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1、、完形填空(共1道小题,共50.0分)1.(错误)2.Billy is a boy of fifteen. His parents died three years ago.One day when he was walking in the street, he 1 a wallet. Hereturned it to the owner, Mr. Baker. He gave his 2 to the boy. As the boy had no job, Mr. Baker madehim work for him in his 3 . Billy worked so hard that

2、 Mr. and Mrs. Baker were 4 with him.3.Mr. Baker loved planting 5 Jhe week before last, hebrought a few trees home, planted them in the 6 himself andwatered them every day. Several days 7,he had to leave foranother city. Before he started, he said to Billy, “Take good care of the trees. Someboys near

3、 our house always want to steal them. ”4.“Dont 8 about them. answered Billy. Six days passed and Mr. Baker cameback. He asked,9 anyone ever cometo stealthe trees? ”“No, sir, said Billy,“To stop someone fromstealing the trees, I 10 them up six days ago. I have hidden them for almost a week! ”

4、 found2. bought3. carried4. wanted学生答案:A;标准答2.1. walked2. pity3. thanks4. excuses学生答案:C;标准答 案:1.1. factory2. office3. town4. home标准答 案:学生答D案:D;1.1. pleased2. angry3. strict4. popular学生答案:A;标准答 案:1.1. flowers2. grass3. vegetables4. trees标准答 案:学生答D案:D;学生答1. office3. city4. room案:A;标准答 案:1. ago

5、2. later3. before4. after学生答案:学生答B;1. think2. talk3. learn4. worry案:D;1. Did2. Does3. Has4. Will学生答案:A;1. sent2. pulled3. put4. picked标准答案:B标准答案:标准答 案:学生答案:B;标准答案:B1.试题分值: 50.0得分: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0, 5提示: 1A. 考察上下文理解。本句大意是“一天当 Billy 在大街上行走的时候, 他一个钱包”。 四个选项: “found ”意思是“发现了”,“ bought ”意思是“买了”,

6、“ carried ”意思是“搬运”,“ wanted” 意思是“想要”。再看后面那句话的意思“他将钱包还给了失主, Baker 先生”。据此可知第一个空格应该选择“ found ”。2C. 考察句意理解。本句大意是“ Baker 先生就向 Billy 道谢”。这里选择“ thanks ”组成“ givethanks to sb. ”表示“向某人道谢”。3D. 考察上下文理解。本句大意是“因为 Billy 还没有工作,所以Baker 先生就让他在自己的 里为自己工作”。选项中的四个名词:factory (工厂),office(办公室)和home (家)似乎都可以填入。但是我们再看后面的那个句子

7、“ Billy 工作十分卖力, 所以 Baker 夫妇对他 都很满意。”据此可以先推测 Billy 是在 Baker 先生家里做家务等工作。选择Home。 其实,我们可以再往后文看看, 就会发现 Billy 确实是在 Baker的家里工作。4A. 考察句意。本句大意是“ Billy 工作十分卖力,所以 Baker 夫 妇对他都 。”选项中只有“ pleased ”(高兴的,满意的)适合这里。5D. 考察上下文。本句大意是“ Baker 先生喜欢种植。”再看下旬”上上周,Baker先生买回来几棵树,。”据此可知答案时 “ trees ”(树)。6A. 考察句意理解。本句大意是“上上周, Bake

8、r 先生买回来几棵树,并且亲自将树种植在,每天都给树浇水。”这里明显选择“garden ”(花园)。7B. 考察句意理解。本句大意是“几天 , Baker 先生得到另一个城市去。”这里选择“later ”(之后)最适合。8D. 考察上下文理解。前面几句提到 Baker 临走的时候交待Billy照顾好自己的树木,本句Billy 回答道:“别 它们(树)”。这里选择worry组成“worry about ”,意思是“为担心”。9C.考察时态。根据句子中的ever (曾经),我们这里选择“ has”, 组成现在完成时。本句大意是“这些天有人来偷树吗?”10B. 考察句意理解。本句大意是“为了阻止别人

