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1、精品文档一年级下 Unit 1 3复习测验班级: 姓名: 分数: 1欢迎下载 。30 分)B.BC.B.nC.B.YC.B.BC.B.xC.B. dogB. classroomB. countB. sheB. turtle一、选择你所听到的字母。( )1.A.P( )2.A.m( )3.A.X( )4.A.D( )5.A.s二、听,选择听到的单词。( )1.A.boy( )2.A.garden( )3.A.catch( )4.A.he( )5.A.tell三、听,选择相应的答语。( ) 1. A. I like skirts.house.( ) 2. A. Four.EuVPzC. bagC.

2、 playgroundC. touchC. weC. talkB. I can see aB. Please come withme.( ) 3. A. This is our swimming pool. B. Its red.( ) 4. A. It s a cat.B. She is Pat.B. I like ducks.( ) 5. A. They are my friends.笔试部分( 70 分)精品文档3欢在下载一、选出不同的类的单词。()1. A. pencil-case D. ruler()2. A. run black()3. A. basketball baseball

3、()4. A. play(5分)B. smallB. jumpB. badmintonB. shethey()5. A. classroomswimming poolC. eraserC. hop D.C. teacher D.C. he DB. fun C. playground D.选出与下列单词相匹配的图片,填图片的序号。(20分)()1. door()6. football()2. fan()3. bag()4. pen()5. blackboard()7. school()8. playground()9. baseball()10. run精品文档三、选择题。(40分)()1.Mh

4、at can you see?A. a door( )2. This isgarden.A. IB. m()3. Theis big.A. rulerBB. a bookC. a boxeC. ourI. eraserC. pen fI can see()4. Stand.A. downB. up()5.to the teacher.A. CountB. Touch()6. the desk.A. DrawB. Touch()7.the ball.A. CatchB. Bounce()8. I canmy name.wC. goC. WalkC. CountC. Paint JIKA. wri

5、te down()9. The bird can_A. talk()10. -Three.B. eatC. skateB. jumpC. drawboys are there?3欢在下载精品文档A. WhatB. How C. How many( ) 11. I can see TVs.sixA. fiveB. four C.6欢迎下载 。精品文档( )12. Touch the table and the numbers.A. bounceB. catchC. count8欢在下载C.()13. This is a.A. footballB. basketballbadminton ()14

6、. The children are very tall.A. It B. They C. You( )15.-How many are there?-Ten.A. pencilB. penC. pencils( )16. The mouse is very small.A. SheB. He C. It( )17. Amy and Linda are friends.A. SheB. He C. They()18. Tom is sleeping.A. He B. ItC. She()19. The boy is very happy.A. HeB. ItC. She()20. The ruler is long.A. HeB. ItC. They四、选词填空。(5分)I you she heyou they it we


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