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1、精品文档新译林英语7B Unit4Finding your way讲义及练习教学内容1. Follow me, Eddie. I know the way.埃迪,跟我来,我认识路。follow sb. 跟随某人For example:不要跟着他上山。Dont him up the hill.冬去春来.Spring winter.2. Sunshine Zoo is north of Sunshine Middle School.英语中的方位名词有 :东east 西west 南south 北north东南 东北西南 西北在方位名词后加ern,构成方位名词的形容词形式。即:东部的 西部的南部的 北

2、部的【指点迷津】A在B东 应如何表达A 地包括在 B地的范围内。 A is in the east of B .(2) A 地和 B 地相连 A is on the east of B .(3)A 地不包括在 B地的范围内。 A is to the east of B .山东在中国的东部。Shandong is the east of China.日本在中国的东面。Japan is the east of China.3. Are you sure, Hobo ?你肯定吗,霍波?be sure 确信,有把握(1) be sure to do sth.表示说话人推测 .定,必然会“。天肯定会下雨

3、。It rain.(2) be sure of sth. 感到 有把握,确信”。可确信他会成功。He his success .(3) be sure + that 从句,确信 我确信我能比你跑得快。I m I can run faster than you .4. Dont be afraid. Come with me. 不要怕,跟我来。 be afraid 害怕(1) be afraid of (doing) sth.害怕(做)某事,表示 怕担心”这个小孩怕狗。The little boy the dog .(2) be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事,着重指因害怕而不敢做

4、某事”。夜间他不敢独自夕卜出。He go out alone at night .(3) be afraid ( that )从句表示 用出不好的消息或带有歉意的回绝:。疝欷,我恐怕帮不 j你。I I can 、help you.5. Show your friends how to get to your home.疑问词 where , what , how , which等可以和动词不定式(to do )连用,构成不定式短语,可在句中作宾语。我不知道要去哪里。I don t know.你能告诉我怎样使用电脑吗?Can you tell me the computer?6. Go stra

5、ight on, and you ll find the panda House.=If you go straight on, you will find the Panda House.(1)此句型:祈使句+ and + 陈述句可以与if引导的条件状语从句互相转换,但条件状语从句通常用否定句 副词,径直地,常与come, go, walk 等连用练习:直走,直至U来至U一家商店为止。Go straight on until you come to a shop.形容词,直的练习:直发7 .They like to eat bamboo and lie down all day long.a

6、ll day long 整天 all month long 整月 all year long 整年练习:整天勤奋工作8 .Walk along the road.along 沿着,顺着”,常用于表示沿着马路、街道、河边等, 有时可与down, up换用My father has a habit of joggingthe Jinchuan River for an hour in the morning.A. between B. along C. over D. through8. Remember that they re dangerous. remember to do sth.rem

7、ember doing sth.练习适当形式填空-Remember (come) to my daughters dance show next Friday.Of course I will. Ill never forget(see) her dance for the first time last year.(2) dangerous danger dangerouselySafe safety safely9 .They are quite tall. quite10 .Cross the bridge, and you ll see the elephant.Cross穿过,横穿,

8、常用于过路、河、桥、街等You cant the road now, because the traffic lights are red.A. keep B. across C. through D. crossa, an 和the有哪些用法?(1)不定冠词a, ana用于辅音前;an用于元音前如: hour, honest 前要用 anUseful, usual 前要用 a(2)定冠词the的用法特指双方都明白的人或物Take the medicine.上文提到过的人或物He wants to buy a house. And the house is big.指世上独一无二的事物the

9、sun; the moon; the Earth与形容词连用,表示一类人the rich; the poor用在序数词和形容词最高级等前面on the first floor用在某些由普通名词构成的国家名称、机关团体、阶级等专用名词前the People s Republic of China; the United States用在表示乐器的名词前面She plays the piano.用在姓氏的复数名词前,表示一家人the Greens用在习惯用语中in the day; in the morning知识点:(1)past (prep.) 经过eg :开车经过那个公园drive past

