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1、外研版三年级英语下册教案Module 6 Unit 2 What does she do at the weekend?一、教学目标:1. 知识目标 :A.单t: today, Music, Art, PEB. 句子: What does Lingling have at school?She has Music, Art and PE today.What does she do at the weekend?She plays basketball.2. 技能目标:A.陈述第三人的周末活动。B.培养学生听、说、读的能力以及交际的能力。3. 情感目标:进一步培养学生学习英语的兴趣。通过“一帮

2、一”组合,建立待优生的学习自信心,培养学生的自主合作能力。教学重点:能转述第三人称的活动: What does Lingling have at school?She has Music, Art and PE today.教学难点:主语第一人称及第三人称时,动词使用上发生的变化。教具、学具准备:录音机、磁带、单词卡片。二、预习学案:1. 复习字母 AaKk 。教师出示字母卡片,请学生读出。2. 请学生介绍自己今天的课程及周末的计划。三、导学案:(1) Warming up :1 . Greeting.T:Hello, boys and girls .How are you?Ss: I m f

3、ine, thank you .And you?T: I m fine too.2 .Sing a song :What s the time, please?(课前热身环节,通过问候、歌曲的形式能有效地激发学生的学习兴趣。 )(2) Presentation :重复1 . 在学生介绍自己周末的安排时,教师进行转述 Oh, she plays basketball at the weekend.What does she几次后,教师把这个句型写到黑板上,再在学生介绍自己周末活动的时候,教师提问do at the weekend?启发有能力的学生说出主语为第三人称单数的句子。2 .学生汇报父母在

4、周末做什么事情,请几名学生说一说。 两人一组进行交流。3 .教师请几名学生到教室前面说一说自己在周末做什么事情。教师分别指着在前面的同学问其他同学What does he/she do at the weekend?将学生的回答写在黑板上,请同学注意第三人称单数动词的变化。4 .Listen and say, play the tape, pause it after each utterance and let the Ss repeat the sentences .5 .Answer questions:What does Lingling have at school today?Wh

5、at does Lingling do at the weekend?板书:“PEArt”“Music(结合学生感兴趣的话题,谈论家人和朋友做的事情,逐步感知第三人称的动词变化。)(三)Practice1.Sing a song : We like school.2 .教师请学生从 Aa说到Nn,巩固已学过的字母。3 .教师说单词,学生举起相应科目的书。教师举起各科目的书,学生说出相应的单词。问学生:What subject do you like? 请学生说自己喜欢的科目。4 .Game:Follow and say.(在真实的语言环境中,反复操练本课重点词句)四、课堂检测Read and

6、tick.At the weekendPlay basketballPlay footballPlay tabletennisGoswimmingAliceVPeterTomVVXiaoyongVVAmyV1) What does Alice do at the weekend?A、She plays basketball. B 、She plays football.2) What does Peter do at the weekend?A、He goes swimming. B 、He plays football.3)What does Tom do at the weekend?A、

7、He plays basketball. B 、He plays table tennis.4) What does Xiaoyong do the weekend?A、He goes swimming. B 、He plays football.5)What does Amy do at the weekend?A、She plays table tennis. B 、She likes table tennis.五、布置作业1 . Use “does make two sentences2 .完成Pictionary 的Ll, Mm, Nn页。回家向家里人介绍自己在学校学习的科目。六、板书设计What does she do at the weekend?fMusicShe has ArtPEShe plays basketball.She goesswimming. 用心爱心专心3


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