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1、100测评.com欢迎亮最ft JOO aptcom进行在线学习检利专娃习+有效提高学习成轴.100测评)icocGPart I. Listening听力部分(30 分)I. Listen and choose.选出你所听到的单词,将其标号填在题前括号内。(10分)()1. A. classroom)2. A. friendB. libraryB. foodC. gymC. glue()3. A. sixtyB. sixteenC. six()4. A. paperB. eraserC. marker()5. A. underB. behindC. beside()()()()()III. L

2、isten and number.根据你所听到的内容,把下列句子排序。(10分)()Eight books.()Sixteen books.()Let s put the eight books on the eight books.() How many books are there on my books, Jenny?() How many books now?IV. Listen and choose.选出你所听到的句子,将其标号填在题前括号内。(5分)()1. A. Where is the park?B. Where are you going ?C. Where s the i

3、ce cream?()2. A. This is a pencil.B. This is a pen .C. This is a pencil case.()3. A. Her name is Kim.B. My name is Kim.C. Your name is Kim.()4. A. She s in the library.B. He s in the library.C. It s in the library.()5. A. Is this your marker?B. Is it Kim s marker?C. Is it Steven smarkerPart II. Writ

4、ing笔试部分(70 分)I. Fill in the blanks.补全下列单词,将正确选项的序号写在题曲括号()1. libry A. urB. arC. er()2.schlA.uuB. ooC.ou()3. eigh_ _A.tyB.tiC. te()4.drA. owB. ayC.aw()5.thteen A. irB.erC.or()6.g _mA.iB.aC.y内:(6分)n . Judge.判断正误,在止确的词组或句子后面打“,或x ”。1 . 一位新朋友 一a new friend()2 .丹尼的铅笔一Danny pencil()3 .在桌子卜- under the tabl

5、e()4 .这是粉笔。-this is chalk .()5 .他的绿橡皮 一his green eraser()6 .这些是水彩笔。-These are markers .()(6分)100测评.com欢迎亮录com进行在线学习检利专娃习+有效提高学习成轴.)OO 100 测评)出.Choose the sentences.答语选择。将B栏中符合A栏句子的答语写在题前括号内。(10分)()1. What is it ?()2. Is this Tonys pencil) 3. How are you()4. Where are you going) 5. Where is the gymA.

6、 No.B. To the classroom.C. It s glue .D. Fine, thank you .E. Beside the shop.IV .Fill in the blanks.选词填空(每词只能用一次)(6分,)I my you your he his she her1. - How are you? am fine.2. What _s name? - My name is Li Hong.3. This is Miss Liu. is my English teacher .4. Lucy is doing homework.5. He is a student.

7、name is Meng Yang .6. This is Li Ming. is my friend .V . Choose.选择正确答案。(6分)()1 .-Where is Li Lei ?-He is a book in the classroom .A . read B . reads C . reading()2 . There four apples .A . am B . is C . are()3 . Steven a green pencil .A . have B . has C . haves()4 . Nice to you again .A .look B . me

8、et C . see()5 . How many are there ?A . book B . books C.a book()6 . This a pen .These pens.A .is , is B . is , are C . are , areVI. Write the sentences in correct order. 连词成句。 (10 分)1. is , This , eraser , your2. Where, Steven, is ?3. is, He, school, a, in, new, boy4. He, reading, is, book, a5. cha

9、ir, The, below , paper, is, theVII. Reading.阅读理解。(6 分)This is my classroom .It s big. There are eight windows in the ciaTseyoane green .There are some desks and chairs in the classroom .They are yellow .There are two blackboards on the wall(墙).One is in front of the classroom .The other is in back o

10、f the classroom .There are some flowerson the teacher s desk .I likeamyroom.根据短文内容画画并涂色。100测评欢迎亮录ffcom进行在线学习检利写鞋习+有蚊提高学习成轴.TOOecpJ新课标第一网听力参考答案:I. Listen and choose.选出你所听到的单词,将其标号填在题前括号内。(10分)1、Danny is in the library .2、This is glue .3、There are sixty students in my class .4、Is this your paper ?5、Th

11、e cat is under the chair .II. Listen and judge.听音,判断。对的打,错的打x (5分)1、Is it a blackboard? Yes, it is.2、This is a pencil .3、How many erasers do you have? Ione.4、 Its paper.5、These are scissors?III. Listen and number.根据你所听到的内容,把下列句子排序。(10分)1、How many books are there on my books , Jenny ?2、Eight books .3

12、、Let s put the eight books on the eight books .4、How many books now ?5、Sixteen books .IV. Listen and choose.选出你所听到的句子,将其标号填在题前括号内。(5分)1、Where s the ice cream?2、This is a pencil case.3、 Her name is Kim.100测评欢迎费录门.1。收屋11& com进行在线学习检窗与16月+有蚊提高学习成轴.4、He s in the library.5、 Is it Kims marker?X kb1. com本卷由100测评网整理上传,专注于中小学生学业检测、练习与提升


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