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1、路基施工阶段数值模拟计算要求地基计算深度为50m,分为两层,上部为粉土,厚度为 20m,下部为粘土, 厚度为30m;路基计算宽度为150m,路堤为回填土,填筑高度为10m,坡度为 1: 2。各土层物理、力学参数如图1所示。要求:1、采用FLAC3D软件模拟;2、分析路堤分五次填筑后土层应力、位移状态,给出不同施工阶段的分析 结果(X和Z方向);3、绘制出路基中心点和坡脚点沉降值随施工阶段的变化曲线;4、分析中监测路基中心点的沉降值和水平位移;5、提交文件包括:1)命令流文件;2) 6个.sav保存结果文件;3)分析报告电子版(word2003)、纸质版;4)报告中的图表要求统一编号。v=0.3

2、2E=5M 电P =1650kg/m, c=16kFaP=lS00kg/mic=20kPaKT注:路堤顶面宽度X为学号后两位,个位数的由教师指定图1计算模型几何示意图路基施工阶段数值模拟计算报告1 .模型建立由于几何模型具有对称性,可采用1/2模型进行分析。首先建立坐标系,坐 标系的原点。设置在低级表面与模型对称轴的交点,水平向右为 X向,竖直向 上为Z向,垂直于分析平面的方向为 Y向。/ V区域50 $_ 一_区域3L区域4*II 区域区域2图2网格建立命令:gen zone brick p0 0 0 -50 pl 49 0 -50 p2 0 5 -50 p3 0 0 -20 size 12

3、 1 7 group clay gen zone brick p0 49 0 -50 p1 75 0 -50 p2 49 5 -50 p3 49 0 -20 size 6 1 7 group claygen zone brick p0 0 0 -20 p1 49 0 -20 p2 0 5 -20 p3 0 0 0 ratio 1 1 0.8 size 12 1 9 group siltgen zone brick p0 49 0 -20 p1 75 0 -20 p2 49 5 -20 p3 49 0 0 ratio 1 1 0.8 size 6 1 9 group siltgen zone b

4、rick p0 0 0 0 p1 49 0 0 p2 0 5 0 p3 0 0 10 p4 49 5 0 p5 0 5 10 p6 14.50 10 p7 14.5 5 10 size 12 1 5 group soil网格建立后,设置边界条件:fix x y z ran z -49.9 -50.1fix x ran x -0.1 0.1fix x ran x 74.9 75.1fix y2.初始应力计算在路基施工前,需要将路基部分网格赋值为空模型,将地基部分的网格赋值为 Mohr 模型。由于null 模型的存在,不能采用 solve elastic 的求解方法获得初始应力,所以采用分阶段的弹

5、塑性求解方法。先将Mohr模型的凝聚力c值和抗拉强度6 t赋值为无穷大进行求解,保证在重力作用下单元不至于发生屈服, 然后将 Mohr 模型参数赋值为真实值,再进行求解。model mohr ran z -50 0;将地基部分网格赋值为mohr 模型model null ran z 0 10;将路基部分网格赋值为空模型prop bulk 5.6e6 shear 2.3e6 coh 10e10 tension 1e10 ran group siltini dens 1650 ran group siltprop bulk 5.9e6 shear 2.3e6 coh 10e10 tension 1

6、e10 ran group clayini dens 1800 ran group clayset grav 0 0 -9.8prop bulk 5.6e6 shear 2.3e6 coh 16e3 fric 19 ran group siltprop bulk 5.91e6 shear 2.3e6 coh 20e3 fric 20 ran group clay solvesave elastic.savplo con szz ou on ;查看结果3.施工过程模拟在进行路基施工模拟前要进行初始应力计算过程中产生的节点位移和速度进行清零处理。本工程中路基高度为 10m,采用分级加载,每次激活2

7、m高度的单元,相当于每次填土高度为 2m,分5次填筑,每次填土进行一次求解。进行 5 次填筑的命令如下:;将节点位移清零;将节点速度清零;记录地基顶部中心点的沉降ini xdis 0 ydis 0 zdis 0ini xvel 0 yvel 0 zvel 0hist id=2 gp zdis 0 0 0hist id=3 gp zdis 34.5 0 0 ;记录路基坡脚处的沉降hist id=4 gp xdis 0 0 0;记录地基顶部中心点的水平位移model elastic ran z 0 2 ;激活 0 m 2 m 的单元prop bulk 5.6e6 shear 2.3e6 ran z

