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1、精品文档美国 STI 公司高温超导滤波器系统简介Superconductor Technologies family of SuperFilter? Systems minimizethe trade off between selectivity and sensitivity.Superconductor Technologies 公司的 SuperFilter ? 系统家族最大程度的减小 了选择性与灵敏度之间的不平衡。SuperFilter II Systems are ideal for expanding coverage and reducing interference in n

2、oise-limited and interference-limited cellsites inrural, uburban, and urban areas. These powerful systems are compact enough for microcells, maintenance-free, and power-efficient, offering a practical method for enhancing the performance of your network, without adding more base stations.SuperFilter

3、 II 系统使用在农村、郊区、城市地区都是很理想的,它可扩大基站覆盖范围、 减小限制性噪声和减小蜂窝台的限制性干扰。 这些高效系统的紧凑性足以满足微蜂窝的要求, 并且可以免维护、 提高功效, 在不增加基站数目的前 提下,提供一种提高网络品质的有实用价值的方法。Customers using our SuperFilters see immediate increases in capacity and coverage while simultaneously experiencing reductions in dropped and blocked calls. Naturally, wh

4、at follows is increased usage and revenues, and greater customer satisfaction and loyalty. Our solutions will become even more critical as customer expectations continue to rise in the 2.5G and 3G networks of the future.当用户使用我们的 SuperFilters 时,可以发现系统容量和覆盖范围立即增加,同时掉话率和呼叫拥塞都明显减少。很自然,这将带来以下好处:使用者增加、收入提

5、高、同时提高用户的满意度和忠诚度。在未来的2.5G及3G网络时代,当用户的期望保持持续增长时,使用我们的解决方案将变得更为关键。Choose the SuperFilter II that Fits Your Need选择 SuperFilter II 将符合您的需要SuperFilter II 850 A-2 Systems incorporate two band pass filter pairs with two Cooled LowNoise Amplifiers for omni-directional A-band base stations with diversity in

6、the 850 MHz range. SuperFilter II A-6 Systems incorporate six band pass filter pairs with six Cooled Low Noise Amplifiers for sectored A-band base stations in the 850 MHz range.SuperFilter II 850 A-2 系统包含着 2组带通滤波器(每组二个),分别与2个低温低噪声放大器组合在一起,全部用于 850 MHz范围的A频段基站的不同 方向。 SuperFilter II A-6 系统包含着 6组带通滤波器,

7、分别与6个低温低噪声放大器组合在一起,用于850 MHz范围的A频段基站所划分的不同扇区。SuperFilter II 850 B-2 Systems incorporate four filters (2 band pass, 2 band reject) with two Cooled Low Noise Amplifiers for omni-directional B-band base stations with diversity in the 850 MHzrange. SuperFilter II B-6 Systems incorporate twelve filters (

8、six band pass, six band reject) with six Cooled Low Noise Amplifiers for sectored B-band base stations in the 850 MHz range.SuperFilter II 850 B-2 系统包含着4 个滤波器( 2个带通、 2 个带阻),分别与2个低温低噪声放大器组合在一起,用于850 MH杯同方向白全方位B频基站。SuperFilter II B-6 系统包含着12个滤波器( 6 个带通、 6个带阻),分别与6个低温低噪声放大器组合在一起,用于 850 MHz范围的B频段基站所划分的不

9、 同扇区。SuperFilter ? II System FeaturesSuperFilter ? II 系统的特性Thin-Film Superconductor Receiver Bandpass Filters 高温超导薄膜接收机带通滤波器Because of their near-zero resistance, these filters provide high selectivity with low loss, reducing interference from other service providers and expanding coverage without c

10、ompromising base station dynamic range.与其它产品相比, 因为这些滤波器的阻抗接近于零, 所以它们具有的高选择性可以降低损耗、 减少其他移动通信运营商的干扰, 同时可以扩大覆盖范围, 并且没 有牺牲基站动态范围。Cooled Low Noise Amplifiers 低温低噪声放大器By cooling these optimized amplifiers to cryogenic temperatures, very low noise figure is achieved without compromising dynamic range.在制冷过程

11、中使这些经过优化的放大器达到低温工作温度, 能够在不牺牲动态范 围的前提下达到非常低的噪声系数。Gas-Bearing Closed-Cycle Stirling Cooler 封闭循环的空气轴承斯特林制冷机Stirling coolers have among the highest efficiency and smallest size of any cryogenic cooling technology. STIs advanced Stirling cooler uses helium gas, rather than oil or grease, as both the refr

12、igerant and lubricant. No liquids are present. The innovative gas-bearing system allows the compressor piston to ride on a cushion of helium gas. This non-contact operation on a critical moving part eliminates a known major failure mode in conventional Stirling coolers. The gas bearing and hermetic

13、sealing eliminate the need for periodic maintenance.斯特林制冷机在所有低温制冷技术中具有最高的效率和最小的尺寸。 STI 公司先 进的斯特林制冷机使用氦气, 优于使用油或油脂, 它既是制冷剂又是润滑剂。 没 有液体存在。 创新的空气轴承系统允许压缩机活塞放在氦气缓冲器上。 这种依靠 关键运动部件的非接触式工作方式消除了传统斯特林制冷剂中一个已知的主要损坏方式。空气轴承和密封封闭不再需要定期维护。Packaging Options: Rack Mount or Cable Tray Mount包装选项:机架装配或走线架装配Both rack m

14、ount and cable tray mount packaging offer an industry-standard configuration that fully integrates the RF microassemblies with the cryocooler, cryopackage, cryocabling, power supply, RF Bypass, and control electronics.机架装配和走线架装配提供了一种工业标准结构, 这种结构完全与 RF 微型装配 结合在一起,这些微型装配包括制冷机,低温包装,低温电缆,供电,RF旁路和控制电路。Op

15、tions选择项目Extra Gain (EG) and Electronic Variable Gain (EVGO) are available. In addition, a Replacement Option (RO) system will allow the customer to match the previously optimized gain of the site while getting enhanced sensitivity and selectivity from the SuperFilter.EG (额外利润)和EVGO(电子部分可变的利润)是可以获得的。另外,一个替 代选择( RO) 系统将允许用户比较这个位置以前有效的增益, 以便从 SuperFilter中得到灵敏度和选择性的增长。 4欢迎下载 。


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