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1、如何合理利用应届生招聘会在实际招聘活动中,校园招聘活动的有效信息并没有得到广大应 届毕业生的充分利用;尤其是在当前毕业生数量攀升而就业需求职位 数增长缓慢的情况下,校园招聘的有效信息不能充分利用是极大的浪 费,令人惋惜。校园招聘活动是毕业生应该好好利用的最理想、最保 险、最经济的就业方式之一,大学毕业生参加校园招聘会应认真准备, 并进行合理规划。如何合理利用应届生招聘会1. Look professional.职业形象Always remove tongue or eyebrow piercings (no more than one earring in each ear), and hid

2、e tattoos. Once you know the culture of the company, then you can start to add (or not) these items to your morning toilette. Its always better to err on the side of caution and be more conservative than less (因谨慎出岔儿总比因大胆出岔儿好).2. Develop a commercial.做商业广告。You have 30seconds to get an employer inter

3、ested in you.If you cant, theyll move on. Practice a 30-second commercialto introduce yourself and your career goals. Beshort and concise, but add a specific instance to grab attention. The following is how an American student "sells" herself at a career fair.E.g. "Hello, Ms. Smith. I

4、m Samantha Ward and Ive been interested in Omega Tron ever since I read that Business Week article about your new multimedia software program. Im a computer science major with an art minor, and Im really excited about combining these two interests. Ive actually developed an interactive educational p

5、rogram to teach children how to draw. Would you like to see a copy of the website I designed?3. Bring at least 50 resumes.带上至少50份个人简历Cover letters are not necessary at the fair, but dont risk running out of resumes.4. Bring a bag, a notebook and a pen.带一个包,一个笔记本和一支笔The bag is to carry literature and

6、 giveaways ( 文献和赠品). The notebook should be professional with space for safekeeping of those resumes (no crumbled copies, please.) and a notebook. Bring two pens;just in case.5. Get enough rest. 休息好Get a good nights sleep so youre rested and energized for the fair. Eat a good meal before you go to p

7、revent tummy grumbles while you chat.6. Do your homework. 做好应聘准备Check out the websites of the participating companies so youre familiar with them and what they are looking for, if possible.7. Arrive early.提前到达Career fairs attract hundreds, some times thousands of people. Get there early, grab the di

8、rectory, and plan your attack.8. Start in the back. 反其道而行之Many people get stuck in the stampede at the front. Make your way to the back where there are representatives waiting for someone to appear.9. Pick up literature and a business card.拿宣传品和商务名片Take literature you know youll read from companies

9、youre interested in. Otherwise your arm will ache carrying around all that stuff. Dont forget a business card so you can follow up with the recruiter later. Write down on the back some notes about your conversation.10. Show your interest.表现你的兴趣Give a firm handshake and smile with eye contact.Thats a

10、 great first impression that shows confidence.Ask questions.Nothing is more boring than a one-sidedconversation.Send a thank-you note. To make a realimpression, send it soon after the fair to the companies thatmost piqued your interest. Follow up. Dont wait for companies to call;call them first. Set up informational interviews or a company tour. 4


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