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1、日常旅游英语口语精选旅游英语是一种专门用途英语,同商务英语一样,有其自身的特点 因此在翻译时自然也要遵循一定的原则,要基于一定的目的来翻译。 整理了日常旅游英语口语,欢迎阅读!日常旅游英语口语一如何用英语点菜 ?Please give me this one.(请给我来这个。)We want two number eights, please.(我们要四份第八套餐。)在点菜之前,一般先要份菜单:May I have a menu, please?(我可以看菜单吗?)如果不急于点菜,可以在服务生问到:Can I take your order now?(你现在叫点什么吗?)回答:Not quit

2、e. Could I have a few more minutes?(不,我可以再多等会吗?)需要叫菜时,可以说:Please take my order.(请接受点菜。)如果对当地的菜肴不熟悉,可以问:What is the specialty of the restaurant?(这家店的招牌餐是什么?)Do you have any special meals today?(今天有什么特餐吗?)What would you recommend? I prefer something light.(我想来点清淡些的,你能推荐什么吗?)也可以让同来的人替你作主,或是点重复的饭菜:Ill l

3、eave it to you.(我让你来点。)Ill have the same as that one.(我要一份和那个一样的。)自己点菜可以更随意些,例如:A. Could you tell me how this thing is cooked?(能否告诉我这道菜是怎么做的?)B. Lobster? Its steamed and served with our special sauce.(龙虾?蒸过后加上本店特制的调味料。)A. Is it good?(好吃吗?)B. Sure. Its a most popular dish.(当然,很受欢迎的。)A. I think Ill tr

4、y some lobster, and give me some green salad together.(我想我来点儿吧。再给我一份蔬菜沙拉。)B. We have three dressings for salad. Which one would you like ?(我们有三种沙拉调味汁,您要哪种?)A. What kind do you have?(你们有什么?)B. We have Italian, French and Thousand Island.(有义大利,法国和千岛的。)A. Make it French please.(给我法式的吧。)日常旅游英语口语二(开房必备)a

5、:Good morning.Hilton Hotel. May I help you?b:Good morning.Have you got any vacancies for the nights of 12th and 13th.Id like to make a reservation for the two nightsa:All right .Single or double-room?b:Double-room please.a:Yes.we have a double -room available.b:Is that with or without bath?a:Its a r

6、oom with shower and toilet ,sir.b:That sounds fine. Is there an air conditioner?a:Yes,but of course.b:How much will it be for one night?a:Let me see.A double-room $800 per night.b:Does that include breakfast?a:Yes.that includes a continental breakfast and a morning newspaper.b:Do you accept VISA?a:Y

7、es, we do, what time will yo be arriving?b:I should be there aroud 5:30 p.m on the 12th.a:Ok, sir ,Could I take your name and contact number, please?b:Yes,Its John Smith.Its New York 456-122a:Could you spell that, please?b:J-o-h-s-m-i-t-h.a:John Smith. double-room with bath and air conditionerfor th

8、e nights of 12th and 13th.b:Thats right.Thank you.a:Thank you sir. Good-bye.日常旅游英语口语三(1)逗主菜吉青拉您的桌子。Pull open your table, please.我晚餐要吃赭肉。Id like pork for dinner.再给我一些浸好喝?May I have some more soup?(2)要求换乾净的餐具封不起。我把筷子弄掉了。青再给我一曼好喝?Excuse me. I dropped my chopsticks. May I have another pair?空中小姐!我的刀子掉落在地

9、。可以换支乾净的喝 ?Stewardess! Ive dropped my knife. May I have a clean one?也f!再给我一修纸巾好礁?W川 you please give me another paper napkin, too?(3)肚子不太饿畤晚餐畤到了。Time for dinner.不,翡捕机我逮不太饿。No, thank you. Im not very hungry.可以晚黑占再送来喝?Can you bring it later?(4)用餐完罩日寺我用餐完罩了。Im finished with my meal.吉青把我的篮子撤走。Please remo

10、ve my tray.言青把桌面清理乾净好喝?W川 you please clear the table?械上歆料服矜械内氟屋低,喝酒容易醉,最好遹量而止您要喝黑占什麽喝?Would you like something to drink?您要不要喝彳固什麽?Would you care for a drink?你伸有什麽呢?What do you have?你伸有哪黑槿果汁?What kind of juice do you have?我冰境要多一黑占。Id like to have more ice, please.我要再来一杯。I would like a refill, please. 7


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