion,-ism,-y,-al,-ness,-ship,-hood,-ance,-th,-dom3. 形容词后缀-able, -al, -ant, -ent, -ic, -ical, -ish, -ive, -ful, -less, -ous, -y, -ed, -en, -ern, -ly4. 副词后缀-ly, -ward, -wards5 动词后缀-ate, -en, -fy, -ish, -izeCompound 合成法把两个或两个以上的词合成一个新词,这种构词的方法叫做合成法.1. 直接写在一起。2. 用连字符 (-) 连接

12、。3. 由两个分开的词构成。Overcomefour-leggedhe-goat, she-wolfmeanwhile记单词策略人的记忆规律:1. 遗忘速度先快后慢、遗忘量先大后小2. 24 小时内忘得最多所以我们应该:1. 在背完单词的 24 小时之内开始复习。2. 复习时间先密后疏。3. 要有能够记住的信心。4. 每次记忆时间不要太长,分散时间。5. 记忆要有目的,精力高度集中。5欢迎下载精品文档巩固练习1.Thatman was_enoughnot to tell themanager thathe would not dothe job.A.careB.carefulC.careles

13、sD.carelessness2.The soldier died for saving the child, so his_ is heavier thanMount Tai.A.dieB.deadC.diedD.death3.The child looked_at his brother who was badly wounded.A.sadlyB.sadnessC.sadlyD.sad4.He is an expert at chemistry.We all call him a _.A.chemistryB.chemical C.chemistD.physician5.The thre

14、e- _chair isntsuitable for a young child.He may falloff.A.leggingB.leggedC.legsD.leged6.Stephenson became the_railway engineer in the world.A.leadB.leaderC.leadingD.leadership7.When the teacher praised him for working out the maths problem,Jacklooked_aboutathisclassmates.A.proudB.proudlyC.prideD.pri

15、dely8.To everyone s _ ,the girl finished the job quite well.A.satisfiedB.satisfactory C.satisfyingD.satisfaction9. What are you doing here? Oh, my teacher asked me to write a passage about _in English. You can write_passage in English?A.600 words;a 600-wordsB.600-word ;a 600-wordsC.600 words;a 600-w

16、ordD.600 words ;a 600-words10.No one should enter the spot without the_of the police.A.permitB.permission C.permittingD.permittence11.You must come with us to the police _.Our head is waiting foryou.A.headquarters B.headline C.headmaster D.headache12.Letting that animal escape was no accident;you di

17、d it _.A.intendB.intention C.intentionally D.intentional13.The shop owner welcomed all the guests with a_smile.A.practiceB.practise C.practicalD.practiced14.The_ordered him to pay a $100 fine.A.judgerB.judgment C.judgeD.judgement15.My TV is out of order.Can you tellme what is the_news about IraqWar?

18、A.latelyB.latest C.laterD.latter16.The Great Wall is more than 6000 li in _.A.longerB.length C.longD.longing17.To my _ ,I passed the exam easily.A.joy B.joyful C.joylessD.joyness。6欢迎下载精品文档18.Canada is mainly an_country.A.English-speakingB.speak-EnglishC.spoken-EnglishD.English-spoken19.How_he is!He

19、is always acting_.Heis reallya _.A.foolish; foolishly; foolB.fool;foolish;foolC.foolish; fool ;foolD.foolishly;foolish; fool20.The necklace that she lost is very expensive.Its of great _.A.valuable B.value C.valuelessD.unvaluable21.There were_fish in the river in South America.A.in dangerB.danger C.

20、dangerousD.dangerless22.The letter“b”in the word“doubt ”is_.A.soundB.silent C.silenceD.sounded23.The child looked at me_.A.stranger B.strangely C.strangeD.strangeless24.Theblackpeoplewereagainstslaveryandfoughtfortheir_bravely.A.freeB.freely C.freedomD.frees25.What you said sounded_ but in fact it w

21、as untrue.A.reasonableB.reasonful C.reasonlessD.unreason26.We have to learn_technology from other countries.A.advanceB.advancing C.advantageD.advanced27.The childrenlivein a village_.They comehere almost every day.A.nearbyB.near C.nearlyD.near by28.Mr Black is an _in the army,not an_in the governmen

22、t.Youcan not easily find him in his_.A.official; officer; officeB.officer; office; C.official;official; officialD.officer;official;office29.Youd better give up smoking if you want to keep _.A.healthB.healthy C.healthilyD.healthier30._ speaking ,I didntdo it on purpose.A.HonestlyB.HonestC.HonestyD.Dishonest。7欢迎下载精品文档构词法练习 参考答案 1-5 BDACB 6-10 CBDCB11-15 ACDCB 16-20 BAAAB21-25 CBBCA 26-30 DADBA。8欢迎下载


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