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1、安娜职场记之3 :危机继续BBC出品的极好的原版雅思口语素材连载,继续安娜职场爬坑行之三:危机。上期 讲到安娜在面试一个销售的工作中,突然被闯进来的办公室助理丹妮丝打断。她将会因此而影响到自己的状态而发挥失常吗?本文提供音频及文本资料下载传送门。建议下载来,边听边看点课台雅思君为你品读雅思口语的“面试之道”本系列BBC短剧讲解及下载汇总传送门注: Narrator :上帝视野旁白者, anna 的守护神 ;anna :我们的职场小菜鸟,显然是个妹子 ;Paul: 面试官,将是她未来的 boss;Denise: 安娜未来的二货同事。Narrator:s interview for a sales

2、Here we are again at Tip Top Trading, where Annajob has been suddenly interrupted. Office assistant Denise has entered the room,looking very worried. Whats wrong? And will Anna have any suggestions thatmight help?Denise:I don t know what to do!Paul:So what s the matter Denise?Denise:You know the Pow

3、erPoint presentation?Paul:The one we ve been preparing for the last two months?Denise:Yes.Paul:The one that s very, very important and that we need this afternoon?Denise:That one.Paul:Aha.Denise:We ve lost everything!Paul:No!Denise:I had it on a USB stick, to transfer it, but the stick has vanished!

4、Narrator:Right Anna, now is your chance to help them find solutions to the problem. You ll need phrases like:Can I make a suggestion?Why don t you.?Have you tried.?Maybe we could.?How about.?Ihave an idea!Paul:Butdon t you have it saved on your computer?Denise:No, it was taking up a lot of space, so

5、 I deleted it.Paul:So you have lost the only copy wehave.Denise:Yes.Narrator:What idiots! I ve never seen such a disorganised office. Go on, youbetter help them, Anna.Anna:CanI make a suggestion?Paul:Yes, please do!Anna:Whydon t you try looking in your recycle bin? It might still be there.Denise:I d

6、id. It isnt.Anna:Haveyou tried asking your colleagues if they ve seen the memory stick?Denise:I did. They haven t.Anna:Howabout looking through your rubbish bin to see if you threw it away by mistake?Denise:(getting shirty) I don t do silly things like that!Paul:Allvery sensible suggestions Anna, th

7、ank you.Anna:Maybe I could do a big officesearch for you.? I m good at finding things.Denise:There are confidential documents in this office non-staff are notallowed to see them.Paul:Now, now Denise. Why don t you drink up that nice tea?Anna:Ihave an idea! Did you ever email the presentation to anyo

8、ne?Paul:Gollygosh, you did Denise! You emailed it to me to proof-read. It ll be in my inboxsomewhere. Good thinking Anna!Denise:I was just about to suggest that myself actually.Paul:Problemsolved. Thank you Anna!Anna:Pleasure.Narrator:Well done Anna!Paul:Right,now please leave us Denise. Anna and I

9、will continue our interview. Would youlike a biscuit Anna?Anna:Thankyou. Oh, what s that?Paul:Ohgolly gosh, the USB stick! It was mixed in with the plate of biscuits thatDenise brought in.Anna:It swet!Can I make a suggestion?Why don t you try looking in your recycle bin?Have you tried asking your co

10、lleagues if they ve seen the memorystick?How about.?Maybe I could do a big office search for you.?How about looking through your rubbish bin.?I have an idea!Paul:Anna, we need someone who can think on her feet and who is a first-ratepeople person. Someonewho sees solutions, not problems.someone like

11、 you! Soif you want the job, it s yours!Narrator:Ah, now think carefully Annado you really want to work for thesepeople? They seem a bit. disorganised.Anna:I would definitely like the job! Thank you!Narrator:So be it. Join us again next week for Anna s first day as a salesexecutive at Tip Top Tradin

12、g.词汇收集:vanish: v. disappear, esp suddenly or mysteriously 。可以看成是disappear的同义词替换。disorganised: adj. lacking order/arrangement 。可以看成是disordered 的同义词替换。have it saved:注意这种have sth done 的表达,非常实用且地道。confidential机密的definitely: 同义词 certainly,surely,absolutely,decidedly, 注意这些词的替换, 在口语的 part1 和 3 的回答中,在表

13、达肯定时,均可使用,可以丰富并强化你的表达。一些生活词汇: rubbish bin 垃圾篓, usb stick u 盘, inbox 收件箱, golly gosh 天 啊撸, what idots 蠢哭了。本片高光语段we need someone who can think on her feet and who is a first-rate peopleperson. Someonewho sees solutions, not problems. someone like you! So if youwant the job, it s yours!这是一段非常打动人心的说词,很难

14、想象是一个面试官对应聘者说的话(更像是告白) 。 paul 在这向我们展示了如何优雅地夸奖人:先极尽所能的夸奖某一类人(以示客观) ,最后 将对方归为这一类人。 其中 think on one e feet (脑袋转得快) , first-rate people person (喜欢并善于跟人交往的人)值得收藏。给我们的启示是,在雅思口语的人物类话题上,我 们在描述某人时, 比如, an old person you admire , 可以采用这样一种二步式: 首先 i admire someone who can.and who is.someonewho. 接着,引出主人公 someone like XXX .这样磅礴的引入,肯定能吸引考官的注意力,因为这段讲述里,你不但引出了主人公,还引出了 ta 的特性,也就是你接下来将要描述的 ta 的各种优点或故事了。值得学习。本文提供音频及文本资料下载传送门


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