8、 0 2ini dens 1600 ran z 0 2solve;按软件默认精度求解save fill-1.savplo con zdis ou on ;查看沉降结果plo con xdis ou on ;查看沉降结果model elastic ran z 2 4prop bulk 5.6e6 shear 2.3e6 ran z 2 4ini dens 1600 ran z 2 4solvesave fill-2.savmodel elastic ran z 4 6prop bulk 5.6e6 shear 2.3e6 ran z 4 6ini dens 1600 ran z 4 6solve

9、save fill-3.savmodel elastic ran z 6 8prop bulk 5.6e6 shear 2.3e6 ran z 6 8ini dens 1600 ran z 6 8solvesave fill-4.savmodel elastic ran z 8 10prop bulk 5.6e6 shear 2.3e6 ran z 8 10ini dens 1600 ran z 8 10solvesave fill-5.sav分别得到的 5 次应力和位移云图,如下FLAC3D 3.00Step 1940 Model Perspective 23:19:05 Wed Apr 2

10、0 2016Center:Rotation:X: 3.750e+001X:0.000Y: 2.500e+000Y:0.000Z: -2.000e+001Z:0.000Dist: 2.099e+002 Mag.: 1Ang.: 22.500一 ,Contour of SZZMagfac = 0.000e+000Gradient Calculation.-8.5256e+005 to -8.0000e+005 l-8.0000e+005 to -7.0000e+005-7.0000e+005 to -6.0000e+005-6.0000e+005 to -5.0000e+005二-5.0000e+

11、005 to -4.0000e+005_ -4.0000e+005 to -3.0000e+005二-3.0000e+005 to -2.0000e+005-2.0000e+005 to -1.0000e+005-1.0000e+005 to 0.0000e+000付 0.0000e+000 to 1.5795e+001Interval = 1.0e+005Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Minneapolis, MN USA图3初始竖向应力云图FLAC3D 3.00Step 1940 Model Perspective 23:19:30 Wed Apr 20 20

12、16Rotation:X: 0.000Y: 0.000Z: 0.000Mag.:1Ang.: 22.500Center:X: 3.750e+001Y: 2.500e+000Z: -2.000e+001Dist: 2.099e+002Contour of SXXMagfac = 0.000e+000Gradient CalculationH-4.1518e+005 to -4.0000e+005-4.0000e+005 to -3.5000e+005-3.5000e+005 to -3.0000e+005 -3.0000e+005 to -2.5000e+005 二-2.5000e+005 to

13、 -2.0000e+005 - -2.0000e+005 to -1.5000e+005 -1.5000e+005 to -1.0000e+005 -1.0000e+005 to -5.0000e+004 二-5.0000e+004 to 0.0000e+000 I 0.0000e+000 to 1.0050e+002 Interval = 5.0e+004Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.Minneapolis, MN USA图4初始水平应力云图FLAC3D 3.00Step 3031 Model Perspective 23:23:09 Wed Apr 20 201

14、6Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.Minneapolis, MN USA图7第一次填筑结束时水平应力云图Rotation:X: 0.000Y: 0.000Z: 0.000Mag.:1Ang.: 22.500Center:X: 3.750e+001Y: 2.500e+000Z: -2.000e+001Dist: 2.099e+002Contour of SZZMagfac = 0.000e+000Gradient CalculationI-8.8144e+005 to -8.0000e+005-8.0000e+005 to -7.0000e+005-7.0000e+00

15、5 to -6.0000e+005-6.0000e+005 to -5.0000e+005 - -5.0000e+005 to -4.0000e+005 1-4.0000e+005 to -3.0000e+005 -3.0000e+005 to -2.0000e+005 -2.0000e+005 to -1.0000e+005 - 1.0000e+005 to 0.0000e+000 | 0.0000e+000 to 1.2227e+004Interval = 1.0e+005Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Minneapolis, MN USA图5第一次填筑结束时

