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1、学习好资料欢迎下载常用的介词短语1. above构成的惯用短语above all尤其是,最重要的是at random 随意地at intervals 时时 above suspicion 无可怀疑at ones mercy任人支酉己,由人摆布 above praise 赞美不尽at expense of 以 为代价 above criticism 无可指责 at dusk above reproach无可厚非黄昏at one s service 乐意帮助 above price 价值连城 at length above ones head(understanding) 终于不at hand 不

2、远,在身边 可理解 at least 至少above ones income 入不敷出at the risk of 超过一般水平 冒险 above the averageat half price of 半价 be above oneself 兴高采/工at any rate至少,无论如何after构成的惯用短语 2.at most至多毕竟,到底 after allat cost day after day 日复一日按原价at a loss 亏本 one after another 接二连三at a bargain 廉价 page after page 一页又一页地at full speed

3、以全速年年岁岁 year after yearat a profit一波又一波地获利J wave after waveat the risk of bus after bus 公共汽车一辆又一辆 冒的危险at the point of 就要 time after time 一次又一次4. beyond构成的惯用短语构成的惯用短语 3.atbeyond words at the sight of 看至11难以言喻beyond control 听至U at the news of 难以控制beyond all comprehension 不可理解 at ones ease/leisure 在闲暇时

4、beyond all comparison无可比拟想至U at the thought ofs grasp 力所不及 beyond oneat a draft 一口气 at liberty 毫无希望 beyondall hope闲暇,自在,随意at peace处于平和状态,心情平静难以置信beyond belief无可争议详细地 at large beyond dispute无可怀疑 beyond doubtat home 安适 无可争议 beyond controversy 登峰造极at ones heightby构成的惯用短语 在危险中at stake 5.by rule 陷入绝境at b

5、ay 按规则 在某人方便时 s convenience at one经由by way of年复一年year by year 末端结尾,在.在at the end of .逐渐地 长眠,静 止 at rest by degreesstep by step 迷茫 at a loss 逐步 茫然 at sea 渐渐地 little by little迷惑at fault天性诚实honest by nature 就职业而言 随意s will at oneby trade偶然 by chance 的命令.依at command学习好资料欢迎下载by good luck 侥幸 in mourning/wh

6、ite 穿丧衣in high feather 兴高采烈 by mistake 弄错in high/low spirits 情绪高昂/by request 应邀 低沉in good temper 脾气好 by accident 偶然,意外地in a rage 盛怒 by turns 轮流in despair 绝望 large by half 一大半 in distress 悲痛 减少一半 reduce by halfin trouble by retail 零售 处于困境in whispers 低语 by force 用武力in disguise 彳贸扮 by heart 熟t己in spect

7、acles 带着眼镜 by persuasion 凭说in a good mood 心情好 by wholesale 批发in violation 违反 by sight 仅识其面in anger 愤怒 by auction 拍卖in hope 在希望中承包 by contractin fun 开玩笑 by post由B寄in comfort 在安乐中 by express 以快件方式in the blues 忧郁 by appointment 约定in any event 无论如何方法 用 by means ofin pain by all means用一切手段,当然可以在痛苦中in ala

8、rm 惊惶中 凭借 by virtue ofin astonishment by airplane乘飞机惊奇in a fog 困惑乘船 by boatin debt构成的惯用短语负债6. forin chaos cut out for混乱的才能 有inhaste bound for启程前往匆匆in fashion 流行尽管,虽然for allin the operation就我所知在施行 for all I knowin love for certain 恋爱 的确in ruins for life 终身荒废in the right 正确暂时 for the presentin width 在

9、宽度方面永远,一劳永逸地for goodin shape 在外型上 暂时 for the momentin heaps 负责成堆地 answer forin broad daylight 在白昼 暂时 for the time beingin quest of构成的惯用短语寻求 7.fromin memory of from far从远处纪念in token of 作为的表示 from now on 从现在开始in fear彻头彻尾from top to bottom在恐惧中in dilemma 自上from above 进退维谷in good repair from bad to worse

10、每况愈下情况良好in disorder构成的惯用短语in8.混乱in a fever 合唱 in chorus 发烧联系 in touch 盛装 in full dress学习好资料欢迎下载in public 公开地 in revenge of 作为的报复in brief简单地说怀疑in doubtin disrepute in the wrong 错误 声名狼藉in general 一般来说in length 在长度方面in the event of 万一 in every aspect 在每一方面 in line with in the raw 在自 然状态按照in support of

11、支持 in favour of 赞成in part部分地为帮助in behalf ofin terms of 用in addition 另外 的术语,根据in respect to 关于 in essence 在本质上in the open 在露天 in fact 事实上in time 及时 in tears 流泪 in view of the fact that 鉴于in conclusion 总之这一 in wonder 惊奇事实be absorbed in 专心、于in horror 恐惧 be engaged inin need 从事于 在危急中9. of构成的惯用短语in good

