
上传人:大张伟 文档编号:10720547 上传时间:2021-06-01 格式:DOCX 页数:7 大小:69.82KB
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1、旅游英语口语大全英语是当前世界上最通用的语言,在全球化的社会中,英语的重要 性也进一步凸显了出来。精心收集了旅游英语口语,供大家欣赏学习旅游英语口语1如何表示激动第一句:Im so excited.我太兴奋了。A: I will go back to my hometown next week. Im so excited.下周我就能回家了,我太兴奋了。B: Really? You must be missing your family very much.真的吗?你一定很想家吧?A: Yeah. I really miss my parents! I havent seen them for

2、 almost two years.是啊!我真的很想我的父母。我几乎两年没见到他们了。B: I think they miss you too.我想他们也想你啊!第二句:Thats fascinating.真让人兴奋啊!A: My boss gave me a big promotion today.今天老板给我升职了。B: Thats fascinating.真让人兴奋啊!其他表达法:It’s really thrilling.太令人兴奋了 !That’s wonderful!太好了 !It was kind lof exciting.有点刺激!I cant beli

3、eve it.我真不敢相倍。旅游英语口语2如何表示无奈第一句:I’m afraid that its not going to work out.thein it.恐怕这事不会成!A: I heard that you ve just applied for scholarship. How about the result?听说你刚申请了奖学金.结果怎么样?B: I’m afraid that its not going to work out.恐怕这事不会成!A: Dont be so gloomy. I have confidenceI’m sure

4、you can make it.不要这么忧郁!我对你有信心,你会成功的!B: Thank you for your kind words.谢谢你的吉言。第二句: Chances are slim.Harvard希望渺茫。A: What are your chances of getting into University?你有可能进哈佛大学读书吗?B: Chances are slim.希望渺茫。其他表达法:I suppose Ill just have to put up with it.我想我只好忍受一下了。It seems it s beyond hope now.看来已经没有希望了。I

5、 suppose there is no way out.我看是没有办法了。旅游英语口语3如何在地图上辨认第一句: Excuse me, Where am I on this map?打扰下,请问我在这幅地图上的什么地方 ?A: Excuse me, where am I on this map?打扰下,请问我在这幅地图上的什么地方 ?B: We are here, the bus station. We are in the heart of the city.我们在这里,汽车站,我们现在在市中心。A: Oh! I think Im lost. Can I go from here to t

6、he railway station?哦!我想我迷路了。我能否从这里到火车站呢 ?B: Head straight up the street about two blocks then turn left.顺着这条街一直走过两个街区,然后左转。第二句: Can you show me Jin Shitan Park on the map?你能在地图上指给我金石滩公园在哪里吗?A: Excuse me. Can you show me Jin Shitan Park on the map? I cant find it.打扰一下,你能在地图上指给我金石滩公园在哪里吗?我找不到了。B: Well, let me see. Look, its here.嗯,让我看看。瞧,在这儿。 7


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