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1、精品文档一、单一物品或景色图1、 有开头: Whooo - Look at this picture! It s good/ cool/nice, yeah? Let me show you!2、有介绍:there be 来介绍物品或场景,用It is / 或they are 来描述物 品或场景。用进行时等来描述物品或场景的行为动作。3、有拓展或升华:结合自身的体验对物品或场景表达喜好等观点。用I likeI don t like .4、 有互动: 用 do you think so? Do you like.?等语言互动。5、有结束语: 一般用以上互动性语言或干脆的thank you ver

2、y much 等结束 演讲。二、有故事类场景图1、场景的时间。2、场景的天气。3、场景是在哪里?三、有故事类角色图1、图片中有什么?(人还是物)2、他们的特征是怎样?(数量,高矮,胖瘦,颜色、形状、大小,穿着或位置等)3、他们在干什么?(行为或动作)可以拓展想象一下动作或行 为的影响或结果,累了、渴了、饿了、感觉好或者坏。四、适度拓展最好能联系实际说说自己的喜好、感受、或者介绍自己的某次经历。拓展可以为演讲加分。比如说到运动时,可以分享一次自己喜欢的运动,或者一次经历。五、重难点突破演讲中最忌讳的是明显的语法错误,注意如下1、There be 结构中 there is /there are 混

3、用。2、名词单复数混淆。3、主语和谓语保持一致。4、 运用正确的方位介词, in on at under in front of behind next to等5、时态运用:描述图片用一般现在时或现在进行时。拓展句子用过去式或将来时。评委以选手描述内容为主,进行即兴提问, 此外还要进行相关话题延伸提问。主要采分点:1 .选手对图片内容的正确理解与分析;2 .选手的想象力及对图片的合理加工水平;3 .选手表达的条理性和逻辑性及流畅性;4 .选手的词汇与基本语法水平:5 .给定词汇的使用情况;6 .选手的仪表,台风等。在进行看图说话时,要注意以下几点:1 .总体描述整个图片,看到了些什么。2 .描

4、述物品时,可以从它的形状、大小、颜 色、数量等方面进行描述。3 .描述人物时,可以从他们的着装、长相、 表情、正在从事的活动等方面进行描述。4 .结束时要有对于图片的总结性的语言,如 The picture is very beautiful. I like this给定词汇:lunch, fish, rice, drink, hungryucksrunningSee three re block. 1给定词汇:happy,The children arepark. Look! One girl and are running arass. canswimming.The children a

5、re happy.can see three yellowI can see two people in this picturet They are Peter and his mother. They are having lunch. There are many food on the table. There is fish, rice, chicken and some vegetables. They are very delicious. Peter and his mother are hungry. Peter is drinking some hot water.给定词汇

6、: book, listen, animals, girl,happyIn this picture, we can See a girL She is reading a book. There are some animals, too. They are little cat, little rabbit, little fox, little dog, little rat and little birds. They are listening to the story. They are very happy.给定词汇: monkey, pig, river, rabbit, pl

7、ayLittle pig and little monkey are playing. Little rabbit is coming. She wants to play with them. But there is a river* Little monkey is very clever. He put a wood above the river. Little rabbit can come across the river. They play together and they are very happy.This is a park. I can see many trees. Thepark children trees birds boattrees are green.There is a boat on the lake. There are birds in the sky.The children are in the park. They are happy.7欢迎下载欢迎您的下载,资料仅供套考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议, 策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求


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