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1、I am reading a book.What are you doing?小学英语教学案例设计一、设计说明:1 .话题:谈论正在进行的动作2.适合级别:2级3 .课题说明:以PEFCB五(下)册第四单元B部分选编教学内容4 .课时说明:1课时 5.学生情况说明:本案例适合小学五年级学生二、教学详案:PEP Unit 4Part B What is he doing?Teaching aims:(教学目标与要求)1. Enable the students to use the following sentence patterns to talk about the things happ

2、ening:(学生能用以下句型表述他人正在进行的动作)What is he doing?/What is she doing?He s/She s2. Learn to say the following phrases and spell them:(能够听、说、读、写动词短语的 ing 形式)listening to music/washing clothes/clean the room/writing a letter/writing an e-mailImportant points:(教学重点)重点掌握五个短语动词的ing形式。Difficult points:(教学难点)以不发音

3、的字母e结尾的动词ing形式的变化。 Teaching aids:(教学设备)CIA/tape recorder/picturesTeaching procedures:(教学步骤及说明)Step 1: Warm up1. Let s chant :(通过说唱、唱歌等形式,引入课堂)What are you doing?/What are you doing?I am doing the dishes./What are you doing?I am drawing pictures./What are you doing?I am cooking dinner.What are you do

4、ing?I am answering the phone.2. Sing a song: What are you doing? (唱一首歌引入主题)Step 2: Revision1. Show students some photos, ask and answer: What are you doing? (学生通过句型复习五个已学过的动作) I m doing the dishes 、 drawing pictures 、 cooking dinner 、 answering the phone 、 reading a book.2. Students write down the p

5、hrases on the blackboard and read.(学生书写词组于黑板上,检查书写、记忆情况)Step 3. Presentation1. T: What do you usually do on the weekend?S: I usually(通过对话,直接引出词组)T:But I usually listen to music. I like listening to music very much. Look, I havea radio. Now I m listening to music.2. Learn to say and spell “ listening

6、 to music ” . (学生跟读词组,并拼写词组)3. Show the photos, ask and answer: (从 What are you doing 句型引出 What is he doing? 句型)- What s he doing? He s listening to music.4. Learn to say the following four phrases and write down the phrases on the blackboard:(继续引出其余四个词组,并将词组写在黑板上,为学生以后的活动做准备)washing the clothes cle

7、aning the roomwriting a letterwriting an e-mailStep4. Drill and practice:1. Look at the photos, ask and answer: (通过模糊画面,让学生猜一猜他们在干什么,巩固词组)WhO s that boy/girl?What is he/she doing?He s 2. Look and guess: (每幅图片上三个动作,看谁记得最快)There are three actions in the pictures, guess :Who s that?What s he/she doing?

8、3. Do an action: Students are divided into several groups. One acts teacher and says “Everybody. Do an action. ”(做“每个人做一个动作”游戏。让学生切实体会进行时的含义)Practice the sentence patterns:“ What are you doing? ”“ What is he doing? ”Step 5. Consolidation and extension:1. Listen to a short story. (听猫和老鼠的故事,回答猫正在干什么。通

9、过故事练习词组)1) Listen to the story twice. 2) Answer the questions:What s the cat doing first 、next ?2. Write and say: What a busy family! (仿造例子写自己一家正在干什么,并以对话的形式表演出来)1) Choose the activities the family member s doing.2) Write them down and read it out.3) Make a shout dialogue according to the chart.1 :板

10、书设计Unit 4 What is he doing?drawing pictureslistening to musicdoing the disheswashing clothescooking dinnercleaning the roomanswering the phonewriting a letterreading a bookwriting an e-mail板书设计2:What a busy family!Look! This is my family. This weekend, theyare all very busy. What arethey doing?Iam My father is My mother is My grandfather is My grandmother is My sister is My brother isOh! What a busy family!


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