12、condition 情况良好of ones own record 自愿 妨碍 in ones wayof oneself 靠自己 in sickness 患病relieve sb of 接触,减轻 in the air 传播cure sb of 治愈in progress 在进行中break sb of 戒除在开会 in sessionrid sb/sth of in secret 秘密地免除break of在印刷in print 分离cheat sb of 骗夺 in hand 在进行中,在考查中 of one s own choice 出于自己 的选择盛开in bloomease sb o

13、f减轻某人的/发芽期初期 in the buddeprive of 小型,小规模 in miniature 剥夺heal sb of治疗 in pursuit of 追求absolve sb of 赦免,免除 的报酬作为inreward ofclear of 清除 in all proportions按各种比例strip of 安全地in safety 剥夺10.on 秩序良好in good order构成的惯用短语on the ground of 基于零舌L in confusion 的理由on the wane in good health 健康正在衰落,正在亏缺on onein forc

14、e s mind 在沉思 在施行中 on guard在分娩中in labour 警戒on strike in use 在使用中罢工on holiday 认真地 in earnest 度假on view 展出 白纸黑字 in black and whiteon a picnic 开花 in flower 里子餐on the wing 飞行,传播 盛开 in blossomon fire 失火 in search of 寻求 的边缘处于 on the brink of 表示敬意对 in honour of学习好资料欢迎下载on trial 受审 out of the ordinary 不平凡out

15、 of shape 健康不佳 on the watch 警戒, 注意out of charity出于仁慈 on the verge of 处于的边缘 out of patience oncondition that 在条件下不耐烦out of hearing on the decline 在下降 听不见out of fashion 不流行 on account of 由于out of hand 失去控制 on edge 紧张 out of print 值班 绝版 on dutyout of practice 缺乏练习 on leave 休假out of pity 出于同情 on the mar

16、ket 出售out of control失去控制 on hire 出租的 out of breath on display展示上气不接下气out of season 在途中 过日寸 on the wayout of proportion to 和 on the increase 增力口 不成比例out of temper 发怒警惕 on the alerton the point即将to构成的惯用短语12的时候to a certain extent 上涨 on the rise 在一定程度上 to a degree on the carpet 在讨论中非常 to the good 的边缘 on

17、 margin of 接近 有好处 onthis understanding在止匕条件下 compare to 对比 合某人胃口 on such terms根据这样的条件 s taste to one 关于,至于 have effect on 对有影响 as to值得赞扬 to ones credit on second thoughts 三思之后 有禾U于 平均to ones advantage on the averageon the one hand 感动的流泪 be moved to tears 方面使人后悔 on the other hand 另一方面s regret to one

18、使人丢脸故意 on purpose s shame to one 使人安心on the contrary 相反的 s relief to one be accustomed to习惯于代表 on behalf ofto the contrary 相反 have sth on good authority 从可靠方 according to 根据 面获悉某事due to out of11.构成的惯用短语由于 有益s benefit 出于恐惧 out of fear 对to one out of revenge 出于报复在某种程度上 to someextent当某人的面脱险 out of dang

19、er s face to one 看不见 out of sight 关于 with reference to不合礼节 out of politeness to and fro 来回地 be burnt to death out of step 不一致烧死 be frozen to death 缺货out of stock 冻死 使人快乐 出于必要 out of necessity to ones joys disappointment 使人失望 to one 过时 out of date使人满意out of work 失业 to ones satisfaction摆脱麻烦 out of tro

20、uble 之外in addition to 处附属 attached to 不恰当 out of place学习好资料欢迎下载13. under构成的惯用短语的幌子下14. with 构成的惯用短语 under discussion 在讨论中 tremble with fear under consideration在考虑中恐惧得发抖shake with laughter 在耕作中笑的全身发抖 under cultivationin connection with under sail 在航行与相连in touch with 与under fire 被攻击 接触in contact with

21、与有联系 under repairs 在修理中in line with 与一致 在行动中 under waycomparable with 比得上 under construction 在建设中in harmony with 与协调 under investigation 在调查中in accordance with 与一致 under examination 在检查中be endowed with 照顾下 赋有 在 under the care of with reserve under theauspices of 由 主办有保留with open arms 热情地影响下 under th

22、e influence of 在 with one accord 一致地 under age 未成年 withe a will 坚定地为借口 under the plea of 以 with a view to under the necessity of 迫于需要为了with the exception of 除under a false name 用化名 之外with a firm hand get under 控制坚决地keep under 抑制serve under 在手下任职s charge 由某人照顾under one 奉命 under orderunder a cloud 受嫌疑

23、,处于窘境under difficulties 在困难中的情况在under.circumstances下 在控制之下under controls supervision under sb 在某人监督下在某人指挥下under sbs directionunder the control of 控制之下在 在under the command of 统率下 under trial 在试验中 under the plow 在耕作中 被拍卖 under the hammer患病,情绪消沉under the weather借 under the mask of 之名under the name of 以的名义 以 under thepretence of 为借口受某人控制 e thumb under on 受 under the rule of 统治 under the treatment of 由治疗在 under the guidance of 领导下装扮成,在under the guise


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