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1、2013 2014学年度第二学期集体备课教学设计年级八年级英语主备人二次备课人单元(章) 名称、课题Unit 2 I ll helto clean up the city parks课时划分8课时教学课时第1 课时总备课数第9 课时知识目标:(1) Key Vocabularyclean up, hunger, homeless, cheer up, give out, volunteer, food, bank(2) Target LanguageI d like to work outsideYou could give out food at a food bank能力 目标: (1)

2、Train the students to express offering to help with the target language .(2) Train the students listening. skill情感、态度与价值观 : Offer help to the others as much as possible教学重点教学 难点教法1 . Key Vocabularyclean up, hunger, homeless, cheer up, give up2 . Target LanguageHow to express offering to help with ta

3、rget language1.2.Teach the students how to use the new phrasal verbsTeach the students to express offering to help with target language1 . Teaching by giving sample sentences and making up sentences 2. Teaching by showing pictures .学法Pair-work and group-work教学准备1 . A tape recorder2 . Some pictures o

4、n volunteer s offering help教学过程个性化设计1.2.3.Step I RevisionRevise the language points in Unit 1Revise the contents in Unit 1Check homework by asking some students to readtheir sentences they ve made with the ve rbsLet them hand in their homework .4 . Dictate ten words in Unit 1Step n laIn this unit we

5、 learn to offer to helpWe ll use some phrasal verbs . Each phrasal verbs has two or three words, such as clean up, cheer up, give out Here is an example on how to use clean up . Look at the title of Unit 2 . I ll help clean up the city parks. Repeat it twice, please .Ask the children to read the tit

6、le twice .Then go on saying, clean up means make a place clean and tidy, put things there in order . Let s see another example, We should always clean up after a picnic . Who can explain this sentence in your own, words? Ask one student to explain the sentence .He or she may say like this . This sen

7、tences means we should burn wastepaper, collect litter and empty bottles, etc.Then ask the class . Who can make more sentences with clean up?Ask several students to share their sentences to the class .Do the same with the other phrasal verbs Read the instructions to the students .Please look at the

8、picture now . We can see a bulletin board and two children in it . What is the bulletin board about?Help students to answer: Volunteer Today!Then continue saying, Who can tell me the meaning of volunteer?Ask one student to try to explain it . Then tell them the meaning of it . Volunteer means a pers

9、on who offers to do something unpleasant or dangerous . It means a person who offers to help the others sometimes . Volunteer is used as a verb in this lesson . Draw the students attention to the three posters on the board .We can see one sentence in each poster .And we can see some people in each p

10、oster, too . What are the volunteers doing in each poster? Please work in pairs and talk about the posters .Give the students a few minutes to talk about what they will say . Let them talk about all the three items . Move around and help the pairs as needed .Then read the sentences in the posters to

11、 the class . Asktheof students towhat the sentence meansin their own words . Or tell what the volunteers are doing in the posters .For example, for the first poster, a pair might say:It means there is trash in the park . There are papers on the ground . We can help clean up the park by picking up pa

12、pers and trash . We can make the park clean .After the students have finished all the items, ask the students to add some other ways they can help people . Get them to write the ways down in the box below the picture .At last, ask some students to share their ideas with the class . Write any new wor

13、ds or phrases on the board and explain these words to the class, if necessary .Step m 1bCall the students attention to the two lists in the box in Activity lb . Ask some students to read the eight sentences on the lists to the class . Explain any new words and phrases in it .Make sure that all the s

14、tudents can understand the meanings of the eight items .Then get the children to read the instructions together . Say, we will hear four conversations .Your task is to match the items in the two lists . We can see the blanks in front of the first line of each conversation . Listen to the conversatio

15、ns and write the letter in front of the first line of each conversation . Put the letters of the second line of conversations in right places . Point out the sample answer to the class .Play the recording the first time . Tell the students to only listen .Then play the recording a second time .Tell

16、them to write a letter in front of each numbered sentence this time .Check the answers .Step IV 1c Read the instructions with the class .Call their attention to the example in the speech bubbles in Activity la . Ask a pair of students to read this conversation to a class . Then let them practice in

17、pairs Note their pronunciation of like to in phrases such as, I like to help hungry people . Tell them English speakers usually pronounce the words like to as if they were spelled like-tuh .demonstrate this pronunciationAfter they ve finished practicing the sample conversation, ask them to make up s

18、imilar conversations based on the other two posters . Get two pairs to demonstrate two conversations first .Then let the whole class practice in pairs .After that, play the recording of activity 1b and let the children read after it twice .Then ask them to practice similar conversations using the in

19、formation in Activity 1b Step V Summary Step VI Homework1 . Make up one sentence with each of the following phrasal verbs:clean up, cheer up, give out2 . Write out three conversations of activity 1c Step VU Blackboard DesignUnit 2 I ll help clean uphte city parks,1 . clean up make a place clean and tidy, put things in orderWe should always clean up the dirty parts of the sea2 . cheer up make someone feel happyThe good news cheers everyone up .3 . give out hand out, distributeLin Tao helped the teacher give out the new textbooks to the classId like to statements on theto


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