16、竖向应力云图FLAC3D 3.00Step 3031 Model Perspective 23:23:37 Wed Apr 20 2016Center:X: 3.750e+001Y: 2.500e+000Z: -2.000e+001Dist: 2.099e+002Rotation:X:Y:Z:0.0000.0000.000Mag.:Ang.: 22.500Contour of SXXMagfac = 0.000e+000Gradient CalculationI-4.2873e+005 to -4.0000e+005-4.0000e+005 to -3.5000e+005 l-3.5000e+

17、005 to -3.0000e+005-3.0000e+005 to -2.5000e+005 二-2.5000e+005 to -2.0000e+005 二-2.0000e+005 to -1.5000e+005 1-1.5000e+005 to -1.0000e+005 - -1.0000e+005 to -5.0000e+004 1-5.0000e+004 to 0.0000e+000 I 0.0000e+000 to 4.2641e+003Interval = 5.0e+004Rotation:X: 0.000Y: 0.000Z: 0.000Mag.:1Ang.: 22.500Inte

18、rval = 2.0e-002FLAC3D 3.00Step 3031 Model Perspective 23:23:57 Wed Apr 20 2016Center:X: 3.750e+001Y: 2.500e+000Z: -2.000e+001Dist: 2.099e+002Contour of Z-DisplacementMagfac = 0.000e+000-1.9141e-001 to -1.8000e-001-1.8000e-001 to -1.6000e-001-1.6000e-001 to -1.4000e-001-1.4000e-001 to -1.2000e-001-1.

19、2000e-001 to -1.0000e-001-1.0000e-001 to -8.0000e-002-8.0000e-002 to -6.0000e-002-6.0000e-002 to -4.0000e-002-4.0000e-002 to -2.0000e-002-2.0000e-002 to 0.0000e+0000.0000e+000 to 2.2491e-003Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Minneapolis, MN USAItasca Consulting Group, Inc.Minneapolis, MN USA图8第一次填筑结束时水平位

20、移云图Rotation:X: 0.000Y: 0.000Z: 0.000Mag.:1Ang.: 22.500图7第一次填筑结束时沉降云图FLAC3D 3.00Step 3031 Model Perspective 23:24:14 Wed Apr 20 2016Center:X: 3.750e+001Y: 2.500e+000Z: -2.000e+001Dist: 2.099e+002Contour of X-DisplacementMagfac = 0.000e+0002.3256e-002 to -2.0000e-002-2.0000e-002 to -1.5000e-002-1.5000

21、e-002 to -1.0000e-002-1.0000e-002 to -5.0000e-003-5.0000e-003 to 0.0000e+0000.0000e+000 to 5.0000e-0035.0000e-003 to 1.0000e-0021.0000e-002 to 1.5000e-0021.5000e-002 to 2.0000e-002_ 2.0000e-002 to 2.5000e-002 2.5000e-002 to 2.8400e-002Interval = 5.0e-003FLAC3D 3.00Step 4194 Model Perspective 23:28:2

22、7 Wed Apr 20 2016Center:X: 3.750e+001Y: 2.500e+000Z: -2.000e+001Dist: 2.099e+002Rotation:X: 0.000Y: 0.000Z: 0.000Mag.:1Ang.: 22.500Contour of SZZMagfac = 0.000e+000 Gradient Calculation-9.0833e+005 to -9.0000e+005-9.0000e+005 to -8.0000e+005-8.0000e+005 to -7.0000e+005-7.0000e+005 to -6.0000e+005-6.

23、0000e+005 to -5.0000e+005-5.0000e+005 to -4.0000e+005-4.0000e+005 to -3.0000e+005-3.0000e+005 to -2.0000e+005-2.0000e+005 to -1.0000e+005-1.0000e+005 to 0.0000e+0000.0000e+000 to 1.3074e+004Interval = 1.0e+005Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Minneapolis, MN USA图9第二次填筑结束时竖向应力云图FLAC3D 3.00Step 4194 Model

24、 Perspective 23:28:45 Wed Apr 20 2016Rotation:X: 0.000Y: 0.000Z: 0.000Mag.:1Ang.: 22.500Center:X: 3.750e+001Y: 2.500e+000Z: -2.000e+001Dist: 2.099e+002Contour of SXXMagfac = 0.000e+000Gradient CalculationI-4.4117e+005 to -4.0000e+005-4.0000e+005 to -3.5000e+005 l-3.5000e+005 to -3.0000e+005-3.0000e+

