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1、Unit 2 working the land 课时作业learning about language一、语法填空Whether in the workplace or the football field , effective teamwork can produce amazing results , However , 1(work) successfully as a team is not as easy as it may seem.Effective teamwork certainly does not just happen automatically , it takes

2、 a great deal of hard work and compromise . There are a number of factors _2must be in place to make a goodteam.Effective leadership is one of the most important factors of good teamwork . The team s leader should possess the skills 3(create) a positive working environment and motivateand inspire th

3、e team members to talk a positive approach to work and be committed. An effective team leader will promote a high level of spirit and make them feel 4 ( value)Communication is a vital factor of all interpersonal relationship and especially that of a team . Team members must be able to express their

4、feelings , share ideas and see each other s opinions.Conflicts will arise 5well a team functions together . The best way to deal withconflicts is to have some organized methods of handling conflicts. Team members should be able to voice their concerns 6fear of offending others. Instead of avoiding c

5、onflict issues , apractical approach that 7(settle) them quickly is much better . It is often advised that theteam leader sit with the conflicting parties and help work out their differences without taking sides and try to remain objective if possible .The team leader _8set a good example to create

6、good teamwork . In order to keepteam members positive and motivated , the team leader 9needs to show these qualities .The team turns to the leader for support and guidance . So any negative words or behaviors on the leader s part can be disastrous.Regardless of _10type of work you are in , knowing h

7、ow to effectively work onand with a team is going to be extremely important to your success and that of your team.二、选词填空A. approach B. shape C. previously D. evident E. secret F. dateG. hardly H.remainsI. irrelevant J. potential K. particularlySwedish Archaeologists Make New DiscoveriesArchaeologist

8、s have begun exploring an unknown ancient city at a village called Vlochos , five hours north of Athens . The Archaeological 11are scattered on and around theStrongiloveni hill on the great Thessaliam plains and can be traced to several historical periods.“ What used to be considered remains of some

9、 12settlement can now be upgradedto remains of a city higher significance than 13 thought, ” says Robin Ronnland , PhDstudent in Classical Archaeology and Ancient History at the university of Gotheoburg and leader of the firework.“ We came acrsos the site which has never been explored before in conn

10、ection with another project last year and retailed the great _1 4right away .”Working together with the Swedish Institute at Athens and the local archaeological service in Karditsa , the Vlochos Archacological Project (VLAP) was started with an aim to explore the remains . The project research team

11、completed the first field season during two weeks in September 2016.Ronnlund says that the hill is hiding many 15. Remains of towers , walls andcity gates can be found on the mountaintop and slopes , but _16 anything is visible on theground below . The ambition is to avoid digging and instead use 17

12、 such asground penetrating radar. This will enable the team to leave the site in the same 18 as itwas in when they arrived. The success of this method is 19 from the results of the firstfield season.“ We found a town square and a street network that indicate that we are dealing with quite a large ci

13、ty . The area inside the city wall measured over 40 hectares . We also found ancient pottery and coins that can help to 20 the city . Our oldest finds are from around 500 BC, but thecity seems to have flourished mainly from the fourth to the third century BC before it was abandoned for some reason ,

14、 maybe in connection with the Roman conquest of the area. Ronnlund believes that the Swedish-Greek project can provide important clues as to what happened during this violent period in Greek history.三、选择适当的句子填空A- The 即bcCurr tpeaking. (HEEjidrM twm- much Ipienere would 皿叫 hmmgind htFw inirrrrrin.gir

15、FTccli c Um liftmen wu电 cewmSvt 由口”作 The rr*Min hclund thd g the底四口 lu M 0比kerp L UliliWMX 即3 (heir EtnneiLCLUli ia (he 中同皿 the speakers Mory bHau 由止F b&l itraJy 年门 dtc video由史 好qer w相de依相3丽,Et Speaker, ihnlcwill ment E卜8rmE NEC 市hoM 4卬由山】山haivc n口nhcrnwh帛but uur “udw.,口股印 蜂 叩心e were wrongE Tht1s ho

16、c1aliw IhaiK 士产rioicw w 54刈金口 IhiE 5部 me MJuty impcrtuiblE 11rl ordinary pCTlLHl I” WH山皿返3 wm1; AS 4 nutuj I遭 Ml ho*6gli“Him cpoiklcd mueb mireW,uwl lhevii!w.To Please Your Friends, Tell Them What They Already KnewThe research emeraged out of some real-life observations shared by Gilbert and co-auth

17、ors Gus Cooney and Timothy D. Wilson : Conversationis the most common of all human social activities, and doing it well requires that we know what our conversation partners most want to hear.21 says psychological scientist Daniel T, Gilbert of Harvard University.“When our friends try to tell us abou

18、t movies we ve never seen or albums we ve neverwe usually find ourselves bored, confused, and underwhelmed.22 . And yet, as soon as it sour turn to speak, we do exactlly the same thing to our friends - with exactly the same consequences. We wanted to understand why this happens. Gilbeexplains. The r

19、esearchers decided to do this by conducting a series of experiments.In their first experiment, the researchers assigned participants to groups of three, with one person acting as the speaker and the other two acting as listeners. Speakers watched a video and then tried do describe it to the listener

20、s. Some of the listeners had seen the video the speakere wasdescribing, and others had not._23_. When the speakers were done speaking, the listeners rated them on these aspects.The results showed that speakers predictions were exactly backwards. Speakers expected listeners to respond more positively

21、 to their stories when the listeners had not seen the video they were describing _24_. Although speakers expected listeners to enjoy hearing about a novel experience more than a familiar one, it was actually the other way around.A second study showed that when asked to predict their own reactions be

22、fore hearing the story, listeners made the same mistake that speakers did.四、翻译1. 现如今人们越来越关注自己的生活品质。 ( concerned)2. 春游的小学生们没能抵制住商贩们的花言巧语。 ( resist)3. 只有通过参与志愿者活动才能有效地增强中学生服务大众的责任感。 ( Only )4. 家用轿车普及带来的便利不容否认,但随之产生的能源浪费、空气污染和交通拥堵等问题发人深思。 ( While )参考答案语法填空1working 2. which/that 3. to create 4. valued 5

23、. however 6. without 7. settles 8. must /should 9. himself/ herself 10. what选词填空HICJE GABDF选句填空DEAF翻译1. Nowadays people are more and more concerned about the quality of their own life.2. The children going for a spring outing / attending the spring excursion failed to / couldntresist the sweet words

24、 of the dealers/ vendors.3. Only by involving high school students in volunteer activities in the community can their sense of responsibility to serve the people be enhanced / strengthened / improved effectively4. While the convenience brought by car popularity cant be denied, the problems such aswaste of energy , air pollution and traffic jams ,set people thinking/ are thought-provoking.While there is no denying that the fact the popularity of private cars brings convenience, waste of energy, air pollution and traffic jams set people thinking / are thought-provoking.


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