9、来偷树, 6 天前我就把这些树给。我都把树藏了几乎一周了。”明显这里填入“拔了”。“ pull up ”的意思就是“拔起”。10 道小题,共50.0 分)The students experience severe as final examsdraw near.2.3.1. control2. pressure3. tension4. reactionChoice3C;5解析:该题选 近,学生们都极度紧张”。tension n. 紧张,焦虑,焦急,紧张状态1. The tensionin a hospital emergency room can be very high. 在医院急诊间,气

10、氛可以达到高度紧张的 程度。2. Smiling andlaughing has actually been shown to relieve tension and stress. 事实证明,微笑 和大笑能够缓解焦虑和压力。3. She has doneher best to keep calm but finds herselftrembling with tension andindecision. 她尽力保持镇定,可还是由于紧张、犹豫不决而抖个不停。4.It was under that he agreed to resign from the committee.5.学生答案:得分

11、:提示 :标准答案:C试题分值:5.0题目大意是“随着期末考试临6.1. failure2. pressure3. control4. influence知识点 : Choice3学生答标准答案:B;案:B:得分:5试题分5.0值:解析:该题选B,题目大意是“他是在压力下才 同意从委员会辞职的”。pressure n. 压力习惯用法: be / come under pressure 受 到压力,在压力之下,迫于压力1. Many childrenare under pressure. 很多孩子生活在压力下。2. The提示 :chairperson acceded under pressur

12、e. 主 席在压力下同意了。3. She onlywrote the letter under pressure. 她是被迫写这封信的。4. He is underpressure from heavy work. 他正承受繁重 工作所带来的压力。5. Countries areunder pressure to curtail public expenditure. 很多国家被迫削减政府开支。1.The children in their father s shop when things arebusy.2.3.1. help to2. help on3. help away4. help

13、 out知识点 :学生答案:Choice3D;得分 :5解析:该题选D,标准答 案: 试题分 值:D5.0题目大意是“当人手紧张的时候,孩子们就到父亲的商店去帮忙”。help out : help sb., esp. in a difficult situation or a crisis 帮助(摆脱困境)1. Is there anything I can do to help out? 有什么我能帮忙做的事吗 ?2. We are glad提示 :to do what we can do to help out. 我们乐意尽力帮你摆脱困境。3. A gooddictionary will

14、help out in one s reading. 一部好词典对阅读是有帮助的。4. Whenever she heard that someonehad trouble she wouldgo to help out. 每当听到某人有困难,她就去帮助解决。1. I saw Alice in tears yesterday. What happened to her2. Nothing important. a lit cigarette burned a hole inher new skirt.#.1. Just for2. Just that3. Just because4. Only

15、 because知识点 : Choice3学生答 案:B;标准答 案:得分 :5试题分 值:解析:该题选B,题目大意是“-昨天我看见爱丽丝在落泪。她发生了什么事? - 没有什么大不了的, 只是一支点着的香烟把她的新裙子烧了个洞”。just that :引导一个表示原因或理由的从 句。1. Nothingimportant. Just that I m going to lose this new job. 没什么大不了的, 只是我要失去 这份新工作了。2. Nothing important. Just that he s a bitupset about losing the game. 没

16、什么大不了的,只是因为输掉了比赛他有点沮丧。3. Nothing important. Just that my newskirt was stained by ice cream. 没什么 大不了的,只是我的新裙子被冰淇淋弄脏了。4. Nothing s thematter with me. Just that these shoesare so tight that they hurt whenI walk. 我没事的。只是这双鞋太紧脚,走起路来硌得生疼。1.It was not long the news spread and people from allthe country2.ca

17、me to visit the village.over3.1. before2. when3. until4. after知识点 : Choice3学生答 案:得分 :A;5标准答 案:试题分 值:A5.0提示 :解析:该题选A,题目大意是“没过多久消息就传开了,来自全国各地的人纷纷参观这座村 庄”。It is / was not(won tbe) long before “不久就”1. It was notlong before he realized the fact. 他刚 知道真相。2. It won t belong before you get well. 你不久就会康复的。 (

