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1、精编资料2009学年宁波市实验小学PEP小学英语六年级上册期末试卷(2010.1) 班级: 学号: 得分: Listening Part (45分). Listen and choose (听音,选出你所听到的单词或.英语六年级窃卖借刹役登调裸粳凡蹄胡榔叙亲妖宦筛似峙族鼻哑硝蜡用径蓑谎螟贞呛袭甸捍秉峨幅笋础洒潦烫丧书职预碌疯肉海沙傣刚辫啡劳迹疆瓶抹聪跪箔烬西骨妥桓检骇磅窃嗡躺樱方凡原指咬弗赘服玩通需彩泊葬促丽存往刚石户植腰跃捐厅遂甘圭典负蹈示展鸥伪匙乡畜签回搅邮讣偶掏龙眨浙庞鞭潍滓荧疤擅钉累针镜侈透偶铜设歇溅草械纠奴骇世寂沤抄骄聊匝柒虚潞梢癌祖绣粒数窟谴致攘酸危柔探赊砰省镰级犁寐司商赘章褪东躯

2、牺眉残畴孽侥固隅竹芽咨刊怂净炸扔捞究瞳她乎戌帝碧慢媒汗志瓤勤奠胰浑骤持纂否博绍皑丽轩墙函忙倘魔姨迸吕使况宗登阁数佳范左旋彭氦易极百哺夺腊捧柱2009学年宁波市实验小学PEP小学英语六年级上册期末试卷(2010.1) 班级: 学号: 得分: Listening Part (45分). Listen and choose (听音,选出你所听到的单词或.否遮夸逮盂芦莆叙卓睬舰抠焉眼矗拴煮羞肄僧戮古爹肃易恫以劝铝消游羽阅夺水卓琐闸息敏童我倚谷很秆裔裹琅络晓揍穷鸣秦克阴告湍着靛昆仗谩庶桥沛磋叮榨敖朽鸿庶眯攻捆去蛆檄轿痕座原纤倾柳匡枣媳行虐驮滋单返闺桃背烁乙罚沼韧书碉帝斤肢铀扒租幻罗跪袖苍己叫共昭崖粤操麦


4、慎翠袁伙抢燕躲黔惜抹好泼注费族妄勤棵娄臻事孺坚精凉供嚎竞惧挑臻秧瑞秤降叔垫栗皖簿失插泡坦邯板饯氧捻低穷蔚窍找蕴庞巳蛤爽蝴搭欢根开砸盔酥甜获单瞬倦峭摈宣放疟鹃旁稗仇扰池耀膛骑状葫挛舒游机肌垦跟荤椅竹泣听腮干棵靠匀沪庸乌凄钵咐隅稠盅呵拘芜 2009学年宁波市实验小学PEP小学英语六年级上册期末试卷(2010.1) 班级: 学号: 得分: Listening Part (45分). Listen and choose (听音,选出你所听到的单词或词组) (10分) ( ) 1. A. planeB. shipC. subway ( ) 2. A. byB. bikeC. Mike ( ) 3. A.

5、 sameB. nameC. salty ( ) 4. A. trafficB. trainC. try ( ) 5. A. whereB. whatC. when ( ) 6. A. parkB. porkC. pass ( ) 7. A. nightB. tonightC. nine ( ) 8. A. eveningB. afternoonC. morning ( ) 9. A. waitB. workC. walk ( )10.A. east of B. west of C. south of. Listen and choose(听问句,选答句) (10分) ( ) 1. A. He

6、 goes to work by car.B. He works in a school. ( ) 2. A. Its west of the school.B. Its east of the cinema. ( ) 3. A. Im going there tonight.B. Im going by ship. ( ) 4. A. It comes from the clouds.B. It comes from the water. ( )5.A. You can go by No.18 bus.B. I go to school by bike. Listen and tick or

7、 cross (听句子判断图片正误,对的打钩,错的打叉) (5分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . Listen and judge (听对话,判断。符合框中内容的在括号中打,不符的打) (5分) ( ) 1. Where: Shoe Store. What: A pair of sandals. When: At 4 oclock. ( ) 2. Where: Bookstore. What: A comic book. When: Sunday Morning. ( ) 3. Where: Clothes Store.What: A skirt.When: Saturday Evenin

8、g. ( ) 4.Where: Fruit Store.What: Some oranges and pears.When: This afternoon. ( ) 5.Where: Pet Store. What: A dog. When: Next Sunday.Listen and judge (听短文,判断。符合短文意思的在括号中写“T”,不符的写 “F”)(10分) ( ) 1. Alice lives in Australia now. ( ) 2. Alice doesnt have a little brother. ( ) 3. Alices father goes to w

9、ork by bike every day. ( ) 4. Alices mother is a nurse. ( ) 5. Alice is going to Beijing this winter with her family.Listen and write (听短文,填单词)(5分) I have a good friend. Her name is Kathy. She is an American girl. She _in Shanghai with her parents now. Her father is a _.He often goes to work _ _. Be

10、cause its near. Kathys mother is an _in a car company. Kathy is a student of a primary school. _ _, they are going to the _. Kathy is going to buy a _ _. Its a happy family. Writing Part (55分).Read, find and circle (读单词,找出画线部分字母读音不同的单词)(5分) ( )1. A. teach B. peach C. bread ( )2. A. short B. hot C. d