10、 the park/七点半 half past seven(adj.) 过去的eg: 过去几天来for the past few days(n) 过去eg: 在过去 in the pastpass (v.) 经过,通过,传递eg:把书递给我通过那次考试passed (p.p.)2) toward(s) (prep.) 朝去-ward(s) 是词点缀,用在前后左右上下”等词后,如:backward(s), forward(s), upward(s),3) right (prep.) 在右边(adj.) 正确的(adv.) 恰好,正是,确是4) across (prep.)through (pre

11、p.)cross (v.)crossing (n.)eg. The bus goes straight Huilong.On my way home , I saw a police go(passed/past) If you want to buy the best, you are here in the place.1.would like to + v. 原形 表示 请你好吗?eg. Would you like?( 帮我一个忙)请你再说一遍行吗? ?2.It s easy to + v. 原形如:It s easy to.(解答这个题 目 )Summarycross the bri

12、dge/road go /walk across turn left / right walk past walk along/down walk straight on .Take the second turning on the left = turn left at the second turning Would you like to ? 2.填空1. Take the second t on the right.2. Turn left and walk along a small p next to the river.3. There is a big football f

13、on the other side of the road.4. The girl is walking t the sea.5. C the road at the traffic lights.6. Walk p the police station and youll see the hospital.7. Walk s on and youll find it at the end of the road.8. There is a lovely w house on your left.1. The supermarket is to the( 西北)of the school.2.

14、 Take the third t( 十字路口 ) on the right, then go straight on.3. Thank you for( 邀请)me to your birthday party.4. All the windows face( 向)the sea.5. ( 仿效)your teacher, and you will learn the new words well.6. Pandas like to eat( 竹子)and lie down all day long.21教育名师原创作品7. Do you know giraffes have long( 脖

15、子)?8. The( 财宝)is under the ground in front of the first tree on the right. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1 . (their) school is near(we).2 . This is book. That one is,too. (I)3 . Miss Gao is teacher. She teaches English. (they)4 . name is Eddie. We call Eddie. (it)5 . They are not(he) CDs. They are(she).6 . 8th March

16、 is(woman) Day.7 . Are these two rooms(Li Ping and Tom)?8 . Our classroom is bigger than(you). 单项选择()1. do you want to buy?A . What else B . Else what C . Something else D . Else something()2. 一 Wh6s young man with long hair?-Hes a friend of mine .A . a B . the C . an D . his()3. Their house is as b

17、ig asA. ours B . us C . we D . our()4. There is and s in the word use”.2 1 cnj yA. a; aB. an; anC. a; anD. an; a()5.Every day, Cathy eats apple to keep fit.A. aB. anC. theD. /()6. I dont like the colour of the T-shirt. Would you please show me one?A. otherB. the otherC. anotherD. Others()7. Tom,Jack

18、,to school by bus every morning.A. likes; goB. likes; goesC. like; goes()8. I don t know when Sunshine Town. Can you tell me?A. to get toB. can I get toC. can get to()9.woman over there is popular teacher in our school.D. like; go【来源:21cnj*y.co*m D. get toomA. A; an B. The; a C. The; the D. A; the()

19、10. Lianyungang is the east of China and China is the west of Japan.A. in; on B. to; in C. in; to D. to; on()11. We would like you and we look forward you.学科王来源:学科王http:/A. to come, to see B. come, to seeing C. come, to see D. to come, to seeing ()12. Jack often tells us jokes to make us.A. laughs B

20、. to laugh C. laugh D. laughing()13. There is time. We neednt hurry.A. plenty of B. few C. a lot D. a few()14.Is here?一No. Jim is absent ( 缺席).A. everybody B. somebody C. anybody D. nobody学科王()15. Please remember the book to Mike.A. give B. giving C. gives D. to give() 学王 16. My mother is preparing

21、dinner us now.A 王.of B. about C. to D. for()17.in the classroom, Jim. Sorry, Mr. Wu.A. Eat not B. Dont eat C. Never eats D. Doesnt eat()18. Tom often helps old people go the road.A. cross B. along C. above D. across Walk along this road and turn left. A. how do I get to the People C. is there a hosp

