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1、精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching plan教师学科教案20 -20学年度第一学期任教学科:任教年级:任教老师:xx市实验学校精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching planUnit 2 Fit for life Reading教学设计 3年级组别高一英语备课组审阅(备课组长)审阅(学科校长)主备人使用人授课时间课题M6 Unit2 Reading Language points课 型新授课课标要求Master the usage of some words and the structure of some sentences教 学 目 标知识与能力U

2、se the language points freely and express their own opionons过程与方法Discuss the usages and make full use of them情感、态度与价值观Know the history of Aspirin and Penicillin教学重点To master the usage of some words and the structure of some sentences教学难点To learn how to put these useful words and expressions into pra

3、ctice教学方法Practice and exercises, test教学程序设计教环明标自学学过程设计课次备Learning aims:程1. To master the usage of some important words and phrases及2. To master the structure and expression of some important sentencesStep1: Self -learning方Please read the whole text and find the following phrases:法1.聚焦、集中于 focus on2.

4、打开;开拓;开业 open up3.对启益 be beneficial to4.发生 take place5.以形式 in the form of6.畅销的 best-selling7. 减少的风险reduce the risk of执行8.实施 carry out9.测试,试验 try out10.大里地 in large quantities11.成功做, manage to do sth 12 的广泛使用 the widespread use of环节二合作释疑环节二 点拨拓展二次备过程设计课教Step2: Cooperation and extensionActivity 1: Pay

5、 attention to the usage of some words and phrases in the学following sentences.过1. If you open up any medicine cupboard or go to any medicine程counter in the world , it is likely that you will find aspirin and penicillin.饪倘若你打开世界上的任何一个药柜,或者走到任何一个卖药的柜台,及都可能找到阿司匹林和青霉素。方 likely adj.可能的,预料的,有希望的搭配:1)be lik

6、ely to do sth可能做某事法2) It is likely that 可能他很有可能会在这次的英语口语竞赛中的第一名。Itin this Oral English Competition.Hein this Oral English Competition.辨析:likely, possible 与 probableLikely:指从表面迹象来看很有可能”主语既可以是人也可以是物Possible:指的于有适当的条件和方法,某事可能发生或做到,强调客观上有可能”,但常含有 实际希望很小”的意思。常用句式:It is/ was possible for sb to do sth 某人可能

7、会做某事It is/ was possible that 可能Probable:语气比possible强,指有根据、合情理、值得相信的事发 生”,带有 大概,很可能”的意思。常用句式:It is/ was probable that和可能 Success is, but hardly . However, she is still to stick to it.s lives and成功是有可能的,但把握不大。然而,她还是有可能坚持。2. Both of these medicines have saved millions of people have proved beneficial t

8、o mankind since they were invented. prove. 1)prove用作行为动词时,是个及物动词,意思是 证明”、 证实”,后面可以跟名词、代词、从句或复合结构。时间会证明我是正确的。Time will prove me right.2) prove用作连系动词时,意思是:证明是、证实是;结果是。事实证明,这件工具非常有用。The tool proved very useful.3. Nearly 3 , 500 years ago, people chewed on leaves or drank a kind of tea made from leaves

9、possessing a special chemical to reduce body pains and fever.近3500年前,人们咀嚼树叶或者喝由一种含有特殊化学物质的树叶 制成的茶来减少身体疼痛和发烧。Chew. vt. 1.嚼,咀嚼,嚼碎He chews gum.2.深思,细想,熟虑(+over)Ill chew the problem over for a few days.He chewed over the problem for several days before making his decision.chew on 1.咀嚼(+on)He was chewing

10、 on his meat as he found it hard to swallow.2.斟酌,仔细考虑He took my offer after chewing on it.仔细考虑后他接受了我的提议。 Possess. Vt.1)拥有,具有(不用于进仃时) 恐怕他没有什么幽默感。I am afraid that he doesn t possess a sense of humor.2)支配,控制(多用于被动语态)他被他的父亲所控制。He was possessed by his father.拓展:possession n.拥启;个人财广(常用复数 possessions) 相关搭配

11、:take possession of占有;拥后in possession of 占有in the possession of 为某人所有Does the young man standing there take possession of the company?No. The company ishis father.4. Lawrence Craven , a doctor from the USA , introduce the idea in 1953 that aspirin had the potential to reduce the risk of heart attack

12、s , because it helped the blood circulate better. Potential 1) n.可能性,潜在性;潜力,潜能 potential for (doing) sth . 的可能性 /潜在性 realize one s potenta某人的潜能 have the potential to do sth 有潜力做某事 All children should be encouraged to.应当鼓励所有的儿童充分发挥他们的潜能。2)adj.潜在的,可能的(只可作前置定语)She realized theof their situation.她意识到了他们

13、处境的潜在危险。5. It astonished him to see the bacteria surrounding the mould dead , which meant that the mould had killed them.令他十分惊讶的是,他发现这种霉周围的细菌都死了,这意味着这种霉杀死了它们。astonish vt.使1分惊讶,使吃惊1)astonish sb by doing sth.以 方式使某人吃惊2)It astonishes sb that是某人惊讶他说他要离开,这令我们惊奇。He astonished us by saying he was leaving.他