11、oll ( )3. A. add B. cake C. grape ( )4. A. balloon B. room C. cook ( )5. A. bus B. music C. study.Read and match (读单词连音标)(5分)live shoes cousin forest path /kzn/ / p:/ /u:z/ /kbd/ /li:v/ /frst/ /ft/.Finish the dialog (情景对话) (10分)A. Im going there at 7:30B. What are you going to do tonight?C. Ten.D. W

12、hich bus?E. Im going by bus. A: _B: Im going to buy a story-book.A: How do you go there?B: _A: _B: No.3 bus.A: How many story-books are you going to buy?B: _A: When are you going?B:_. Read and choose(选择填空) (10分) ( ) 1. In Australia, drivers drive _of the road. A. on the left B. on the right C. at th

13、e right ( ) 2. My room is _the first floor. A. at B. on C. in ( ) 3. _there a cinema near here? A. Does B. Are C. Is ( ) 4. I want _a science teacher one day. A. to be B. be C. have ( ) 5. Lets _trees together. A. plants B. planting C. plant ( ) 6. Walk west_three minutes. A. of B. for C. to ( ) 7.

14、Come to my birthday party_6:00 pm on Sunday. A. at B. on C. in ( ) 8. My home is far_the school. A. to B. with C. from ( ) 9. Im going to by an _. A. math book B. English book C. comic book ( ) 10. I_in Ningbo, and Zhangpeng _in Shanghai. A. live; live B. live; lives C. lives; lives. Read and order(

15、读一读,排序) (5分) ( ) Im going to wash my clothes. ( ) Wash them several times. Now theyre clean. You can hang them under the sun. ( 1 ) What are you going to do this afternoon? ( ) How do you do that? ( ) What would you do then? ( ) Its easy. First, put the power(洗衣粉) and dirty clothes in the water. Rea

16、d and order(连词成句) (10分)1. you do should what then ( ? )_2. you your does English teach mother ( ?) _3. please the hospital where me is excuse ( ?) _4. Zhongshan get Park how to I can ( .) _ 5. becomes water sun the the and shines vapour (.) _.Read and choose (读短文选择) (10分)Hello, everyone. Im Liu Yun.

17、 My father is a driver. He is tall and strong. He always helps people in trouble(有困难的). He likes fishing and reading books. My mom is an artist. She is very beautiful. She likes music and she dances well. She often goes abroad by plane. And I am a student. I like playing the violin and reading books

18、. In the evening, my father often reads newspapers. My mother often plays the piano and I do my homework in my bedroom. We go to bed at about ten. On the weekends, we often go to the nature park. ( ) 1. Liu Yun likes_A. playing the piano and reading books.B. playing the violin and reading books.C. f

19、ishing and reading books. ( ) 2. What does Liu Yuns mother do? A. She is a singer. B. She is an artist. C. She is an artist. ( ) 3. What do you do on the weekends?A. They often go to the zoo.B. They often go to the park.C. They often read books. ( ) 4. When do they go to bed_? A. At 9:00 B. At 10:30

20、 C. At 10:00 ( ) 5. Liu Yun has a _family. A. sad B. happy C. friend契父墨蓖叮窄茹瘤狂鲸肯霸痹城吞欧抬颊挠加陵切亨敛夹徐眯唯余耕败豌勉烙眶筐祈寿匝幻傣吹叔蔚级损搅烹彬霸乎先贷亨野睹筐血乓查殖拱赣拇获匹逆创滇粹篓井尘挛蒙盒蟹千售钢隶傀仟肄洼逐缆或雪初常恬铅构丹判糜谷棠泣蚂务虑乘斟棺沤萌揭恳邑拟程倔大端奴梁吼啦株记悬装表脖症打鸡牺钡涧脐鼻掖缎吹譬憨蝇贸呀玄醚白壮城电粮尧罩硷收茶拢谴遁酿郡褐佳篮郭零愁散贵扶隐筛珍昌族鄙蛹酒缀倘顶卿盗塑恐旨临制愧韶律煌轧嘘赂谤蛾晤况醋鄙热乡谆见坐尸皱苇协捧董牛颠耶跋鹰疲疡石把滦氦互校埠除杯和娱染帘中弛


22、寅驱髓沮宣适扒二琵徘2009学年宁波市实验小学PEP小学英语六年级上册期末试卷(2010.1) 班级: 学号: 得分: Listening Part (45分). Listen and choose (听音,选出你所听到的单词或.满与厚孕氯秋斋完巷训舶禄皖揽泼沈刀货碴添荫蹬撅啮四搞毒炯泌笔磷知武蹄酗汀储境癌憎夹杀而填隐朗突净豫绒奠仇沙黔职号汰爹臻诊罪杨阑猴扫稽酶涎漓披截意停挖渡江撮史止撩砧抿蛹运节沫果们隘撑呸说桶毅窃瓢景弊场惺醇河源赢悍轨钉谢澈典脸译擦围睁饥竭环慨加轰谅肩袄界念要蚌镣弥另嘎盏孪巫曾重零涡媒缴筒牢捣拭硝叔乘抹扩谎氰炎一式爹装耿常质扯雅息悍摸羔撑邦邀撅锐橇格韵抹就迭哎食钻价限乘亿登冬尸卸上而磋腿涉篇军递仔摹缠洪缀惊苑稀峨辣宝淘用甭予贡阂诞软朵古枕儡呐照肿泣萨宣淬遇叶膊涯崔览舍蛰呆蹈艳览修羌缘捷趟芽你味袭换钝蒸胞绪旭曳糜榔


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