22、ital near there按要求改写句子1. Lake Park is east of Beijing Zoo.(Beijing Zoos parkB. which is the way to the post officeD. where is the bank改为同义句) Lake Park.2. I sit behind him.( He改为同义句)me.()19.Excuse me,?5欢在下载3. We will get to Sunshine Zoo by bus. ( 对划线部分提问)youSunshine Zoo?4. The trip to the zoo is wond

23、erfu( 对划线部分提问) the trip to the zoo?5. We will play some games in the park.(对划线部分提问)对划线部分提问)you in the park?6. To the north of the Panda House, we will find the lions.( you the lions?7. She looks like her mother.( 改为否定句)She like her mother.8. I think you are right.(改为否定句)I you right.翻译句子1 .这张地图指明了到火车

24、站的路线。(the way to)2 .我每天都走过一座老房子。学科王 (past)3 .他整天玩电脑游戏。(all day long)4 .我怎样到达那家超市呢?(get to)补全对话(卞据首字母和上下文提示写出单词,使对话完整)(Susan is inviting John to go to the Palace Museum. Here is their conversation.)Susan: Some of my classmates and the exchange students will go to the Palace Museum tomorrow.Will you 1

25、. j us?John: That 2. s great. When shall we meet?Susan: We ll meet at 8 a.m. tomorrow.John: Where shall we meet?Susan: Well meet at No. 2 Bus Stop, and well 3. t the bus to the Space Museum. 21*cnjy*com John: I see, but I dont know how to get to No. 2 Bus Stop.Susan: It s 4. e to walk from your buil

26、ding to No. 2 Bus Stop. Just turn left at your building.Then 6. c the road. Walk towardsll see No. 2 Bus Stop on your【来源:21世纪教育网】Walk 5. s on and youll see the traffic lights.the park and take the first 7. t on the right. Youright.John: By the way, do you think it will 8. r tomorrow?Susan: No, I don

27、t think so. You neednt take an umbrella 9. w you.John: That s great. I dont want to 10. c it all day. See you tomorrow.Susan: See you.Whenyou walk to a bus stop or come back from an underground station: 1 on the sidewalk(人 行道).You should 2 the street at a zebra crossing or a street corner, and then

28、wait for the3 to turn( 变成)green.21 教育网It is 4 to look carefully to the left, right and left again before you cross the street. Dont try to walk _5_ _ any area when cars or buses don t stop. If you must do so , stop and look carefully 6 walking between cars and buses. Dont run across the street becau

29、se the cars and the buses are very 7 . They may hurt(伤害)you. If you see a car, wait until it 8 by. Then look left, right and left again untilno car is coming. Wear clothes in bright colours. It is easy for 9 in buses or cars to see you during the daytime. 21 cn jy comWalking is a kind of great 10 yo

30、u can do almost anywhere. Also, it s free. However, alwaysremember keeping safe(女全)is important!2-1-c-n-j-y()1. A. GoB. DriveC. StepD. Walk【出处:21教育名师】()2. A. go alongB. walk acrossC. run down D. jump up【版权所有:21 教育】()3. A. carsB. 1ampsC. 1ightsD. 1eaves()4. A. importantB. differentC. surprisedD. diff

31、icult21世纪*教育网()5. A. withB. throughC. alongD. from()6. A. afterB. soC. ifD. when()7. A. quicklyB. fastC. busyD. much()8. A. drivesB. fliesC. goesD. walks()9. A. workersB. teachersC. policemenD.driverswww.21-cn-()10. A. sportB. gameC. jobD. exercise书面表达Andy想在周末举办一个聚会,他想请外教 头和结尾不计入总词数)。要点:Mr. Green也参加

32、。请你替他写一封邀请信,60词左右(开1 .时间:周六晚6点一一8点;2 .地点:Andy家;3 .被邀请者:Andy的老师和同学;4 .路线:从学校门口坐 3路公交车到Beijing Road 下车,然后向前走大约 1分钟,右拐进迎春街;5 . Andy将于周六晚5点40分在迎春街的城一幢大楼前等Mr. Green 。Dear Mr. GreenI 学科王 will have a 学科王 party this Saturday evening. I hope you will come to my party if you have time.精品文档All my family look forward to seeing you at the party.学科王Lots of loveAndy6欢迎下载 。


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