14、通过了英语考试,这使每个人都感到惊奇。It astonished everyone that he passed the English test.拓展:astonished adj.惊讶的,惊愕的1) be astonished at/ by 对感到惊讶2) be astonished to do sth对做某事感到惊讶astonishing adj.令人吃惊的astonishment n.惊讶,吃惊1) to one s astonishmen黑人惊讶的是2) in astonishment 吃惊地令我吃惊的是,他是我的老师。To my astonishment, he is my tea

15、cher.6. He immediately realized that the mould might have an applicationin treating illnesses caused by bacteria.他立刻意识到,这种霉菌或许可应用于治疗由细菌导致的疾病。 application n. 应用,运用;申请,申请表;涂抹,外敷an application to sb for sth 为某事向某人作出的他向法庭申请保释(bail)遭到拒绝。His application to the court for bail has been refused.拓展:apply 1) v

16、i.申请,请求;适用2)vt.使用Apply to 适用 丁Apply to for向 申请 Apply - to 把运用丁 他们将这笔钱用于建一个小图书馆。They will apply the money to building up a little library.7. Since the new drug was needed for World War n , the government approval process for penicillin was accelerated , and mass production began in 1944.因为二战期间需要这种新药,

17、所以政府审批青霉素的程序加快,并于1944年开始批量生产。 approval n.批准,通过;贽成,同忌1) meet with one s appro画某人的同意2) give one s approva批雄 拓展:1) approve v.赞成,赞同;批准,认可3) disapprove v. /、赞成;不同意approve/ disapprove of doing sth 贽成 / 不贽成做某事董事会最终批准了这项贷款。The board has finally given itsthe loan. mass 1)adj.大规模的,数量极多的他们的最新产品瞄准了大众市场。Their la

18、test product is aimed at the mass market.2) n. 一团;一堆;许多a mass of= masses of 许多注意:当mass做主语是其后谓语动词的单复数形式与mass的单复数形式保持一致,类似的用法还有quantity.Activity 2: Pay attention to the following sentence structure1. It was in 1897 that a European chemist called Dr Felix Hoffmann produced aspirin from this chemical.18

19、97年,一位叫菲利克斯霍夫曼的欧洲药剂师提取这种化学物质,制成了阿司匹林。分析:该句使用了强调句型It wasthat ;被强调部分为时间状语in 1897; Dr Felix Hoffmann 是 a European chemist 的定语,因与前 面的名词之间为被动关系,所以用了过去分词。强调句:1)强调句的基本结构是:It is/was +被强调部分+that +其余部分, 如果强调主语且主语是人,则可用 who来代替that。2)在强调时间、地点、原因或方式状语时,要用that不用when,where, why 或 how.3) 对 not until 结构强调时,用句型 it is

20、/ was not until,一that从句中谓语动词用肯定形式。是他将玻璃杯摔碎 了。It was he who broke the glass.我是在街上见到李红的。It was in the street that I met Li Hong.2. Not only has aspirin proved vital for reducing fever and helping stop pain, but there are also other things that aspirin can help with.阿司匹林不仅被证明对于退烧、止痛必不可少,而且还有其他用途。分析:句中N

21、ot only放在句首,谓语部分出现了倒装形式,但but also后面没有变化。央:否te忌义的副词,如 never, hardly , seldom, scarcely,not等,放在句首时,主句都采用部分倒装。I have never heard of such things尸Never. vital adj.对极重要的,必不可少的1) be vital for/ to 对极重要的/必不可少的2) It is vital that 十分重要(该句型that从句用虚拟语气即should+动词原形)认真学习是十分重要的。It is vital that you.hat教环节四当堂检测二次备课学

22、 过 程 及 方 法Step3: Practice1. It is vital that every piece of equipmentbefore the experiment.A. check B. is checked C. be checked D. will be checked2. Gun violence is rare in China , where it is illegala gun.A. possessed B. to possess C. possessing D. having possessed3. Through China lowered its expec

23、tation for GDP growth this year , it doesn t mean that thefor economic growth has been lowered.A. function B. attraction C. comment D. potential4. The mild climate in the Mediterranean Sea is to the health.That is why millions of visitors crowd to the resorts there every year.A. ridiculous B. poison

24、ous C. responsible D. beneficial5. We were astonishedthe temple still in its original condition.A. finding B. to find C. find D. to be found6. The young dancers looked so charming in their beautiful clothes thatwe tookpictures of them.A. many of B. masses of C. the number of D. a large amount of7. S

25、he is a very gentle child , so she will never do anything that is notof by her parents.A. admitted B. reminded C. permitted D. approved8. In his letter, he said you could either personally or in emailthe post in the company.A. apply ; for B. apply ; to C. relater; to D. collect; for课堂小结课后Page 32-34 on the referring book(Tongbu)作业板书设计课后反思育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰


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