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1、爱的英文怎么写爱无限是仙剑奇侠传第一步李逍遥对阵拜月教主时所使用的绝招,爱的英语单词无时不刻不围绕在我们的身边。下面是给大家整理的爱的英文是什么,供大家参阅!爱的英文是什么英lv美 lvlove爱的英语例句 1. I will return, find you, love you, marry you and live without shame.我会回去,找到你,爱你,娶你,活的光明正大。赎罪2. He vowed to wreak vengeance on his unfaithful, thieving wife.他发誓要报复对自己不忠、爱偷东西的妻子。3. He cracked jok

2、es and talked about beer and girls.他爱说笑话,喜欢谈论啤酒和姑娘。4. Sonia, we are reliably informed, loves her family verymuch.我们从可靠的消息来源获知索尼娅非常爱自己的家人。5. The inscription reads: "To Emma, with love from Harry".题赠写着:“献给爱玛,爱你的哈里” 。16. If ever a man needed your love, I need it.如果说真有一个男人需要你的爱,那就是我。7. I have

3、always had an enquiring mind where food is concerned.我在吃的方面一向很爱探究求索。8. They have a tendency to show off, to dramatize almost every situation.他们爱炫耀,几乎对每种情况都添油加醋。9. I still love you even though Id like to wring your neck.虽然我想掐死你,但我还是爱你的。10. He may suddenly take a dislike to foods that hes previously e

4、njoyed.对以前爱吃的食物,他兴许突然就没了胃口。11. Matt is weak and dependent, but you love him all the same.马特软弱无能且依赖性强,但我们照样爱他。12.ThePhilharmoniaplayedthisstaggeringlydifficultmusic superlatively well.爱乐乐团精彩演绎了这首高难度乐曲。13. Ray was very giggly and joking all the time.2蕾特别喜欢咯咯地笑,而且总是爱开玩笑。14. Though he had a temper and c

5、ould be nasty, it neverlasted.虽然他爱发脾气,而且有时还很讨厌,但向来都只是一阵儿。15. She was devoted to him, but she no longer loved himmadly.她一心一意地爱他,但是这份爱不再疯狂。love 的双语例句 1. English has hurt me a thousand times,but I still regard it as my first love.英语伤我千百遍,我待英语如初恋。2. If you love life, life will love you back.热爱生活,生活也会厚爱你

6、。3. I will return, find you, love you, marry you and live without shame.我会回去,找到你,爱你,娶你,活的光明正大。赎罪4. His beautifully illustrated book well attested his love ofthe university.他那本带有精美插图的书见证了他对大学的热爱。5. Dogs love splashing in mud and hippos wallow in it.狗喜欢在泥水洼里扑腾,河马则喜欢在其中打滚撒欢儿。6. It was an incredible dis

7、play of motherly love and forgiveness.3那是慈母般关爱与宽容的了不起的表现。7. Working with Ford closely, I fell in love with the cinema.与福特的密切合作开始令我爱上了电影。8. The inscription reads: "To Emma, with love from Harry".题赠写着:“献给爱玛,爱你的哈里” 。9. Well, Ill take your word for it then, love.唔,那我就信你吧,亲爱的。10. Anyone would t

8、hink you were in love with the girl.谁都会以为你和那个姑娘恋爱了。11. If ever a man needed your love, I need it.如果说真有一个男人需要你的爱,那就是我。12. I think he enjoyed keeping our love a secret.我觉得他喜欢和我偷偷摸摸地谈恋爱。13. I still love you even though Id like to wring yourneck.虽然我想掐死你,但我还是爱你的。14. Their songs are filled with tales of love gone sour.他们的歌里充斥着变了味的爱情故事。15. Matt is weak and dependent, but you love him all thesame.马特软弱无能且依赖性强,但我们照样爱他。4看过爱的英文是什么的人还5


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