25、005 to -2.5000e+005 二-2.5000e+005 to -2.0000e+005 二-2.0000e+005 to -1.5000e+005 1-1.5000e+005 to -1.0000e+005 - -1.0000e+005 to -5.0000e+004 1-5.0000e+004 to 0.0000e+000 I 0.0000e+000 to 5.7692e+003Interval = 5.0e+004Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.Minneapolis, MN USA图10第二次填筑结束时水平应力云图Rotation:X: 0.000Y

26、: 0.000Z: 0.000Mag.:1Ang.: 22.500FLAC3D 3.00Step 4194 Model Perspective 23:29:02 Wed Apr 20 2016Center:X: 3.750e+001Y: 2.500e+000Z: -2.000e+001Dist: 2.099e+002Contour of Z-DisplacementMagfac = 0.000e+000!-3.8638e-001 to -3.5000e-001-3.5000e-001 to -3.0000e-001-3.0000e-001 to -2.5000e-001|-2.5000e-00

27、1 to -2.0000e-001-2.0000e-001 to -1.5000e-001- -1.5000e-001 to -1.0000e-001- -1.0000e-001 to -5.0000e-002二-5.0000e-002 to 0.0000e+000 I 0.0000e+000 to 9.4643e-003Interval = 5.0e-002Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Minneapolis, MN USAItasca Consulting Group, Inc.Minneapolis, MN USA图13第二次填筑结束时水平位移云图图11第二

28、次填筑结束时沉降云图FLAC3D 3.00Step 4194 Model Perspective 23:29:21 Wed Apr 20 2016Center:X: 3.750e+001Y: 2.500e+000Z: -2.000e+001Dist: 2.099e+002Rotation:X: 0.000Y: 0.000Z: 0.000Mag.:1Ang.: 22.500Contour of X-DisplacementMagfac = 0.000e+000I-4.0868e-002 to -4.0000e-002-4.0000e-002 to -3.0000e-002 l-3.0000e-0

29、02 to -2.0000e-002-2.0000e-002 to -1.0000e-002 -1.0000e-002 to 0.0000e+000 0.0000e+000 to 1.0000e-002 -1.0000e-002 to 2.0000e-002 :2.0000e-002 to 3.0000e-002 -3.0000e-002 to 4.0000e-002 4.0000e-002 to 5.0000e-002 5.0000e-002 to 5.8631e-002Interval = 1.0e-002FLAC3D 3.00Step 5344 Model Perspective 23:

30、30:15 Wed Apr 20 2016Center:X: 3.750e+001Y: 2.500e+000Z: -2.000e+001Dist: 2.099e+002Rotation:X: 0.000Y: 0.000Z: 0.000Mag.:1Ang.: 22.500Contour of SZZMagfac = 0.000e+000 Gradient Calculation-9.3182e+005 to -9.0000e+005-9.0000e+005 to -8.0000e+005-8.0000e+005 to -7.0000e+005-7.0000e+005 to -6.0000e+00

31、5-6.0000e+005 to -5.0000e+005-5.0000e+005 to -4.0000e+005-4.0000e+005 to -3.0000e+005-3.0000e+005 to -2.0000e+005-2.0000e+005 to -1.0000e+005-1.0000e+005 to 0.0000e+0000.0000e+000 to 3.8674e+003Interval = 1.0e+0051Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Minneapolis, MN USA图13第三次填筑结束时竖向应力云图FLAC3D 3.00Step 5344

32、 Model Perspective 23:30:33 Wed Apr 20 2016Center:X: 3.750e+001Y: 2.500e+000Z: -2.000e+001Dist: 2.099e+002Rotation:X: 0.000Y: 0.000Z: 0.000Mag.:1Ang.: 22.500Contour of SXXMagfac = 0.000e+000Gradient CalculationI-4.5196e+005 to -4.5000e+005-4.5000e+005 to -4.0000e+005 l-4.0000e+005 to -3.5000e+005 -3

33、.5000e+005 to -3.0000e+005 二-3.0000e+005 to -2.5000e+005 二-2.5000e+005 to -2.0000e+005 1-2.0000e+005 to -1.5000e+005 - -1.5000e+005 to -1.0000e+005 -1.0000e+005 to -5.0000e+004 二-5.0000e+004 to 0.0000e+000 1 0.0000e+000 to 6.0036e+003Interval = 5.0e+004Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.Minneapolis, MN US