18、注意在 before 从句 里用一般现在时代替将来时)3. It won t belong before we see each other. 不久我们又会见面的。1.She felt and did nothing but sleep the whole day.2.3.1. slack2. the slack3. slacking4. slacking知识点 :学生答案:Choice4A;得分 :5标准答 案: 试题分 值:5.0解析:该题选A,题目大意是什么事都没做,只是睡了一整天”。她感到很懒散,0提示 :slack : not tense ; relaxed 松弛的,放松的,懈怠的1

19、. Don t getslack at your work. 不要懈怠你的工作。2. The boss toldthe slack worker to take fewer coffee breaks. 老板要求懒散的工人少喝几次咖啡。3. She wasshocked at the slack discipline in the school. 对于学校松弛的纪律她感到震惊。1.Mary with embarrassment when she couldn t answer thequestion.2.3.1. shivered2. worried3. flushed4. scattered

20、知识点 :学生答案:Choice4C;得分 :5解析:该题选标准答 案: 试题分 值:C5.0C,题目大意是“当玛丽回答不上提示 : 问题时,她窘迫得脸都涨红了”。flush vi. ( 脸) 发红1. The boyflushed bright red with shame. 那男孩羞 得满脸通红。2. Do you sweata lot or flush a lot? 你常出汗或是脸上常发烫吗?3. He turnedaway embarrassed, his face flushingred. 他难为情地扭过头去,羞红了脸。1.Jane is with cold so that her

21、teeth are chattering.2.3.1. shaking2. shivering3. quaking4. shocking知识点 : Choice4学生答 案:B;得分 :5标准答 案: 试题分 值:B5.0解析: 该题选B, 题目大意是“珍妮正冷得发抖,上下牙不住打颤”。shiver vi.shake, tremble, esp. from cold or fear战栗 , 发抖 ( 常和介词 with 搭配 )1. I was sitting提示 :on the floor shivering with fear. 我坐在地板上,吓得发抖。2. In theboundless

22、 space, without a family onewill shiver with cold. 没有了家庭,在广大的宇宙间,会冷得发抖。shopping-bag lady stood at the street corner shivering all over with cold.这个流浪女士站在街角,冻得浑身打颤。1.Paul followed the doctor medicines.as to when to give his son4. Read the1.2.3.4.知识点 :学生答案:Choice4D;得分 :5解析:该题选D,标准答案:试题分值:题目大意是5.0“什么时候

23、给儿子2.3.consideration conclusion regulation instruction服药,保罗完全是按照医生嘱咐行事的”。instruction : advice on how to do sth. ; order 用法,说明;指示( 常用复数形式 ), 操作指南1. Read theinstruction carefully before using it.使用前必须认真阅读说明书。提示 :2. Always read the instructions beforeyou在服药之前,start taking the medicine.定要先阅读说明书。3. The m

24、echanicgave us instructions on how to fix our car s brakes. 那名机械师给我们讲解了如何修理汽车的刹车。attached book carefully and follow the instructions when you set the washingmachine to work. 在你启动洗衣机之前,要仔细阅读随机手册,按照说明来做。1.The medicine is in dealing with cancer.2.3.1. little of use2. of little use3. of useful4. for lit

25、tle use知识点 :学生答案:得分 :提示 :Choice4B;5解析:该题选B,疗没有什么作用”。be of great(little , some, any, no, not , much) + 抽 象名词表示: ( 属性 ) 具有,有。这个结构相当于“ be + 形容词”,其中名词常用 value , importance , use , significance 等抽象意义 的名词。1. The meetingis of great importance.(is very important) 这次会议很重要。2. There is nodoubt that her advice is of great valueto us. (valuable) 毫无疑问,她的建议对我们 来说很有价值。3. Thedictionary is of little use to beginners of English. (useful)标准答案:B试题分值:5.0题目大意是“这种药对癌症治这部字典对英语初学者用处不大。


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