34、A图15第三次填筑结束时水平应力云图FLAC3D 3.00Step 5344 Model Perspective 23:30:50 Wed Apr 20 2016Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.Minneapolis, MN USA图16第三次填筑结束时水平位移云图Contour of Z-Displacement Magfac = 0.000e+0000.0000e+000 to 1.9968e-002Center:X: 3.750e+001Y: 2.500e+000Z: -2.000e+001Dist: 2.099e+00258706e-001-5.0000e-0

35、01-4.0000e-001-3.0000e-001-2.0000e-001-1.0000e-001Rotation:X: 0.000Y: 0.000Z: 0.000Mag.:1Ang.: 22.500 to -5.0000e-001to -4.0000e-001to -3.0000e-001to -2.0000e-001to -1.0000e-001to 0.0000e+000Interval = 1.0e-001Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Minneapolis, MN USA图15第三次填筑结束时沉降云图Rotation:X: 0.000Y: 0.000Z

36、: 0.000Mag.:1Ang.: 22.500-4.0000e-002-2.0000e-0020.0000e+0002.0000e-0024.0000e-0026.0000e-0028.0000e-0029.2393e-002FLAC3D 3.00Step 5344 Model Perspective 23:31:02 Wed Apr 20 2016Center:X: 3.750e+001Y: 2.500e+000Z: -2.000e+001Dist: 2.099e+002Contour of X-DisplacementMagfac = 0.000e+000-5.0313e-002 to

37、-4.0000e-002 to-2.0000e-002 to0.0000e+000 to2.0000e-002 to4.0000e-002 to6.0000e-002 to8.0000e-002 toInterval = 2.0e-002FLAC3D 3.00Step 6679 Model Perspective 23:31:54 Wed Apr 20 2016Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.Minneapolis, MN USA图18第四次填筑结束时水平应力云图Rotation:X: 0.000Y: 0.000Z: 0.000Mag.:1Ang.: 22.500It

38、asca Consulting Group, Inc. Minneapolis, MN USAFLAC3D 3.00Step 6679 Model Perspective 23:32:12 Wed Apr 20 2016图17第四次填筑结束时竖向应力云图Center:X: 3.750e+001Y: 2.500e+000Z: -2.000e+001Dist: 2.099e+002Contour of SZZMagfac = 0.000e+000Gradient CalculationI-9.4525e+005 to -9.0000e+005-9.0000e+005 to -8.0000e+005

39、-8.0000e+005 to -7.0000e+005-7.0000e+005 to -6.0000e+005 - -6.0000e+005 to -5.0000e+005 1-5.0000e+005 to -4.0000e+005 -4.0000e+005 to -3.0000e+005 -3.0000e+005 to -2.0000e+005 -2.0000e+005 to -1.0000e+005 二-1.0000e+005 to 0.0000e+000 -I 0.0000e+000 to 1.1558e+003 Interval = 1.0e+005Rotation:X: 0.000

40、Y: 0.000Z: 0.000Mag.:1Ang.: 22.500Center:X: 3.750e+001Y: 2.500e+000Z: -2.000e+001Dist: 2.099e+002Contour of SXXMagfac = 0.000e+000Gradient CalculationI-4.5939e+005 to -4.5000e+005-4.5000e+005 to -4.0000e+005 l-4.0000e+005 to -3.5000e+005 -3.5000e+005 to -3.0000e+005 二-3.0000e+005 to -2.5000e+005 二-2

41、.5000e+005 to -2.0000e+005 1-2.0000e+005 to -1.5000e+005 - -1.5000e+005 to -1.0000e+005 -1.0000e+005 to -5.0000e+004 二-5.0000e+004 to 0.0000e+000 -I 0.0000e+000 to 4.1606e+003Interval = 5.0e+004FLAC3D 3.00Step 6679 Model Perspective 23:32:31 Wed Apr 20 2016Center:X: 3.750e+001Y: 2.500e+000Z: -2.000e+001Dist: 2.099e+002Rotation:X:Y:Z:0.0000.0000.000Mag.:Ang.: 22.500Contour of Z-DisplacementMagfac = 0.000e+000-7.9756e-001-7.0000e-001-6.0000e-001-5.0000e-001-4.0000e-001-3.0000


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